Follow Your Dreams

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Maya's POV

I take a deep breath, gazing at my reflection in the mirror, smoothing out the wrinkles in my dark blue dress that I was wearing today. The dress has a sweetheart neckline and falls tastfully to my mid thighs, paired with a pair of black ballet flats. I actually feel gorgeous.

"You almost ready to go? The Matthews are going to be here any minute to pick you up" my dad says, peeking his head around my door.

"Ready" I smile, grabbing my black clutch and heading to the living room as the front door opens revealing my best friend.

"Peaches" she grins, "your chariot awaits" she adds playfully making me chuckle.

"My chariot?" I laugh, "honey it's a mini van" I remind her.

"Semantics" she waves off. "See you later Uncle Shawn" she calls over her shoulder while the two of us make our way down to the van. When I climb in Topanga and Cory are in the front seat and Auggie is in the very back of the van playing on his phone.

"Hi Maya" Topanga smiles. "You excited?" she asks. I shrug trying to play off how genuinely excited I was and how proud I was.

Today was Josh's college graduation. He had only gone for his associates in buisness, hoping to help him run his father's store and bring it to the next level. It was his dream and I was beyond proud of him.

When we arrive at NYU I can't fight the smile pulling at my lips. Not only was I watching the boy of my dreams graduate today but starting in the fall this would be my school. I couldn't wait.

We make our way to the auditorium and find Amy, Alan, Morgan, Eric, and Eric's wife Samantha sitting in the third row. They wave us over and we make our way through the crowd of people before settling into the seats they had saved for us. I look around, hoping to catch a glimpse of Josh but much to my dismay I don't. I sigh, resting my hands in my lap and try not to fidget too much. My phone vibrates from within my clutch earning me more than a few annoyed glances but I ignore them and pull out my phone.

BOING: R u here?

I look around thinking maybe he can see me but as I gaze around the crowded room there's still no sight of him.

MAYA: Uh huh

BOING: Hallway 😛

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, checking the clock on my phone. We still had twenty minutes until graduation. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I lie as I stand up.

"Want me to come with you?" Riley asks, already getting out of her seat but I put my hands out to stop her, holding her in place.

"No, no" I insist with a smile, "I'll be right back" I promise her before dashing out of the room and out into the hallway. I scour the space and when I finally spot him my heart stops.

He's clad in his grad attire, complete with the goofy cap but he somehow pulls it off flawlessly. He's laughing, throwing his head back in amusement at something Andrew has said. I smile, making my way over to him. "Hey" I squeak out making his gaze fall onto me, a grin taking over his face.

"Gorgeous" he exclaims, closing the distance between us and pulling me into his arms.

"Hi" I laugh as I hug him back, "you excited to see me or something?" I ask playfully.

"Very" he gushes. "You really do look gorgeous Maya. Holy shit" he compliments as his eyes run over my body. "You here with my crazy family?"

"Who else?" I chuckle.

"Do you maybe wanna escape the crazy and go get a burger or something after this?" he asks bluntly making my eyes widen in surprise.

"Don't you think they'll want to take you out?"

He shrugs, "I'd rather hang out with you" he smiles as the dean announces it's time for them to fall in line. "Enjoy the show" he says sweetly, leaning in to kiss my cheek. "Just think about it" he whispers in my ear before pulling back.

I blush, heading back into the auditorium and finding my seat. "What took you so long?" Riley asks. I shrug, glad that the ceremony is starting.

It takes forever, the speakers going on and on about god knows what but one catches my attention. "And now, our valedictorian, Joshua Matthews." My mouth falls open as I watch my crush walk towards the podium, clearing his throat as he prepares his speech.

"My brothers have always messed with me because when I was born my parents hoped I'd be normal. But what is normal? I'm twenty years old and I still couldn't give you a definition of the word. I'm standing in front of all of you giving a speech because I had the highest cumulative GPA of my class. That's considered normal. I'm hoping to take over my dad's shop someday, some may say that's normal, others may think I'm wasting my potential on such a small dream. What I've learned in my two years here is that no dream is too small or too silly. If it's your dream, no matter what it is, go for it because it's normal to want to go after your dreams. So never let anyone tell you that you're throwing away your life or that you may be dreaming too big. If your dream is to be a vet, do it. If you want to run a supermarket, go for it. Or if you're like me and you want to inherit the family buisness and marry the girl you fell in love with when you were seventeen, then dream with all your heart and maybe, just maybe your dreams will come true" he finishes.

I don't even notice that there are tears running down my face until he's done talking and I feel them dripping off my face. "Holy cow" Riley says beside me but I stay quiet, stunned into silence for the rest of the ceremony.

After the ceremony is over we all congregate in the courtyard but I gravitate away from the Matthews and lean against a tree, trying to calm my nerves. He could only mean me, unless he had multiple somedays going.

"You okay?" Josh asks, appearing seemingly out of nowhere.

"Your speech was amazing" I gush, a smile pulling at my lips as he sheepishly turns his head to the ground.

"I meant it" he admits softly, slowly bringing his eyes up to mine.

I stare at him wide eyed, my heart pounding in my chest at his words. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know" he admits with a chuckle, "I guess I was just scared" he shrugs.

"Scared? Josh I love you too you dork" I laugh making his eyes shimmer with excitement and joy.


"Um yea" I reply as if this should've been obvious. "I'm kinda crazy about you if you hadn't noticed."

He smiles, closing the distance between us and pressing his lips to mine in a soft kiss that sends my head spinning and lets about a million butterflies free in my stomach. When we pull back we rest our foreheads together, breathing the same air.

"So about lunch?" he asks making me giggle.

"What about your family?"

"We could sneak out before they see us" he suggests.

"Sorry bro, gonna have to be faster than that" Eric says, coming up behind him. "Lunch is on mom and dad, let's go."

Josh sighs, nodding in agreement before looking over at me. "Sit next to me?" he asks making my heart flutter as I nod.

"I'd love to" I smile, slipping my hand into his and following him off campus with his family leading the way.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now