The Princess and The Artist

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*Time Stamp: 1700s*


Maya's POV

"Princess, Mister Matthews is here to see you" my lady in waiting Missy explains as she waltzes into my chambers.

"Young Mister Matthews?" I ask curiously as I look up from my letter I was writing to my dear friend Riley who was away on her honeymoon with Lord Lucas. It was odd to think of my best friend as a lady but I was a princess so I guess anything was possible.

"Yes Miss. Joshua" she confirms as a blush falls onto my cheeks. "Should I let him up?" she asks though she knows very well that he's not allowed in my chambers unsupervised.

"Please" I reply with a tight smile as I stand up and straighten out my dress as Joshua walks in.

"Princess" he says politely before the door clicks shut. The sound of footsteps leading away tell us we're alone and the polite facade crumbles.

"Josh" I exclaim excitedly as I throw my arms around him.

"Gorgeous" he replies sweetly as we pull apart and stare into one another's eyes. "How are you?" he asks politely.

"Better now" I reply as I link my hand with his. "Have you thought more on my proposal?" I ask hopefully.

"It's all I've thought of Maya but you do know what will be said if something such as which got released."


"Maya" he taunts, his youthfulness radiating off of him as he teases me. I was nearly eighteen and was expected to wed by year's end while Josh was twenty. The age gap was surmountable but what wasn't was our class difference. Josh was considered a peasant, an artist. He was supposedly beneath me while in my heart he was everything to me.

"Damn the consequences" I exclaim, throwing my hands up. "Joshua you are the artist and you are hired to do every portrait my family requests of you. I am making a request." I have him and I know it. He can't turn me down.

"Get ready, I'll get my sketchpad" he sighs, running his fingers through his flowing brown locks. I blush and head to my amoire. I open it and hide behind it while taking a deep breath. I unlace my dress with effort before feeling the fabric slide off my body. I undo my corset and let it too hit the floor. I grab a robe and slip it on before walking back over where Josh is sitting.

"You okay?" I tease, taking in his fidgety movements and the light blush on his cheeks.

"Sit" he instructs, pointing to the chair in front of him.

"You don't have to be nervous Josh" I smile as I take my seat across from, crossing my long legs.

"I'm not."

"Mhm" I smile as I relax against the back of the chair.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Very" I nod, pulling my robe from my shoulders and letting it pool onto the chair around me. "You?"

"Sit sideways" he instructs, ever the professional despite the blush darkening on his cheeks. I do as instructed. "One hand on the chair, the other on your leg" he adds, his voice cracking slightly making me giggle. "Stop laughing" he blushes.

"Sorry" I smile, bringing my lip into my mouth.

"Infuriating woman" he laughs.

"Your woman" I smile softly causing his eyes to widen.

"What?" he asks in disbelief.

"What?" I mock with delight as I stand and move over to him, grabbing his hand and pulling him up to me.


"I love you" I confess softly.

"You can't" he protests. "You'll be ruined."

"Damn the consequences" I whisper before reaching up and kissing him. He's hesitant and I know he's nervous but I also know he loves me too. His lips finally catch up to mine and we fall into a passionate kiss that leaves us falling back onto my bed.

"We have to stop" he says as we land, my body beneath his.

"No" I protest.

"You must be pure to be married" he insists.

"Marry me then" I say softly, reaching up to caress his cheek. "You are the only man I wish to share my life with."

"I'm mearly a peasant, what could I offer you?" he asks softly.

"Love" I smile as I reach up to kiss him again letting the kiss linger. "Marry me Joshua." I request making a smile pull at his lips.

"Okay" he gives, "though I still owe you a picture."

"Okay" I smile as I push him up and go to have my picture drawn.


A week has passed since my secret engagement to Josh. I'm in my chambers singing while fixing my baby brother's blanket. "Princess your parents wish to speak with you" Missy informs me.

"Thank you, I'll away at once" I smile as I stand and wander down to the throne room. When I walk in Josh is standing there with his hat in his hand and looking at the ground. "What's happening?" I ask worriedly.

"Mister Matthews is being banished" my father explains causing my heart to shatter.

"What? Why?" I ask quickly as I hurry over to him. "Josh what's going on?"

"Miss I think it's best we go our separate ways" he whispers. I look up at my parents who are stone faced.

"What's happening?"

"Guards" my father orders angrily.

"No" I shout, grabbing Josh's hand. I see the shock on my parents and Josh's face.

"No?" my mother questions.

"Tell me what is happening."

"Fine" my mother exclaims. "Here" she says, holding out the sketch of me. The one I begged Josh to do. This was my fault. "This is unexceptable Maya" she yells. "This will ruin you. Do you know what the public will think happened with this peasant? You'll never wed."

"We didn-."

"They'll think right" I say seriously making my parents' eyes widen.

"You threw away your innocence on him?" my mother exclaims.

"I gave my innocence to the man I plan to wed. We're already betrothed."

"You'll lose your title" my dad reminds me.

"Damn the title. I don't want a title I want love" I exclaim as I squeeze Josh's hand. "He's my prince whether he receives the title or not."

"Maya" Josh whispers.

"Let's go" I smile as I tug his hand and start to lead him out of the throne room but he pulls and stops us.

"I'm not worth this."

"No. You're worth much more."

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now