8 a couple months later

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Me and Shawn have been talking for a couple of months which has been amazing he gets off of tour soon so I'm excited about that. I woke up and yawned and stretched and used the restroom and went downstairs to see my mom. She was on the phone with someone and she was laughing and smiling I said ok who are you talking to she said a guy friend I said oh wow ok cool. My mom said we are going on a date tonight and your going to meet his kids I said oh ok cool that's awesome good for you. My mom smiled and said yea I'm extremely excited about it I said yep fun. My mom got ready and changed I took a shower and changed so I looked presentable I did my mom's makeup and hair. She said we were all going out to eat I smiled and said ok cool can't wait. A couple of hours later someone knocked at the door my mom answered it and a tall gentleman walked in and smiled and said ma lady and my mom blushed and said come in. I walked in the entrance and my heart started racing I saw Shawn and a little girl my breath hitched when our eyes met. The tall gentleman introduced himself and he said hello my name is Matthew Mendes and this is my son Shawn and my daughter Aaliyah Mendes I chocked out hi and smiled. My mom said are you guys ready I said one sec and they said ok I quickly used the restroom and freshend up and sprayed some body spray on and headed downstairs. Matthew handed my mom flowers and she put them in a vase and we all went outside my mom locked the front door. Matthew opened my mom's door and she got in Shawn opened my door and I and his sister got in I sat in the middle and Shawn got in and closed his door. I buckled up and said so tour is over he laughed and said yep I said cool and everyone else buckled up as well. My mom and Matthew were talking and laughing in the front seat and I bit my lip. Shawn said you look really good Rose I smiled and said thanks and blushed he smiled and said of course love. It was slightly weird being in the middle it was an extremely beautiful night Matthew turned on the radio and we all started jamming out together me and Shawn started singing different songs and laughing together. Everyone started laughing at us being extremely weird and random it was extremely fun acting like myself for once. A little while later we got to the restaurant and the guys let us out and they also closed the doors. Shawn kept his hand on my waist so I wouldn't fall I smiled and said thank you he smiled and said of course babe he opened the door and I walked in. I waited for everyone else to come in and Shawn walked up next to me and wrapped his arm around my waist and he kissed my forehead. He smiled and said you look fuckin amazing tonight I looked up and said thank you he smiled and said you don't need makeup and I started blushing and looked down. A couple seconds later we were walking to our table Shawn sat in front of me and his sister sat next to me and my mom sat in front of Matthew was smiling widely and laughing with my mom. I felt slightly upset because I had crazy feelings for Shawn but now we couldn't be together unfortunately. A waitress took our drink order and she started flirting with Shawn and he smiled and I looked down when she walked away. Shawn said well she was extremely nice I bit my lip and looked up and felt slightly irritated and I didn't know why. A couple minutes later we got our drinks and ordered our food the waitress kept flirting with Shawn but he didn't pay attention. The waitress walked away swaying her hips and I scoffed and looked down and shook my head. Everyone started talking and laughing I looked up and noticed a guy staring at me he was with his friends I smiled and bit my lip and shook my head. They were extremely cute I kept looking at them and laughing one guy waved at me so I waved back Shawn said what are you doing I laughed and said nothing. Shawn scoffed and said yea sure I'm going to the restroom and he got up and said come with me I smiled and said I'm ok. Shawn grabbed my hand I said ok and got up and followed him towards the bathroom he said stay here I said I gotta pee he laughed and said ok and walked into the restroom. I also went into the bathroom to use it after I washed my hands and went back out and waited for Shawn to get finished. I waited for Shawn and one of the guys that were staring at me walked and stood beside me and said hello gorgeous what is your name. I smiled and said Elle he said oh thats a beautiful name I smiled and said thanks. We started talking and he ran his knuckle against my jaw and I smiled and blushed he said damn you look so good. I said thanks but I'm waiting for someone he said mmm sure babe Shawn walked out and cleared this throat. The guy said oh and quickly headed into the bathroom and he said Elle you ok I smiled and said yea he grabbed my hand and we walked back to our table and sat down. The food was here when we got back we all sat down and started eating it was extremely good. The guy came back and sat down by his friends and started talking and laughing. I wasn't paying attention when I heard one of them say gross what a whore who wouldn't want you I looked at Shawn and he shook his head and bit his lip and said assholes. I bit my lip and laughed and continued eating a little while later we got to go boxes and Matthew payed for dinner and we all left and got in the car. Matthew turned on the radio and we all started jamming out together and smiled and laughed. A little while later Matthew dropped off me and my mom and Shawn walked us to our door and I gave him a hug and so did my mom we said bye and left. Me and my mom got ready for bed and fell asleep a little while later I fell asleep while thinking of Shawn.

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