Breaking Character and Extra Tacos

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A/N: This is a one shot about Sabrina playing Maya. Therefore the characters are the cast members of GMW.

Things you should know...this takes place at the GMBear taping (I'm pretending it was taped on her birthday), Joshaya parts from episode are referenced/included, and I kinda ship Corbrina in real life....

If you don't want to read this one I totally understand since it's different than all my other stuff but I wanted to do something different for Sabrina's birthday. Speaking of which don't forget to wish her a happy 18th birthday!!!!

Love you all and I'll be back next week with a regular update 💗


Sabrina's POV

"You get the script for today?" Corey asks me as he walks into my trailer without knocking. I'm standing in front of my mirror fixing my outfit, shaking my head in amusement as he shuts the door behind him.

"Corey you can't just walk in here" I laugh as I lock eyes with him in the mirror, "but yea I did" I assure him, turning around and holding up the Bear script.

"Good" he smiles. "Row wanted me to make sure" he says as he sits on my couch, taking an apple from a basket sitting on the table beside him. "So what are you doing for your birthday today?" he asks curiously.

"Eating tacos with you weirdos" I smile as I move to lean against the table.

"No fries?" he asks with a smirk making me roll my eyes playfully as someone knocks on my trailer.

"Five minutes" the stage manager shouts before walking off to round up everyone else. I sigh as I straighten up and grab my script.

"You ready to go be Maya?" Corey smiles as he stands and opens my door for me, holding it open wide letting me step out before he follows and links his arm with mine.

"Only if you be Farkle" I reply playfully making him chuckle as we make our way to set. We're shooting the first scene of the episode so Corey is sitting to the side while I'm on stage with Rowan and Ben. We get through our scene...sorta. After a few takes Mike gave up on getting me and Ben to stop laughing, or was it a few and a half.

The next scene struggle comes when the boys are added. Apparently we're all unable to keep our composure today. I think the only reason we get away with it is because it's my birthday.

"Alright where's Uriah?" Mike asks as the brunette pops up out of nowhere with a smile wide on his face.

"Found him" I point to my love interest, my very own Joshua Gabriel Matthews.

"Happy birthday" he says politely as he walks up to me. "I apologize in advance for having to hit you with a door on such a joyous occasion" he teases making me chuckle.

"Don't worry about it" I smile as Mike calls for us to get in position. I sit in front of the door and start my little monologue before the door is pushed open and Uriah walks in.

"Who's here?" he asks and I know that's my cue.

"Who do you most want to be here?" I call out from behind the door and just on cue a few seconds later my Josh appears to lift me up off the floor.

"Maya" he smiles as a reflecting one pulls at my own lips.

"Josh" I reply, staring into his blue eyes.

"Long game?" he asks as I nod slightly in agreement.

"Long game" I confirm.

We continue the scene and I sit on the couch beside my co-star while everyone else files in on the dining room table bench asking Josh about college.

"He adds Shnoopaloop at the end of everything" Josh exclaims, I stifle my laughter at the word, it really was ridiculous. How the creative team came up with this stuff I would never know.

"Ask me what time it is" Josh demands. Amir or in this case Zay responds.

"11:15" he supplies.

"11:15 Shnoopaloop" Josh imitates and this time I do lose it, ruining the take but I didn't care. It was my birthday after all.

"Peaches" Riley scolds making me laugh at my best friend who wouldn't leave character.

"Sorry Row" I apologize.

"It's okay" she sighs. "It is your birthday" she adds making a smile pull at my lips.

"Thank you" I reply happily. "We can go again" I assure them.

"Don't laugh this time, geez Carpenter" Uriah teases making me hit him in the arm playfully.

"Don't make me end our someday" I threaten making him laugh as he kisses my cheek.

"Sorry Maya" he smiles making me roll my eyes playfully.

"You're forgiven Joshua" I tease in return, "but only if you give me your taco. It is my birthday after all."

"Deal" he gives before they call action and we slip back into the scene.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now