Being Social

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Someday? Someday. 

Happy one year of someday 💗


Maya's POV

"It'll be fun" Riley insists as she finishes her makeup at the vanity in the dorm that we shared at NYU. "It's one night Maya. Come on" she begs.

"Just go and have a good time" I reply, waving her off. "You'll just hang on Lucas the whole evening anyway and I'll be bored out of my mind."

"I can't have fun if you're here alone" she replies in frustration as a knock sounds on the door.

"Hey girls" Lucas smiles brightly. "You ready to go honey bunny?" he asks his girlfriend sweetly. The two of them were so cute it was nauseating.

"No because Maya won't come with" she pouts.

"Pancake what's goin' on?"

"I've been third wheeling since Zay left for UT and I'm just sick of it" I exclaim in frustration.

"It's a concert Maya. Just come. It'll be fun. I know you love Dan & Shay." I sigh and run my fingers through my hair.

"If I go will you please let me stay in for the rest of the school year?"

"Fine" Riley throws her hands up in defeat. "Now get dressed. We're gonna be late." I roll my eyes as I climb off the bed and walk over to the closet and pull it open to find something to wear. I settle on a light blue v-neck and white shorts with a pair of cowboy boots.

"How is this?" I ask as I model in front of my friends.

"Hot" Lucas says making Riley nudge him in the side. I chuckle and run my fingers through my hair. "Don't worry baby. She's not my type" Lucas assures Riley. "You both ready to go?"

"As I'll ever be" I sigh as I follow them out the door. The concert isn't far from campus so it doesn't take long for us to get there. When we arrive my friends immediately rush off leaving me by myself. I sigh. This is exactly why I didn't want to come with them. I spot a concession stand and make my way over to it. I get in line and spot my friends making out against the outside wall of the building.

When it's my turn I order a beer. The woman doesn't even card me, handing me my drink. I pass her a couple bucks and turn around to go find my seat but when I do I run right into someone and my beer spills all over them.

"Dammit. Seriously?" the guys groans.

"Oh my god" I gasp. "I am so sorry." I look up and my breath catches in my throat. The guy is gorgeous with shaggy brunette hair and stunning blue eyes.

"Maybe you should watch where you're going" he laughs lightly.

"I spun around too quick. I'm really sorry" I sigh. I knew I should've stayed home.

"Oddly enough it's not the worst thing that's happened to me today" he sighs as he grabs the hem of his shirt and pulls it over his head. My mouth falls open as my eyes linger on his chest. He had ab muscles I didn't know existed and his v lines were making my mind go to very dirty places.

"Oh" I reply questioningly.

"I found out my girlfriend is cheating on me" he explains as he balls up his shirt and tosses it into the trash. I laugh.

"That's washable" I laugh.

"I don't feel like carrying it around" he shrugs. "What brings you here? You a big fan?"

"Kinda but my best friend and her boyfriend dragged me here. They say I need to get out more" I explain.

"Why is that?" he asks curiously.

"I guess I'm not social enough" I shrug making a smirk pull at his lips.

"Really?" he asks as he walks towards me, grabbing my hips. "Gorgeous girl like you" he whispers causing goosebumps to rise on my skin. He leans in to kiss me and immediately deepens it. A moan falls from my lips as I grab his waist and pull him closer. I had never done anything like this but I didn't want to stop. "You opposed to hooking up with a stranger" he asks, his voice husky and sexy as hell.

Usually yes but right now. "No."

"Good" he grabs my hand and pulls me into the bathroom. We get disgusted looks but I don't care. I want him. He pulls open a stall and we stumble inside. He pushes me up against the stall door and unzips my shorts. "You sure about this good girl?"

"Shut up" I snap as I crash my lips back onto his.


It's been a week since the concert. Riley and Lucas are out on yet another date but because of our deal I get to do nothing tonight in peace. That is until I hear a knock on my door. "Just a second" I shout as I stand up and walk over to my door. I pull it open and my breath hitches in my throat.

"Hey" he smirks. Beer guy. Hot bathroom sex guy.

"How did you find me?" I ask as I stare at him in shock.

"I'd seen you around campus before" he smiles. "Can I come in?"

"Yea" I reply as I step out of the way. He walks in while I shut the door. "What's up?"

"I just wanna make something really clear" he says, rubbing his neck. "I was drunk off my ass last week. I'm really not the type to take strangers into bathrooms for sex" he explains.

"Well that makes two of us" I blush, averting my eyes. "I never expected it to be more than what it was." I shrug.

"I didn't either. I just got out of a serious relationship but I can't stop thinking about you" he admits making my gaze flick up to meet his.


"Really" he confirms. "You're sexy as hell and you just seem so different than anyone else I've dated."

"I don't want to be a rebound" I sigh in defeat.

"The sex was the rebound" he laughs lightly. "I got the rebounding out of my system."

"You say that now but-."

"You can say no gorgeous" he reminds me. "But I think we should give this a shot. I even brought you this" he adds as he grabs a beer from the bag he had slung over his shoulder. I giggle as I reach out and grab it.

"A beer?"

"To replace the one you spilled on me" he explains. I gnaw my bottom lip and look up at him.

"You wanna go get something to eat with this?" I ask, raising the beer.

"Absolutely" he replies. I smile and follow him, opening my beer. "Shoot. I forgot my-." He spins around and my beer spills all over him. Again.

"I'm starting to think this is more your fault than mine" I laugh as I place the beer on my desk.

"Or its your ploy to get me shirtless" he smirks as he pulls his shirt over his head.

"Eh" I shrug, "it's nothing I haven't seen before." He rolls his eyes playfully as a smile pulls at his lips.

"You still wanna go get something to eat?"

"Why leave when we can be social here?" I smirk as I grab his belt and pull him against me.

"I like the way you think" he smirks as he crashes his lips onto mine.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now