I'll Be There

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Maya's POV

This can't be happening. I've already lost one dad, I couldn't lose another. This wasn't happening.

I pace my room trying to make sense of the words that had fallen from my mom's lips just a little while ago. "I think your dad is cheating on me." The words echo in my head as I walk from wall to wall trying to figure out what to do. I glance at my clock that reads 1:03 a.m. surely Riley won't be up but I needed someone to talk to.

I pull out my phone and scroll through the contacts. Lucas was with Zay on spring break in Texas so I couldn't call either of them. I continue to go through the list until I stumble upon a number I didn't even remember that I had.

We had all been forced to put Josh's number in our phones when we were at the ski lodge in case we needed to get a hold of him in an emergency. I couldn't imagine a bigger emergency than this.

MAYA: U up?

I sit down on my bed and throw my phone down next to me as tears start falling down my face. I wish my dad would just come home and tell my mom she's crazy and we could all move on with our happy lives.

JOSH: Maya? I'm up....did you mean to text me or did you click the wrong Matthews?

I laugh to myself, wiping my tears as I start to text back.

MAYA: Riles is asleep. I just need someone to talk to. If you're busy it's okay.

JOSH: Not busy. What's wrong?

MAYA: Can I call u?

I send the text and not five seconds later my phone rings, his name lighting up my phone. I take a deep breath and answer it. "Hey."

"What's wrong?" he asks worriedly as I clutch the phone in my hand.

"My mom told me that she thinks my dad is cheating on her" I confess quickly earning complete silence from the other end of the phone. "Josh?"

"Still here sorry" he says as if snapping back to reality. "Why would he do that? Shawn loves your mom."

"He isn't home. He's come home late almost every day for a month Josh. It's weird."

"I highly doubt that he's cheating Maya" he replies. "There has to be some explanation."

"I hope so but what if there's not?" I ask sadly as I flop down onto my bed. "I lost one dad, I can't lose another."

"Are you home?" he asks suddenly taking me by surprise.

"Yea why?" I ask and suddenly our phones disconnect at the same second I hear the door open downstairs. I rush down the stairs and find my dad standing on the threshold. "Where were you?" I demand.

"I was out" he says passively.

"Out? Out with who?"

"Maya" he warns but I don't stop.

"Do not Maya me. Where were you and who the hell were you with?"

"Angela" he confesses finally, making my heart drop. My mom was right.

"No. No, no, no" I say quickly as I back up from him. "I knew there was something still between you and her. You promised."

"Please Maya. Calm down" my dad tries but I can't. I'm torn apart and I just need to get out of the room. I rush back upstairs and I'm taken back when I find Josh standing against my windowsill. I don't even think as I fling myself into his arms, falling apart into a puddle of tears.

"It's gonna be okay Maya" he says softly as he wraps his arms around me.

"My mom was right" I cry as he holds me. "I can't believe this is happening."

"I honestly can't either. I'm so sorry Maya" he adds as he pulls back a bit to look at me, wiping my tears.

"You didn't have to come over" I point out as he shrugs.

"I was in the neighborhood" he says making me laugh.

"In the neighborhood? Do you mean in your bed at NYU?" I tease as a smile spreads across his lips.

"Yes" he confesses making me smile.

"Well thank you" I reply, "but you should probably go."

"Do you want me to?" he asks and I know I should lie. If I lie he leaves and nothing will happen. He'll go back to being my best friend's uncle and nothing more but I've had enough lies.

"No" I confess as he wraps his arms around me.

"Then I'm not going anywhere."

"Even if my parents try and throw you out?"

"Even if" he chuckles as he pulls back to look down at me. "I'm glad you called me."

"Me too."


A/N: Sorry about the Shaty heartbreak. You all know I love them but I liked this idea too much not to write it. Hope you all enjoyed it regardless!

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