124 day 3 Tuesday

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I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and rolled onto my back.

I bit my lip and stretched and looked at Shawn and he was still completely knocked out.

I had a little bit of stomach pain when we got home from the restaurant I took medicine and I feel better.

I looked out the window and sighed because it is still extremely dark outside.

I carefully got out of bed and groaned fuckkkk because my stomach started hurting I went to the bathroom and closed the door.

After I used the bathroom I felt better and walked over to shawn and looked at him and ran my hand through his hair.

Shawn woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and said Elle what are u doing up.

I said my stomach was hurting again he said oh did u use the restroom I said yea he said ok good.

I sighed and said I don't know what happened he said I don't know maybe it's what you ate.

I said I don't know maybe I had chicken Alfredo he said yea but it looked completely fine.

I said I know but who knows what happened Shawn said yea and ran his knuckle against my jaw.

Shawn said my stomach wasn't messed up I shrugged and said I don't know.

Shawn yawned and said I have to piss I said ok and moved and Shawn went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I climbed on the bed and got comfortable and fell asleep Shawn walked out and climbed onto the bed.

I smiled while Shawn kissed my shoulder he said what do you wanna do today.

I said is there a pool here Shawn said yea its outside I said ok I wanna hang out at the pool.

Shawn said ok sounds good we can hang out by the pool and definitely take a bath together.

I said actually what if we just had a spa day and went to the pool tomorrow or tonight.

Shawn said ok cool that sounds fine we can do that we said ok let's go back to sleep.

I said ok and me and Shawn climbed into the bed and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later me and Shawn woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched.

I rolled onto my back and looked at Shawn and he said when you wanna get up.

I said I don't know he said ok we can just hang out together in bed I said ok cool.

A little while later me and Shawn finally got up and went to the bathroom and closed the door.

Me and Shawn brushed our hair and teeth and also used the restroom then went back into our room.

I said so I'm gonna get our face masks Shawn said ok and took off his shirt and pants.

Shawn sat down on the bed and layed down I put my hair in a messy bun and changed into a tank top and shorts.

I went into the bathroom and washed my face and cleaned it and went back into the room.

Shawn put on some music and smiled and said we should take pictures I said ok cool.

I climbed on his lap and straddled him and started cleaning his skin.

Shawn smiled and said I love you Elle I smiled and said I love you more Shawn.

I continued cleaning his skin then I put on a face mask on him and he said oh its cold.

I laughed and said yea and he said damn and he smiled and looked at my stomach and gripped my hips.

Shawn started putting the face mask on me and I started smiling and me and Shawn took pictures together.

A couple minutes later we put up the face mask tool and cleaned it and took pictures in the bathroom.

Me and Shawn chilled on the bed and talked and listened to music I said this is actually really nice.

Shawn smiled and said we should do this more at home I said what pamper ourselves.

Shawn smiled and said yea we should definitely pamper ourselves more at home.

I said you wanna do yoga when we get home Shawn laughed and said yea sure we should definitely do yoga.

I smiled and said yea that would be extremely fun to do and he smiled and looked at me and said booo.

I started laughing and looked at him and said what the fuck Shawn he said eh I love you.

I said I love you more Shawn and he said so what are we gonna do after we get these off.

I said um we can do something else fun like i dont know dye our hair.

Shawn said Elle that is a terrible fucking idea I started laughing and shook my head.

We had a huge massive hotel room the hotel was also extremely huge and gorgeous.

Shawn said I guess we can buy snacks and get dye and do other things and then dye our hair.

Me and Shawn started laughing together and I shook my head and my face felt slightly painful.

A little while later me and Shawn took off our face masks and cleaned our skin.

Me and Shawn got ready and changed and grabbed everything we needed and walked out of our room.

Me and Shawn headed down to the lobby and we walked out of the hotel.

Shawn hailed a taxi and we went to Walgreens and we went inside and walked around.

Me and Shawn picked up some hair dye and snacks and some body scrubs and body wash and shampoo and conditioner.

Me and Shawn bought some coffee and some other stuff to eat Shawn said oh alcoholic drinks.

I laughed and Shawn grabbed a bottle of wine and we grabbed some towels and headed to the check out counter.

The guy said hi how are you guys we smiled and said good how are you.

He smiled and said I'm good you guys on a trip shawn said honeymoon the guy said oh nice congrats.

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