Spiked Punch and Christmas Parties

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Josh's POV

I'm hanging out with Andrew and a pretty red head from my English Lit class at the end of semester Christmas party when I spot her. Her blonde hair is pulled into a high ponytail and she's wearing a black dress that left nothing to the imagination. I sigh as I hand my beer, my only beer I've been drinking all night, to Andrew as I approach the girl. As I get closer I realize she's going off on someone and as I continue to get closer I notice the person is Zay. Maya was pissed.

"Hart what's wrong?" I ask as I walk up next to her.

"He's a jackass that's what" she replies angrily allowing me to smell the alcohol on her breath.

"Maya maybe I should get you home sweetheart" I suggest as I place my hand on her arm. Maya was a sophomore here at NYU and we've become pretty good friends, not once crossing any lines because of her relationship with Zay, though at this point I was beyond head over heels for my niece's best friend.

"Josh I'm not a child" she spits angrily as Zay walks off annoyed.

"No but you are drunk and I don't trust anyone at this party. Where's Riley?"

"Lucas surprised her by coming home early. They locked me out" she says making me sigh as I run my hand through my hair.

"Come on I'll take you back to my place" I insist as I take her hand in mine, ignoring the shockwaves the contact sent through my body. I walk her to the dorms and drag her into my room tucking her into my bed comfortably.

"Josh I'm not sleeping in this" she slurs making me moan in annoyance.

"Of course not" I sigh as I dig in my dresser until I find a large t-shirt. I throw it at her and she immediately starts stripping making me quickly turn around to avoid seeing anything I shouldn't.

"I'm done" she says simply allowing me to turn around finding her throwing up her hair in a messy bun. "Thank you Josh" she adds as she snuggles into my bed. I go off to take a shower still finding her asleep when I get back. I kiss her forehead before making myself a bed on the floor, it may be uncomfortable as hell but it meant Maya was safe and that was all that mattered.


Maya's POV

I wake up in an unfamiliar place with the world's worst headache. I immediately know I drank too much last night and as I look down at my clothing, or lack thereof I know I had my first one night stand.

"Oh my god" I sigh as I drop my head into my hands. I look around for clues as to whose bed I was in but I'm too slow as my answer walks through the door making my heart stop.

"Josh?" I ask confused looking between him and the Starbucks in his hand.

"How's the head?" he whispers as he sits on his bed next to me handing me the cup of coffee that was meant for me.

"Hurts" I mutter quietly averting my eyes down to his bed. "Josh what I am doing here?" I ask quietly. "Did we?" I ask as I chance a look up at his sparkling blue eyes.

"Maya just because I'm not too old for you anymore doesn't mean I'd take advantage of you" he replies. "We didn't do anything."

"Why did you bring me here?" I ask confused as I sip my coffee slowly.

"You were drunk and fighting with Zay. Do you remember why?"

"Because apparently the best Christmas gift he could think to get me was him transferring to UT" I answer sadly. "As for getting wasted, someone spiked the punch. That was a total accident."

"Whatever you say Hart" he laughs making me roll my eyes playfully.

"When are you going home?" I ask curiously as I observe a few packed bags littered around the small dorm.

"Today actually. Back to Philly" he sighs.

"Amy and Alan will be glad to see you" I say positively.

"Yea it'll be great. Josh how's school? What about dating? Has that girl you like dumped the idiot who's moving back to Texas?" Josh rambles making my heart stop.

"You like me" I reply simply as he finally shuts up. "Joshua Matthews you shouldn't be drinking this early" I tease making him laugh as he shakes his head.

"I'm not drinking" he assures me. "But I'm also not going to move in on another guy's girl. That's not my thing."

"Josh we broke up" I whisper as his eyes go wide. "It's not like it would've worked out anyway" I laugh lightly. "Not when I'm still waiting for someday" I add as I scoot closer to him.

"I'm not gonna kiss you" he says making me laugh. "You just broke up with Zay a few hours ago."

"I respect that" I nod smiling. "But maybe we could go on a date, for real Josh. See if the spark we had when we were younger is still there" I suggest. "No kissing" I add making him chuckle.

"Maya what are you doing for Christmas?" he asks making me shrug.

"Don't know. Probably watching movies and drinking hot chocolate with my mom and Shawn."

"Why don't the three of you come with me to Philly? Shawn is basically my dad's fourth son and Cory is bringing Topanga, Riley, and Auggie this year. You could meet my sister Morgan" he adds excitedly.

"Josh this sounds very girlfriend and boyfriendish."

"Good because that's what I plan on you being by the end of this trip" he adds making me smile.

"Riles will be there?" I ask making him roll his eyes playfully.

"Yes Maya she'll be there" he assures me. "You two are still attached at the hip huh?"

"Um is that even a question?" I reply making him laugh.

"Guess not" he says as he stands up. "Come on let me take you home before Shawn and Katy think something happened to you."

"Okay" I sigh as I stand up. "But um Josh why am I in your t-shirt?"

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