On the Side of the Road

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Maya's POV

"If you would've just listened to me this wouldn't even be happening" I complain, leaning against the broken down car. It was the middle of the night and we were on our way to Farkle and Smackle's for a bonfire/housewarming party.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he demands in annoyance.

"Um I told you the gas gage was broken" I point out, "I told you that last week and yet you still believed that we had a full tank of gas when clearly" I motion to the car.

"Oh I'm so sorry Maya. Whatever will I do to gain your forgiveness?" he exclaims. I roll my eyes, moving to climb into the car more than ready to ignore him as we awaited a tow.

I settle inside and thank god that we had rolled the windows down in the front at least, allowing a nice breeze to waft into the car. It's probably about three minutes before Josh climbs into the back beside me. Silence surrounds us for a few seconds until he speaks up. "I'm sorry. You told me about the gas gage and I didn't get it fixed or fill up the tank before we left. I know you were looking forward to seeing your friends tonight and I'm sorry."

I stare down at my hands, twiddling my fingers and gazing at the reason I was so excited to see my friends tonight. The modest diamond resting on my finger.

Josh had proposed last week on our anniversary and I had been more than happy to say yes. We had been together for almost five years now, since getting together my freshman year of college. "I was excited to tell them" I admit, bringing my gaze up to meet his. He nods in understanding, a soft smile pulling at his lips.

"We'll tell them" he promises, "we have forever" he reminds me making me smile as I nod in agreement. "I am sorry baby" he says softly.

I smile, looking up at him lovingly. "It's okay" I insist, "I'm sorry too, I was acting really bitchy." He shakes his head in disagreement like the good fiancé he is, making me laugh as I lean forward to kiss him.

My lips linger on his, a fire igniting in me as our lips touch. I reach out to take his face between my hands while his hands grab my waist, pulling me closer to him. He deepens the kiss while I climb onto his lap, grabbing his belt and tugging it roughly to make it come loose.

"How long until the tow truck is coming?"

"Um a half hour maybe" he shrugs. I smirk, crashing my lips back onto his.


"I kinda like it when we fight" Josh admits making me laugh as we settle into our bed later that night.

The tow truck had shown up about three minutes after we were done making up and we had gotten a ride home, sending off an apologetic text to our friends explaining our absence.

"Why? Because we have make up sex?" I question playfully as I climb into bed beside him.

"It doesn't suck" he shrugs making me giggle as I snuggle up to him, his arm slipping around me and holding me close.

"You're so bad" I laugh, resting my head on his chest.

"You're the one who agreed to marry me" he reminds me making a smile tug at my lips as I stare up at him. "I love you Maya."

"I love you too Josh" I reply, leaning up to press my lips to his in a kiss that lasts until well into the morning.

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