My Maya

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*Inspired By: My Girl by Dylan Scott*


Josh's POV

"In the passenger seat, windows down, dancing around causing a scene"

"Oh my god turn it up" Maya begs as she reaches for the dial on the stereo making me laugh as I swat her hand away.

"Hey. My radio" I tease making her smile as I crank the stereo for her. An adorable laugh falls from her lips as she starts singing right along to the song, her voice horribly off key.

She rolls down her window and waves her hand out the window, moving it in rhythm with the song as her feet and head move around inside the car. We pull up to a red light and an older couple looks at my girlfriend like she's insane. I just smile and wave at them. I was proud to call this crazy, dancing weirdo my girlfriend.

"Sing along with me" Maya begs as she hits my arm playfully.

"I think you're singing loud enough for the both of us babe" I smile as I lean over to kiss her before hitting the gas as the light turns green.

"Sippin' crown and sprite, in a ball cap turned back"

"Here you go baby" I smile as I hand Maya a red solo cup which she accepts gratefully as I fall onto the bench beside her.

"Who wants marshmallows?" Riley exclaims as she grabs the bag off the picnic table. The bonfire roaring around us was perfect for S'mores.

"S'mores and liquor" I laugh. "How college of us" I add as I sip my drink and let my hand snake around my girlfriend's waist.

"I'll get the chocolate from the cooler" I volunteer as I hop up, handing my cup to Maya. "Hold this baby" I say as she smiles.

"Kay. But I want something" she smirks as she reaches up to grab the ballcap from my head and placing it on hers, backwards making her look so fucking cute I can't control the smile pulling at my lips.

I reach down to peck her lips before rushing to the cooler to retrieve the chocolate before handing it to Lucas while Smackle hands out the skewers for us to use to roast our marshmallows.

"Your drink" Maya smiles as she hands me back my cup.

"Thanks gorgeous" I reply as I take it from her hand. I place it on the ground beside me so I can use my extra arm to wrap around her.

"Want your hat back?" she asks as her body leans into mine.

"Nope. You look too kissable in it" I reply making her cheeks flush pink as she leans in to kiss me. "See?" I tease making her smile as snuggles against me.

"Love you."

"Love you too" I reply as we move to hold our marshmallows over the fire.

"Making every guy wishing you were with him"

"Those guys are staring at you" I whisper to Maya as she pieces together her S'more at the picnic table. She looks up at the group partying a ways down from us and laughs.

"Like I'd ever leave you" she smiles as she sits beside me on the bench, facing the fire so we can watch our friends drunkenly try to toast their own marshmallows but it seemed they were a little too toasted themselves.

"Tonight was perfect" I smile as I wrap my arm around her. "You're perfect."

"And I'm all yours" she replies as she takes a bite of her S'more. The bite leaves behind a bit of chocolate on her lip. I chuckle as I lean forward to wipe it away, letting my finger linger on her lip.

"My Maya" I whisper making her smile as she leans in to kiss me. 

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