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Maya's POV

"Can I get a strawberry margarita on the rocks?" I ask as I settle onto the barstool after my long day at work.

"Tough day?" I hear next to me and I'm taken back when I place the voice.

"Josh?" I ask turning to face the boy that I hadn't seen since I was in high school. It's been almost six years so he looks a bit different, but not a bad different. His hair was shorter but it still looked like a sexy mess and his blue eyes still sparkled when he smiled. He was a bit more muscular and he was dressed much nicer.

"Why do you sound so surprised to see me?" he asks as I look at him confused.

"I live right up the road" he explains as he takes a sip of his captain and coke.

"Well I didn't know that" I laugh as the bartender hands me my drink.

"Of course" he says and I catch him out of the corner of my eye checking me out as I take a sip of my drink. I smirk glad that my job required me to wear skirts and heels, that just so happened to showcase my long legs.

"How've you been Josh?" I ask as I turn to face him.

"I've been good. Graduated from NYU and then realized I had no drive to do anything that had anything to do with my degree" he explains and I nod knowing the feeling. "So I entered the police academy" he continues happily, "and I actually kick ass at it."

"That's great Josh" I say seriously as I smile at him.

"What about you gorgeous? What have you been up to?" he asks and I laugh.

"Screwing up my life" I say animatedly as I sigh.

"Come on. What are you like 25? What did you do?" he asks seriously.

"First of all I'm 24" I clarify making Josh roll his eyes before I continue, "I got a degree in art that I have absolutely nothing to do with" I explain sadly. "I work at some random business office as a receptionist and I hate it. I have absolutely no social life, Riley is too busy with Lucas and the baby. Zay moved back to Texas and Smackle and Farkle never leave the lab. And my parents moved to California because it was too cold here in New York" I say as I finish off my drink.


"Yea" I say when I suddenly hear a voice behind me.

"Maya?" the voice asks and I cringe.

"Derek" I say brightly trying to act as if I'm happy to see him but the truth was I was anything but. He was my ex from my sophomore year of college. He was nice enough until I found out he was cheating on me. "Who's this?" he asks motioning towards Josh and I'm about to speak up when Josh stands and wraps his arm around my waist.

"Her boyfriend. I'm Josh" he says holding out his hand for Derek to shake. I blush trying to hide my smile as Derek shakes Josh's hand.

"Derek. Maya and I used to date in college" Derek says introducing himself to Josh politely.

"Yea we did" I say before looking up at Josh, "until I caught him having sex with his RA" I continue and Josh suddenly stiffens beside me.

"Come on Maya. We're adults, the past is the past" he says as Josh laughs.

"You're right. The past is the past so why don't you leave so her and I can continue our future" he snaps and I'm taken back by the seriousness of his tone.

"Dude calm down" Derek says and suddenly Josh's arm leaves my waist.

"Dude I'd suggest you get the fuck out before we have a problem" Josh says angrily and suddenly I realize Josh is more than upset, he's pissed.

"Josh calm down" I insist holding him back. "Don't let him ruin our night" I continue reaching out to touch his cheek so he has to look at me. "Let him go" I whisper as Josh takes one last look at Derek before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the bar.

"What was that?" I demand as we reach his truck, it was the same one that he had in high school.

"That jackass cheated on you" he spits making me sigh.

"Yes but that was years ago. I'm over it. I've been over him for years" I explain as Josh rubs his neck with his hand. "Josh what happened in there?" I ask seriously.

"The thought of some guy hurting you" he says trailing off making me smile.

"Josh there isn't a chance you might finally reciprocate my feelings is there?" I whisper and he turns to face me grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him.

"A hundred percent" he admits before crashing his lips onto mine. I don't know how to react, all I know was that waiting ten years for this moment and it was worth it. His lips move against mine passionately and before I know it I'm pressed up against his truck and his tongue is in my mouth. I feel him reach behind me and grab the door handle throwing the passenger side door open before picking me up letting me wrap my legs around his waist as he places me on the seat. He places me down before climbing in and closing the door behind us.

"Josh hold on" I say sitting up before he can kiss me again.

"What?" he asks and I sigh.

"I'm not this girl" I say shaking my head as he looks at me confused.

"What girl?" he asks.

"The kind that gives it up before I even go on a date" I explain and Josh laughs.

"Good because Shawn would kill me if he found out I slept with you without taking you out on a date first" Josh says looking at me sweetly. "I was just thinking we could make out until we sobered up a bit and then maybe I could take you out to dinner tomorrow" he explains making me smile.

"Mexican?" I suggesr making him laugh.

"Are you seriously still obsessed with tacos?" he asks as I nod laughing.

"They're delicious" I say defensively.

"Whatever you say gorgeous" he says smiling at me. "Mexican it is" he gives before continuing, "but next time I pick the type of food" he adds causing me to raise an eyebrow at him.

"What makes you think there's gonna be a next time?" I ask as he rolls his eyes.

"Trust me there will be tons of next times" he says and I smile liking the sound of that.

"I'm really glad I ran into you tonight Josh" I say seriously as I scoot closer to him wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Fate brought us back together Maya and I'm in it for the long game, for real this time" he says as he rests his forehead against mine.

"Me too Josh" I respond as I lean back in to kiss him.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now