Waiting Up

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Maya's POV

Getting through college is expensive and when we told everyone we were moving in together we were met with the same response from everyone, "how will you afford that?" 

We lived on savings for about three months while we looked for jobs that would work around our school schedules but it became apparent that we were going to have to be less picky if we were going to make rent so, we got the first jobs that were offered to us. For me, that was a cashier at the campus bookstore while Josh became a bartender at a bar a few miles down the street from our place. 

I stare out the window while I'm at work on Sunday night and sigh, leaning forward on the counter. It was always slow on Sundays but St. Patrick's Day was even worse. Despite the fact that there were classes tomorrow everyone was out drinking and having fun while I was stuck working. 

"Bored?" Lyle, the store manager asks as he walks up beside me. I nod my head, picking at my poorly manicured nails. 

"We've had one person come in today and they were drunk, asking if we sold kegs here" I inform him and he laughs, nodding his head. 

"That sounds about right. How's the boyfriend hanging on down at the bar?" he asks and I sigh, clicking the home button on my phone causing the screen to light up to showcase the blank nothingness awaiting me. The last time I had heard from Josh was just before he got there and he was stuck in a line for parking. 

"He's alright I guess" I shrug, standing up and straightening out my shirt. "I don't think he'll be home anytime soon tonight though."

"Sucks" Lyle agrees. "Brady is at home waiting for me with beer and a Star Wars marathon" he says cheekily and I smile. They were nauseatingly adorable. 

"You should go then. I can close up the store."

He shakes his head. "I couldn't ask you to do that."

"No, no" I insist. "You have a hot boyfriend waiting for you at home. Go home and have fun. I won't be doing anything else more exciting at home than I am here."

"Are you sure?" he asks, hope seeping into his tone. "Because I can totally stay-."

"Lyle" I cut him off. "Please go" I beg. He smiles, leaning forward and kissing my cheek. 

"You're the best My" he gushes. "See you tomorrow and Happy St. Patrick's Day."


I get home just past ten o'clock, tossing my keys onto the entryway table before walking further into the apartment towards the kitchen. I pull open the fridge and grab the bottle of wine off the top shelf, twisting around to open the cupboard and retrieving a glass before heading to the living room to watch television and wait for Josh. 

I pop the cork on the wine and pour a generous amount into my glass before relaxing onto the sofa and grabbing the remote off the cushion where Josh left it. I decide on the newest episode of Grey's Anatomy  and sit back to sip on my wine.

The episode is alright, a little scattered to hold my complete attention so I quickly find myself escaping into my phone. Pictures of everyone's alcohol infused evening fill every one of my social media feeds and I sigh, wishing that Josh were home with me and that we could be having a quiet night in instead of me being here by myself. 

I place my wine on the table and open Pinterest deciding to spend the rest of my night dreaming of the life I aspire to achieve. 


Josh's POV

My shift ended three hours ago yet here I stand behind the bar, wiping it down for the thousandth time tonight. I was beyond pissed off to still be here despite the fact that I was still on the clock and getting paid for my overtime because the money was nothing compared to spending the evening with Maya....who was surely asleep by now. 

"Weren't you done at twelve?" Sienna asks as she walks over to me, leaning against the bar. I sigh, nodding my head. 

"Erik wouldn't let me leave" I complain, working on a stain that wouldn't disappear. "And after we closed he told me I couldn't leave until the bar was spotless, so" I trail off, abandoning my rag and tugging at my hair. "I'm sleeping here probably."

She shakes her head, grabbing the rag. "Go home. I'm sure that girl of yours is worried. I'll take care of Erik" she smirks and my stomach churns. The last thing I wanted to imagine was Sienna "taking care" of Erik. 

"You sure?"

"Oh my god go" she groans. "It's way past your bedtime" she adds teasingly and I laugh as I grab my tips from the jar and turn to leave. 

The air is chilly but not to bad for March in New York as I step out into the early morning and my car is right outside the door so I'm inside within seconds. I start the engine and pull out of the parking lot, taking my time as I drive home since the last thing I want is a run-in with the police. 

Finally, around quarter to three I pull up to the apartment building and park my car, heading upstairs to get a whopping three hours of sleep before class. 

I push open the apartment door and I expect Maya to be pacing and freaking out like she often does but instead I find the sleepy woman passed out on the couch with a half-drunk glass of wine on the coffee table in front of her. 

I smile, walking over to her and kneeling in front of the couch. "Hey gorgeous" I whisper, pushing her soft blonde curls off her cheek. Her eyes flutter open and a smile appears lazily across her lips. 

"You're home" she hums. "It's late."

"I know" I nod. "I'm sorry. Forgive me?"

"Mhm" she hums, closing her eyes again. "I'm still tired though."

"You don't wanna sleep on the couch though" I protest, standing up. "Come here." I reach down and scoop her up, bridal style, and carry her to our bedroom where I lie her down on the bed. "Much better."

"Thank you" she murmurs, hugging the blankets to her chest.

"No problem, love" I comment, kissing her cheek before standing up and stripping down to my boxers. I needed a shower before I got in bed. I leave the room and take a quick shower, rinsing my hair and cleansing my body from all the spilled alcohol before stepping out and toweling off. 

I replace my boxers with a fresh pair and run my fingers through my hair before walking back into the bedroom and climbing under the covers, grabbing my girlfriend's waist and pulling her against me. "Goodnight sweetheart."

"Goodnight" she yawns. "I love you."

"I love you more than a leprechaun loves gold" I reply making her giggle. She was clearly wide awake at this point. 

"That's a lot" she comments, turning to face me with her blue eyes wide open. "I tried waiting up for you. I wanted to celebrate the holiday."

"By drinking at all hours of the morning before class?" I ask confused, furrowing my eyebrows at the gorgeous blonde but she shakes her head, reaching up to tug at my damp hair. 

"I was thinking something more like honoring the Irish tradition of kissing which usually escalates to something a little more than kissing" she smirks, biting into her bottom lip and I chuckle, pushing her gently onto her back. 

"I think perhaps a little celebrating could be nice" I concede, "but then we gotta get some sleep."

"Of course" she agrees, locking her arms around my neck. "Now kiss me, I'm Irish" she smirks and I laugh as I lean down and press my lips to hers. 

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now