Secret Sleepover

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*Inspired By: They Don't Know About Us by One Direction*


Josh's POV

"People say we shouldn't be together"

"Dude are you coming to the party tonight?" Andrew asks as he walks into our dorm, throwing his bag onto the bed opposite mine.

"Probably not" I shrug as I close the textbook I was reading, or attempting to read.

"Why? What's been going on with you lately?" he asks as I roll my eyes, feeling my phone buzz in my back pocket. I ignore Andrew as I pull out my phone, a smile pulling at my lips as I glance at the sender name.

MAYA: Mom and dad are going to Cory and Topanga's tonight...

"I'm going to take a shower" I announce as I type a response to Maya, my secret girlfriend of a little over three months. We had made things secretly official when I was home for Thanksgiving. She was about to be eighteen in a couple weeks anyway so we decided to give someday a shot a little early.

JOSH: Can't wait baby 😚

"Didn't you just say you weren't going to the party?" Andrew asks with a laugh as he looks at me confused.

"I'm not" I smirk as I throw my phone onto the bed. "I'll see you later dude" I add as I walk off to the bathroom.


I walk back into my dorm finding Andrew going through my phone, my jaw hitting the floor as I walk in.

"Drew what the fuck?" I exclaim as I grab my phone from his hands.

"Maya. The chick that you've been screwing is Maya. Dude she's way too young for you" he says seriously making me roll my eyes in annoyance.

"First of all she's not too young for me. She's gonna be eighteen in like two weeks" I say seriously as I go to find a shirt to pull on with my jeans I had brought to the bathroom to change into.

"Right but I have a feeling this isn't a new thing, did you forget I was there the day she told you she liked you?"

"No" I say sternly. "By the way I wasn't done. I'm not screwing Maya, I'm dating her. Fuck Drew I have boundaries" I exclaim as send a text to Maya letting her know I'm on my way.

"You're gonna be screwed if your brother or Shawn find out" Andrew laughs. "Break up with her man, seriously. She's not worth the ass kicking you'll get if you're caught with her."

"You don't know Maya" I say seriously as I grab my keys, slamming the door behind me.

"They don't know about the I love you's"

I burst into Maya's house, the one she shared with her parents of course, finding her on the couch watching television.

"Hey babe. You okay?" she asks worriedly as she mutes the television looking up at me.

"I love you" I say quickly making her eyes widen as she look up at me in shock.

"Um" she stutters as she stands up slowly.

"You don't have to say it back" I say seriously as I rub the back of my neck. "I honestly didn't even realize it until Drew found out we were together and he told me to dump you."

"Wait what?"

"Drew took my damn phone. He found out about us. He told me you're not worth the trouble I'm gonna be in if our families find out" I say quickly. "But he's wrong because I don't give a shit about a thing anyone says because I love you."

"You're insane" she laughs as she walks toward me, "you do realize you dropped the L bomb after like three months."

"When you know you know" I smile as I pull her into my arms. "I love you."

"I love you too Josh" she says sweetly as she leans up to kiss me.

"I just wanna tell the world that your mine"

I wake up the next morning with Maya's head on my shoulder, still fast asleep beside me. I look up at the television and see the screen is lit up with the DVD menu for Clueless.

I grab my phone from the table beside me, making sure not to move too much so I don't wake up the gorgeous blonde resting on my shoulder. I see five missed texts from Andrew making me roll my eyes. I open them and I grow even more annoyed with each one. He was convinced I needed to break up with Maya but that was definitely not happening.

"How long have you been up?" Maya asks sleepily as she sits up slowly.

"Like five minutes" I shrug as I lock my phone, putting it back on the table. "You sleep okay baby?" I ask as I move a strand of hair out of her face.

"Mhm" she smiles as she looks at me sweetly. "I think I sleep better when you're here."

"Me too gorgeous" I reply as I lean in to kiss her. "I can't wait to show you off as my girlfriend" I add as we pull apart, resting our foreheads against one another's.

"Just a little longer, then I'm yours" she says happily as she leans in to kiss me again.

"You're already mine" I mumble against her lips.

"And I'm yours" she smiles as we fall back onto the couch, getting tangled up in one another for the rest of the morning.

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