The Internship

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Maya's POV

I'm in the bathroom of the small apartment that Josh and I share on the Upper East Side. We've been together since I graduated high school. Josh already finished university a couple years ago but now it was my turn. I graduate next week and I have no idea what I'm going to do next, or at least that's what Josh thinks. I had actually been offered an internship in California at one of the most prestigious art museums in the country, but that meant moving.

"Maya?" I hear Josh call out making my heart flip in nervousness.

"In the bathroom" I shout back as I run my hands through my hair. Josh and I were getting ready to go to a dinner with the family to celebrate my graduation.

"Hey" Josh says as he walks into the room.

"Hi" I say shortly. "Ready to go?"

"Um I was" he says as his voice suddenly sounds tinged with hurt. "But um. I found this while I was looking for my keys" he adds as he holds up the letter offering me the internship.

"Josh I was going to tell you" I start as tears form in my eyes but he cuts me off.

"When Maya? When the hell were you gonna tell me that you're moving to California?" he yells.

"I haven't accepted it yet. Do you honestly think I'd do that to you Josh? Just accept an internship without talking to you?" I ask truly hurt that he thought that little of me after all these years.

"What am I supposed to think Maya?" he shouts as he walks out of the room towards our bedroom.

"Josh please just talk to me" I beg as I run after him with tears running down my face.

"Are you going?" he spits back at me as he turns around to face me.

"Not if you don't want me to."

"Do not put that on me Maya" he responds annoyed as he rubs his neck with his hand nervously.

"Fine I won't. Josh do you think this is an easy decision for me. I'd lose you, Riley, Lucas, Farkle, Smackle, Zay, my parents, Josh I'd lose everyone I love if I take this internship" I cry as I collapse onto the bed in a mess of tears. Suddenly I feel Josh take a seat next to me on the bed taking my hand in his.

"You're never loosing me Maya" he says quietly as he rubs my hand with his thumb.

"I can't ask you to give up your life Josh. I can't" I say turning to face him.

"I know you're not asking, I'm offering. Come here" Josh says as he pulls me closer to him leaning in to kiss me. I kiss him back gently but before long he deepens the kiss and knocks me backwards onto the bed.

"Josh we're gonna be late" I laugh between kisses.

"We're already late, who cares?" he says as he continues to kiss me making all of our problems fade away.

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