My T-Shirt

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*Inspired By: T-Shirt by Thomas Rhett*


Josh's POV

"Walking up the stairs with the neighbors saying keep it down but it's hard to unlock the door when you're making out."

Another Friday night meant another planned "accidental" run in with Maya. They happened more often than you'd think. Each time both of us insisting that it really was the last time when we both knew it wasn't. Her mouth is attached to mine, her tongue sliding over mine as I accidently steer her into the banister. She laughs as we pull apart breathlessly. "Ow" she laughs making a smile tug at my lips. I loved her laugh. Hell, I loved everything about the blonde goddess in front of me. She was so fucking perfect in every single way, from her blonde hair that fell just past her shoulder blades to the sparkle in her blue eyes all the way down to those long legs that felt of so good wrapped around me in the height of passion.

"Sorry" I laugh as I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I'm fine" she assures me as she grabs my hand, pulling me back to her. Her lips are back on mine in seconds and I can't take it. I need to get her upstairs to my apartment, to my bed. We stumble up the steps, not willing to break away from one another which causes us to miss more than one step and crash into the wall quite a few times.

"Keep it down" Mrs. Rivers, the old cat lady that lives down the hall shouts. I roll my eyes, pulling Maya's body even closer as we reach the landing. We wander down the hallway to my door and I reach into my pockets, trying to keep my lips focused on their task all the while. I drop my keys and I groan in frustration as I rip my lips away from Maya's.

"Hurry up" Maya pleads, tugging my shirt as her teeth dig into her swollen bottom lip. She knew that drove me nuts which is why she did it. I felt my pants tightening just looking at her. I grab my keys and quickly stick them in the lock and turn it. The door flies open and remove the key, throwing it onto the table before grabbing Maya by the hips and pushing her into my apartment, slamming the door behind me.

"You be saying that we gotta quit doin' this so why you leanin' in for one last kiss"

I pin her against the wall and travel my lips across her jaw and further down her neck earning me a moan as she tugs at my belt. "We really need to stop this" she breathes out while her hands display the opposite sentiment. Maya and I had been playing this back and forth game for far too long. We both longed for one another's touch yet every time we tried a relationship something was in the way. Our age gap, school, careers. It was beyond frustrating and we grew tired of spewing endless excuses at one another so we gave up.

Of course we were still drawn to one another like magnets and we couldn't stop ourselves. Most Friday nights ended with Maya in my bed with me on top of her. I knew Shawn would kill me if he knew I was having casual sex with his daughter which is why tonight was dangerous. She was at her mom's birthday party and she was bored out of her mind. She called me to pick her up and of course we ended up here. Just like we always do.

"Then stop" I groan as she slips her hand under my boxers.

"You really want me to?" she asks as her fingers brush against me.

"Fuck no" I let out in a sigh as I crash my lips back onto hers. I slide my hands down her hips, past her ass, and down to her thighs. Her hands move out of my pants and move to my chest while I pick her up by her thighs and carry her to my bedroom. I throw her onto the bed and stand at the foot of it, staring down at her.

"This has to be the last time" she says seriously.

"I know" I nod, knowing in the back of my mind that we've had this exact exchange a million times before. It was never going to be the last time until one of us took our dying breath.

"I ain't ever seen nothing quite like your dress my floor, the way you wore my t-shirt"

I wake up to the sun shining through my windows and the sound of music streaming through my apartment. I chuckle as I climb out of bed, slipping on a pair of boxers. I walk past Maya's dress on the floor as I stroll into my living room. I find her in my kitchen, my t-shirt from last night clinging to her body and just barely covering her ass as she sways to the music she has playing from my iPod dock. I smile as I watch her.

I was so in love with this woman yet I knew she could never be mine. We just didn't work. We never worked. The thought of her in someone else's t-shirt, cooking them breakfast sends a stab of pain through my heart as I watch her. I didn't want her to be with anyone else. I wanted her all to myself. I walk towards her and wrap my arms around her waist causing her to jump in surprise. "Sorry" I apologize as I kiss her neck.

She giggles, reaching up to hook her arm around my neck. "It's okay" she says softly. "You sleep okay?"

I chuckle, hugging her closer. "I had you tire me out first. What do you think?" I ask causing her to chuckle. The sound reverberates through her and it feels like small vibrations against my chest. "You stole my shirt again" I whisper as my hands drop to her thighs, my fingertips skimming her sensitive skin, goosebumps rise on her skin in the wake of my touch and I can't help but smile. I loved the effect I had on her.

"I like it" she replies. "And I know you do too" she whispers, pressing her back into me. I was hoping she hadn't noticed that my boxers were tightening by the second having her ass pressed against me.

"Let me take you back to bed" I whisper, kissing the spot below her ear. She sighs, I'm assuming both from pleasure and frustration.

"We can't" she says sadly. "Josh this has to end" she adds, her voice lacking any hint of conviction.

"Why?" I ask softly as I press her further against me. "We can't stay away from each other Maya. Let's stop fighting it."

"We've tried" she sighs. "It never works."

"Maya" I say softly, kissing her shoulder. "I love you." She tenses against me but I refuse to let her go. I need to hear her response, good or bad.

"You shouldn't say things like that" she insists. I quickly turn her around and stare into her stunning blue eyes.

"I love you" I repeat regardless. "I love you so fucking much Maya. I want to make love to you every single night of the rest of our lives and wake up to the sounds of you cooking breakfast and the sight of you in my t-shirt with your hair a mess and no makeup covering your face. I want forever with you. I want to give you everything no matter what it takes. Please let me. Take a chance on us Maya. Just one last one. Please."

Tears fill her eyes and just like that her lips are on mine again. I reach behind her to turn off the stove as we stumble back to my bedroom. When she falls back onto the bed she takes a second to look up at me and smiles. "I love you too" she whispers. The words fill my heart and I waste no time in leaning in for another lingering kiss as my t-shirt is ripped from her body and my boxers follow.

As much as I liked that t-shirt, I loved to see it on my girl and on my floor.  

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