Josh's Artists

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Maya's POV

"Mommy what are you doing?" my daughter asks me as she walks into the kitchen. Skyler was five and she was absolutely perfect in every way. She was the perfect combination of me and Josh.

"Boiling eggs so you can dye them" I smile as I look down at her. "Doesn't that sound fun?"

"Sounds messy. Daddy won't like it" she replies making me laugh as I pick her up and tickle her tummy.

"Well your daddy married an artist baby girl so he doesn't really have a choice" I laugh as I kiss her cheek.

"Can I pick the colors?" she asks excitedly.

"Of course you can" I smile as I set her back on the floor. "Here pick the kit you want mommy to open" I insist as I hand her three dye kits I bought when I went grocery shopping.

"I want this one, it has sparkles" she exclaims making me laugh as I take the kit from her hands.

"Sparkles are perfect" I reply as I take the kit from her hands. "Go sit and wait for mommy okay?"

"Okay" she replies as she waddles off to the table making me smile. I place the eggs back in their cartons and walk them over to the table before opening the kits. I mix the colors according to the directions and take a seat beside Sky.

"Can I have an egg?" she asks excitedly.

"Yep. Here you go" I smile as I hand her one. "Want me to show you how to do it?"

"Nope" she replies as she drops it straight into the pink, dye goes everywhere. "Oops" she laughs as she throws her hands over her mouth to try and stop laughing. "Sorry mommy."

"It's okay. Let me go get some paper towels" I smile as I kiss the top of her head. "Do another one."

I come back to the table and there's an egg in every color and the table is a mix of all of them. That was definitely gonna stain.

"My hands are blue" she laughs as she holds them up for me to see.

"So is the table" I laugh as I sit back down. It's not long after that that I hear the front door open.

"Hello ladies" he starts but he stops in his tracks when he sees the table. "Um I see you've been busy" he laughs lightly.

"I may have underestimated the messiness" I confess as Skyler looks up at Josh.

"I didn't" she replies as she picks the egg out of the dye before handing it out to Josh. "Here daddy it's orange, you're favorite" she smiles.

"Thanks kiddo" he smiles as he comes towards us and grabs the egg. "Is it all done?"

"No. I have to add glitter."

"Glitter?" Josh questions as I shrug making him laugh as he sits beside me, placing the finished egg in the carton. "She's totally turning into you" he laughs as he wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"Is that a bad thing?" I ask questioningly as I turn to look at him.

"Of course not" he shakes his head. "But glitter?"

"Riley is her godmother" I laugh.

"This is true" he replies playfully. "So um what are we doing about our table?"

"Maybe the Easter Bunny can help us pick a new one when we go shopping for Sky" I suggest as Skyler drops an egg into the dye in excitement.

"The Easter Bunny" she exclaims. "Is he gonna hide eggs?"

"Doesn't he always?" I question as she nods.

"Yay" she claps as she grabs a pink egg and hands it to me. "Here you go mama."

"Thanks baby girl" I smile as I place my egg next to Josh's.

"Can we do glitter now?" she questions.

"I don't know? Can we?" I ask playfully as I look up at Josh.

"Whatever you want my little artists."

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now