A Christmas Surprise

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A/N: Merry Christmas 🎄⛄

Maya's POV

"It's the most wonderful time of the year" the radio sings while Josh and I drive to the loft. I sigh, reaching forward to shut off the radio earning me a worried glance from Josh.

"Relax" he insists, taking my hand in his. "Everything is gonna be okay" he assures me.

"You're cute when you lie" I reply making him chuckle while he rubs his thumb over my hand.

"I promise it's not gonna be that bad" he insists as we pull up to the building. I take a deep breath, looking up at the place that filled me with so much happiness and love for so many years and I sigh. "Maya" Josh says softly, catching my attention.

I nod, following him out of the car. He grabs the presents for the family before taking my hand and leading me inside.

We make it to the loft but before we can even knock the door flies open and Topanga stands on the other side with a bright smile glued to her face.

"Merry Christmas" she exclaims excitedly.

"Merry Christmas" Josh replies as we walk inside. He helps me with my jacket before placing his hand on the small of my back and guiding me further inside.

"Baby girl" my mom exclaims as she jumps up and pulls me in for a hug. "How are you? How is school? Oh my gosh I miss you" she gushes.

"School is fine" I reply as we pull apart. School wasn't the problem, well not yet anyway. What I did when I wasn't in class was the problem.

"Sweetheart you look pale. Let's get you some food" she insists as pushes me towards the table. Instantly my stomach churns from the smells and I think I'll be sick.

"She's got a stomach thing" Josh lies, jumping in and pulling me back.

"Oh" my mom replies. "Sorry sweetheart."

"Not your fault" I reply honestly. It was Josh's. We'll both of ours.

"Can we do presents before we eat this year?" Auggie asks hopefully making Cory laugh.

"We don't mess with tradition son" he insists.


"Nope" Cory insists. "We'll do presents after dinner."

My heart drops into my stomach. Presents could wait forever and that would be fine by me.

~ ⛄🎄❄ ~


One year almost done. How does it feel?" my dad asks as we sit together on the floor while Cory and Topanga pass out gifts. I look at Amy and Alan's joint gift from Josh and I sitting between them and I see the matching one between my own parents.

"I don't know" I shrug. "Not much different than high school."

"What?" he chuckles. "Come on Maya. We're so proud of you."

Proud. He wouldn't be in a few minutes.

"Alright" Cory claps. "Everyone pick a gift and open it" he instructs. We get through three rounds of this until the parents reach their present from Josh and I.

I had already gotten a new set of paint brushes, a new mug, and a pajama set. "What is this?" Amy asks.

"It's a surprise" Josh says as he wraps his arm around my waist.

A surprise. That was an understatement. I had already gone to two appointments and heard the heartbeat and I still couldn't believe it. Josh and I were going to be parents. It wasn't ideal in the slightest what with me being eighteen and him being twenty-one but it was our reality and I just hoped our parents weren't going to murder us.

All four share a confused glance before opening the gift. My mom is the first one to read the mug, her jaw dropping open. Alan soon follows, holding up the mug in shock.

Each one of them got a greatest grandma or grandpa mug.

"Oh my god" Amy exclaims, covering her mouth as she looks to us. "You're pregnant?"

I nod nervously. "Wow" Alan sighs, rubbing his neck.

"We obviously were not planning it but" I shrug. "We're having a baby."

"Baby girl" my mom breathes out in shock.

"Are you mad?" I ask worriedly, biting my lip.

"I don't think mad is the right word" Shawn shakes his head. "Disappointed maybe."

"I kinda figured that" I admit as I lean into Josh. "But" I trail off hopefully.

"But we'll be here" Shawn assures us. "Just not all the time. This is your responsibility. You can't lean on us all the time."

"We know Shawn" Josh nods.

"Good" he sighs.

"Well" Riley smiles. "I guess I get to be a godmother" she adds making everyone burst into laughter.

"And a cousin" I remind her with a smirk making her stick her tongue out at me.

I laugh as Josh tightens his grip on me. "I told you it wouldn't be that bad."

"I know you did" I agree. "Thank you for staying. It's the best present you could've given me."

"I'm not going anywhere" he assures me as he kisses the top of my head. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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