Maya's Happiness

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*Inspired By: Roses by Shawn Mendes*


Josh's POV

"When she's with him, she seems happier, and I don't want to take that away"

"Lucas stop" Maya giggles as she tries to wiggle out of her boyfriend's grasp, of course he's not listening, he's too busy kissing her neck. The sight making my jaw clench as I take another swig of my beer.

"You okay Uncle Josh?" Riley asks as she walks over to me, a worried expression on her face.

"How does this not bother you?" I ask seriously as I motion to Maya and Lucas, the petite blonde sitting on his lap, her lips devouring his.

"They're happy. That's enough for me" she says as she averts her eyes to the ground. I knew better. My niece was still helplessly in love with the boy whose lap she fell into seven years ago. No amount of time would change that.

"I wish I felt the same way" I sigh as I finish off my beer. "I'm going to get another beer. Need anything?"

"A blindfold" she mutters under her breath making me chuckle as I kiss her cheek, heading back to the bar. We were all here at a bar that wasn't far off campus, celebrating Maya's twenty-first birthday.

I order my beer and turn around, resting my back against the bar as I watch her pull Lucas onto the dance floor. She was happy, I could never tell her I was in love with her. I wouldn't take her happiness away.

"There's no way he could feel the same, cause when I think of you my mind goes wild"

I'm on my third, maybe fourth beer as I watch Maya dancing on Lucas, his hands on her hips as she grinds against him.

My heart pounds in my chest as my eyes continue to run over her body. She had more curves than she did when I fell in love with her, but every inch of her was perfect to me. She was wearing a pair of jean shorts that in my opinion couldn't constitute as shorts since they barely covered her ass and of course she had on a black crop top, with lace fringe to show off her new belly button piercing. Her blonde hair was hanging in loose curls around her shoulders, her hands all over Lucas. I wish I knew how to fix this, make her realize I'm in love with her. I'd do anything to have her hands on me like that.

"You're making it quite obvious that you still have feelings for Maya" Smackle says as she appears next to me making me sigh.

"Thanks Smackle" I reply bluntly as I sip my beer making her roll her eyes.

"He's a distraction. She's never moved on from you" she says as my eyes widen.

"Isadora what the hell are you talking about?"

"I'm saying there is a way people talk about other people. The way Maya talks about you is totally different than how she talks about Lucas."

"She's happy Smackle."

"If you're so convinced of that then stop staring and stop thinking about her."

"I wish I could."

"I'm not trying to start a fire with this flame, but I'm worried that your heart may feel same"

I'm an idiot. I know I shouldn't do what I'm about to do but I can't help myself.

"Can I cut in?" I ask bluntly as I pull Lucas off Maya, making her stare at me in confusion.

"Um" Lucas stutters but I smile as I grab Maya's hand.

"Thanks" I say quickly as I pull her off to the side of the dance floor, away from Lucas.

"What the fuck Josh?" she shouts angrily, I can smell the alcohol on her breath as she shouts.

"I wanted a few minutes with you. Is that so bad Maya?" I ask angrily as she rolls her eyes.

"Why do you feel the need to ruin my birthday?" she asks snippily.

"Because watching you with Lucas is ruining me" I say quickly, not thinking as the words spill from my mouth.

"What are you talking about? I'm too young for you" she says in confusion.

"When you were sixteen and I was nineteen, yea. Definitely. But you're not a little kid anymore Maya."

"And what? You can have sex with me now so it's okay for us to be together?"

"If you think all I want from you is sex then maybe you aren't the girl I thought you were" I reply, hurt lacing my voice. "I'm not that guy Maya."

"Then what guy are you?" she challenges. "The kind that's willing to take another guy's girl?"

"I'm the kind that's in love with you. And I think you feel the same way."

"You could tell me to stop if you already know, though I'm not sure my heart can take it, but the look on your face is don't let me go"

"If you're not I'll go Maya. I won't ever see you ever again. I'll move on. Just tell me to go" I plead as she stares at me wide eyed. I think she's going to say it, she's going to tell me to walk away but her face softens and tears form in the corners of her eyes.

"Dammit. Why are you doing this to me?" she asks as tears roll down her face.

"I'm being honest Maya. Do you feel the same way or not?" I ask desperately as I stare into her piercing blue eyes.

"I can't hurt him" she sighs as she looks past me at her green eyed boyfriend across the room.

"You didn't answer my question" I remind her as she sighs, wiping her tears as she stares up at me.

"Of course I love you Josh. I just. I tried to move on, I was moving on. Why now?"

"I don't know Maya" I admit frustrated, "I honestly didn't want to see you this way. I knew this would happen. I didn't want to take away your happiness."

"Then why did you tell me?"

"Because I figured if you felt the same way we could find our own happiness. Together" I explain making her smile lightly.

"I love you" she says softly as my heart swells, pulling her against me.

"Maya" we hear suddenly making us pull apart.

"Lucas" Maya says softly as she looks between the two of us. "We need to talk."

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