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Josh's POV

Being in college is expensive. Between tuition and living expenses it's almost impossible to stay afloat. For the first few years of college I worked my ass off and struggled through most of my classes but when my niece and her best friend started school we all came up with a genius idea. We'd all get an apartment!

Which brings me here, in my two bedroom apartment that I share with Riley and Maya. Our families didn't mind in the slightest since Riley was my niece and I've known Maya so long that I think of her as my sister. At least that's what they all think. Truth be told I was in love with the gorgeous blonde and living with her was only making my attraction deeper.

I wake up on Tuesday morning and climb out of bed to go into the bathroom to take a shower. I grab my clothes and a towel and head off down the hallway. Riley had morning class so I knew she was out of the house and Maya didn't even have class today so I figured she would be asleep. I reach the door and try the doorknob. It gives. I walk in and my heart stops because even though the door wasn't locked there Maya is, standing under the cascade of water falling from the shower head with her head thrown back as she washes the soap from her long blonde locks. I should move before she opens her eyes and sees me but I'm frozen in place. "Um" I stutter causing her eyes to pop open and her gaze to flick over to me.

"Oh my god" she exclaims. Unfortunately for her the shower is a glass stall so there is no way for her to hide herself. "Joshua Gabriel Matthews what the fuck are you doing in here?"

"Um" I stutter again, unable to form a coherent thought. "I-I'm I uh I'm sorry" I stumble as I quickly turn and leave the room. I take a long, deep breath before sprinting down the hallway to my bedroom. I change into my clothes and grab my key, heading to the front door quickly. I needed to get out of here before she got out of the shower.

"Joshua" she stops me just as I grab the doorknob.

"Fuck" I mutter under my breath as I slowly turn to face her. She's gotten dressed, clothed in a pair of sweatpants and a tank top with her hair thrown up in a ponytail. "I'm really sorry" I apologize before she can get a word in.

"What were you doing in the bathroom?" she demands, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I wanted to take a shower" I reply defensively, rubbing my neck. "You were supposed to be sleeping."

"Well I clearly wasn't sleeping" she scoffs. "Why didn't you leave?" she asks, raising an expectant eyebrow at me.

"I" I sigh, "I uh. I might maybe like you just a little bit" I admit causing her eyes to widen.

"You might like me a little bit?" she questions.

"Just a bit."

"And you think having a crush on me gives you the right to spy on me?"

"I wasn't spying on you. I couldn't move. My feet were practically glued there. I'm sorry. It was a clear violation of privacy."

"No shit" she replies snippily. "Jesus Josh."

"I'm sorry" I repeat for the thousandth time. She sighs, bowing her head to the ground and shaking her head. I take a hesitant step towards her. "For the record" I say softly causing her to lift her head. "You have nothing to be ashamed of" I add causing a smirk to pull at her lips.

"Yea?" she asks, locking her eyes onto mine.

"Mhm" I murmur as I close the distance between us and grab her hips, pulling her against me. "You're gorgeous Maya."

"You've used that one before" she mutters making me chuckle as I rest my forehead against hers.

"And I'll keep using it until it isn't true" I reply making her smile before I lean down to press my lips against hers. She's hesitant at first but after a few seconds she wraps her arms around my neck while I deepen the kiss. "How about another shower" I smirk as we pull apart for a breathless second.

"Riley's gonna freak" she laughs, a contagious smile pulling at her lips.

"Let her freak" I shrug. "I want you. I love you" I confess causing her breath to hitch as her grip on my neck tightens.

"You what?"

"You heard me" I smile, nudging her nose with mine. "I love you."

"You're insane Matthews" she teases, gnawing her bottom lip. "But I kinda think I love you too" she admits causing my heart to skip a beat. I duck down and press another lingering kiss to her lips before pulling back and gazing down at her lovingly.


"Shower" she nods with a light giggle as we crash back together and stumble towards the bathroom. 

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now