Burning Up

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Hello lovelies! I'm back...again and I'm here with a little update on what's been going on in my life and why updates have been so sporadic. A few weeks back I started my job and my life has been pretty much consumed by. I'm working a lot of hours and it's been tiring me out to the point of coming home and sleeping leaving little time for me to write. Also, last week was my annual family vacation which was some much needed rest and relaxation and I only got one chapter of a book done while I was up there. But now I'm home and off for a couple days so here I am with updates. I can't promise they'll be frequent or as often as usual but I'm trying my best to find a balance with everything in my life right now and it's been a little tricky. I really appreciate your patience and I hope you all continue to read and enjoy my books as writing them is still one of my favorite things to do in my free time. I love you all so much and I hope you enjoy these updates.  


Josh's POV

I'm sitting at my desk in my dorm room when Andrew knocks on the doorframe, catching my attention and causing me to look up at him. He stands before me in a pair of plam tree printed swim trunks and I quirk an eyebrow at him. "Uh hey."

"You aren't seriously doing schoolwork on the hottest day of the summer are you?" he asks, pointing to my math book.

I sigh, rubbing my neck as I sit back in my seat. "These summer courses are kicking my ass" I reply honestly.

He rolls his eyes. "Dude come on. We're going to the beach and you could use a break."

I look back down at my book and sigh. He wasn't exactly wrong. The problems on the page were beginning to swim around in my head.

"Alright fine" I concede, standing up and tossing my pencil down on the desk. "Who's all coming?"

He smirks. "You'll see."

~ 🌊🌞🌊 ~

Andrew's jeep comes to a stop on the gravel just inches from the beach and I can't help but smile as I revel in the summer heat and bask in the ocean breeze.

We climb out and unload a couple towels and our cooler before walking down the sandy path to the beach.

There are plenty of people from NYU scattered around but what catches my eye is a blonde wearing a cherry red bikini with her hair whipping in the wind. I turn towards Andrew and glare at him. "You invited Maya?" I exclaim. He laughs.

"Duh. She's totally legal man. You should've been hooking up with her since January" he insists, pushing me forward. "Make that shit happen."

I stumble forward and notice that she's spotted me as a smile tugs at her lips. She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear as I walk towards her. "Hey" she greets me.

"Hey" I reply, bringing my lip between my teeth. "You look-" I stutter, allowing my gaze to drop to her ensemble. She fills out the swimsuit quite nicely in all honesty.

"Thanks Josh" she giggles. "How've you been?" she asks curiously, crossing her arms over her chest.

I shrug. "Summer courses are kicking my ass but otherwise" I trail off nonchalantly.

"I bet" she replies. "Well I'm glad you came. Drew said you've been locked in your dorm room for weeks."

I roll my eyes. "He exaggerates" I insist. "But I am glad I came" I add honestly. "So uh are you planning on swimming?"

She laughs. "Yea no" she insists, shaking her head. "I prefer the beach" she replies. "I'll be lounging around getting tan."

"Or burned" I reply. She nods her head.

"There always is that possibility" she concedes with a smile. "Of course, I can prepared" she adds as she reaches into the bag on her arm and pulls out sunscreen. "You wanna help me?" she asks, causing my eyes widen.

"Uh" I stutter making her laugh.

"You can stop acting so nervous" she insists, brushing past me towards the lounge chairs. "I'm still the same person I was before my birthday" she smirks, taking a seat and crossing her legs.

She may be the same Maya but now there was nothing stopping me from being with her and that terrified me.

"Sure" I chuckle, sitting beside her. "Turn around" I demand.

She does as I ask and turns so I can slather sunscreen onto her back. I squirt the lotion onto my hands and start at the nape of her neck before trailing down her spine and outwards over her upper back. I get to the strap for her bikini top and she senses my hesitation. "Undo it" she insists. "I'll hold it" she adds.

I swallow harshly and undo the knot, causing the back to come loose while it stays securely on her front. I quickly rub the lotion over the rest of her back and finally I announce I'm finished after tying her top back up.

"Thank you" she smiles as she turns and grabs the lotion from my hands. "Need me to return the favor?" she asks curiously.

I bring my bottom lip between my teeth and shake my head. "I have a better idea" I murmur, grabbing her face and pulling her towards me.

I crash my lips onto hers and feel hers pull into a smile as she kisses me back, reaching up to tug at the hair at the nape of my neck. The kiss deepens only to end a few seconds later when a beach ball comes flying at us.

"Ah" Maya yelps, giggling as we pull apart. She looks down at the ball and tosses it back to the group before glancing back at me with a giddy smile on her lips. "So" she trails off and I smile, pulling her in for another kiss.

"Wanna maybe get some ice cream after this?" I ask as we pull apart. She nods excitedly.

"I'd love that" she replies. "As long as we agree that it's a date."

I smile, nodding in agreement. "The first of many" I confirm before pulling her in for another kiss.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now