The Girl on the Float

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Happy Thanksgiving 🦃


Josh's POV

"Woah" Auggie says dazedly as he looks up at all the balloons hovering in the air. A smile tugs at my lips as I watch my nephew in awe.

"Pretty cool huh kid?" I smile as I look down at him. Of course the second I look down I run right into someone. My gaze quickly flicks up to meet the person I ran into.

"I'm so sorry. I should really watch where I'm going" I ramble as I stare at the gorgeous blonde in front of me. She smiles, brushing her hair back as she looks at me.

"It's okay. There are a quite a few people here that make walking difficult so I think I can forgive you" she chuckles making a smile pull at my lips.

"Thanks. Are you uh, here with family?"

"Um yea but it's a bit more complicated than that."

"Complicated huh? Sounds intriguing."

"That's me. A huge mystery" she chuckles as she glances around. "I have to go. I'm already so late."

"Oh. Sorry. Just tell your family it's all some idiot's fault."

"Okay" she laughs, "what's the idiot's name?"


"Maya" she introduces sweetly. "See you around?"

"For sure" I nod. She gives me one last smile before turning on her heels and rushing off in the opposite direction I was heading.

"Who was that?" Auggie asks as he looks up at me and then back to the girl who was quickly disappearing into the distance.

"I have no idea."


"You ran into some girl?" Riley questions. "And her name was Maya! How could you be so stupid as to not ask her for a last name!"

"I don't know" I shrug. "I was a littke distracted by her hotness to ask for her full legal name. Did you also want me to get her social security number?"


"I'm just saying. Do you know how unlikely it is that the girl I met is the Maya Hart?"

"Do you know how many gorgeous blonde girls there are named Maya at this parade?" she shoots back.

Suddenly the melody to Christmas the Whole Year Round start to play and I turn around to see the same girl I had run into in the crowd standing atop the float. She flashes the crowd a bright smile and waves before starting the lyrics.

"Is that her?" Riley asks as she looks up at me curiously.

"That's her" I confirm. That was her. Maya Penelope Hart. Biggest popstar in the world.


"Maya" I shout as I watch her climb off the float. I had followed the route all the way to the end just for a chance to talk to her.

I watch her security guard step in front of her but she shakes her head and moves towards me. "So I guess you know who I am."

"My niece is obsessed with you" I chuckle. "I really did have no idea earlier. Nonetheless you were incredible."

"You're sweet."

"And single" I reply making her laugh as she bites the inside of her lip.

"Me too. Despite what the tabloids might be saying."

"Lucky for you, I obviously don't read those" I reply making her chuckle.

"So it seems. You busy today?"

"Well it is Thanksgiving" I reply making her laugh as she shakes her head.

"Obviously. What about tomorrow? You from here?"

"Philly but I go to NYU."

"Small world. Me too. Maybe we could hang out sometime."

"You go to NYU?" I ask skeptically making her laugh as she nods.

"Online but yes" she smiles. "So uh. Maybe coffee after break?"

"Sounds perfect. Should I uh DM you or some-."

"Gimmie" she insists as she holds out her hand for my phone. I hand it over and three seconds later she's handing it back to me with her number programmed inside.

"This better be real" I tease making her chuckle as she nods her head.

"Promise it is" she assures me. "Just promise me you'll use it."

"Promise" I reply as I stare down that the number before looking back up at her. "I'll see you around Maya Hart."

"Bye Josh" she smiles before we part ways and I head back to my family.

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