99 day 5 Thursday

6 1 0


I woke up in a lot of pain and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched.

I looked around and noticed me and Shawn fell asleep on the floor I sighed and looked up at Shawn.

He was completely knocked out and sleeping peacefully I smiled and said aw and kissed his chest.

I carefully got off of the floor my body cracked and I said holy fuck that hurt I grabbed a pillow and climbed onto the bed.

I got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later Shawn woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched.

Shawn said ugh I am never sleeping on the floor again he got up and climbed on the bed and fell asleep as well beside me.

I was gonna talk to Shawn about the plans for today when we both finally decided to wake up and get out of bed.

A little while later I finally woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and looked at Shawn.

I smiled and bit my lip he looked extremely adorable when he was asleep I bit my lip and felt warm and fuzzy.

I got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into the room.

Shawn was sleeping on his stomach and he looked extremely adorable he was only in his boxers I blushed and quickly took a picture of him.

I put my phone down and climbed on the bed and layed down next to him and watched him sleep.

I said oh shawnny boy he smiled and I bit my lip and he woke up and yawned and stretched.

Shawn said mornin Elle I smiled and said hi Shawn smiled and said I love you Elle.

I smiled and said I love you more Shawn he smiled and said I wish we didn't fall asleep on the floor.

I said ugh same I woke up in so much pain Shawn groaned fuckkkk and said yea me too.

I said its like my body was digging into the floor Shawn said my back was digging into the floor.

I said uh huh and he rolled onto his back and sighed and looked at the ceiling I bit my thumb and looked at him.

I sighed and said Shawn he said uh huh and looked at me and said whats up babe.

I said well do you wanna go out today and do something fun like try baguets or crosonts.

Shawn smiled and grabbed his phone and said I'll order some I smiled and climbed on his lap and straddled him.

Shawn was on the phone ordering food and he held my waist with one hand I smiled and bit my lip.

Shawn looked extremely concentrated while he was on the phone ordering the food.

I started grinding against him slowly and Shawn bit his lip so he wouldn't moan he said uh yes and he hung up the phone a couple minutes later.

Shawn said fuckin hell Elle I ordered the food without moaning thank God I started laughing and stopped grinding against him.

Shawn was now extremely hard against me I felt my breath hitch in my throat.

Shawn said uh huh that's what you did Elle are you proud of yourself I smiled widely and said why yes I am.

Out of nowhere Shawn flipped us over and I started laughing and he kissed my head and said I love you Elle.

I smiled and said I love you more Shawn he kissed my forehead then moved down to my neck.

Shawn started attacking my neck and my head went back and a moan escaped my throat.

I felt Shawn smiling against my neck I gripped his shoulders and Shawn moaned against my neck.

I could feel his bulge against me and it made me slightly wet.

Shawn moved towards my face and kissed me and bit my lip and tugged it slightly I moaned slightly.

Shawn continued kissing me passionately until someone knocked on the door.

Shawn pulled back and walked towards the door and answered it and said thank you and closed the door.

Shawn said babe foods here I sat up and Shawn put the food down and sat down next to me.

Me and Shawn got our food and took pictures together a couple minutes later me and Shawn started eating.

I said holy shit this is amazing Shawn smiled and said yea I agree with you.

Me and Shawn talked about plans for our trip I said so what do you wanna do after we eat.

Shawn said um I don't know probably explore the hotel I smiled and said hopefully we don't get lost.

Shawn started laughing and said yea I agree with you after we finished eating we threw our trash away.

Me and Shawn went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed our hair and teeth and also used the restroom.

After we finished we walked out of the bathroom and quickly changed and sprayed some body spray on and also cologne.

A couple minutes later me and Shawn walked out of our hotel room and walked down the hallway towards the elevator.

I said I wanna have a fashion show tonight in our sheets Shawn said ok I will definitely order more.

I started laughing and shook my head and kissed Shawn's cheek and he grabbed my hand and smiled.

A couple minutes later me and Shawn walked over towards the elevator and he pressed the button and we waited for the door to open.

I heard a couple of doors open and people walk out laughing together I looked at Shawn and he looked down at me and said huh.

I started laughing and shook my head and said nothing the elevator door opened and we walked in.

A couple of other people walked in and I stood beside Shawn and he pressed the button and the door closed.

I started getting slightly anxious and I squeezed Shawn's hand and he kissed my head and mumbled relax Elle.

The door opened and we all walked out and headed towards the lobby Shawn kept a firm hold on my hand.

Me and Shawn walked out of the hotel and walked down the sidewalk I said so where to Mr. Mendes.

Shawn said well Mrs. Mendes what does your little heart desire I said huh I don't know.

Me and Shawn started walking along the sidewalk talking about random shit and laughed together.

Me and Shawn stopped at a coffee shop and headed inside and ordered some coffee.

I sat down and waited for Shawn to get our drinks I chilled on my phone and checked my notifications.

A couple minutes later I put my phone down and Shawn sat down and handed me my coffee.

I took a sip of it and said wow Shawn said damn this is good I started laughing and said yea I agree with you.

A couple minutes later me snd Shawn used the restroom and walked out of the coffee shop and continued walking down the sidewalk.

It was a really beautiful day in Paris a couple minutes later me and walked over to the eifle tower and took pictures.

I smiled and posted them on snapchat and Instagram then Shawn said it's getting late.

I said ok and we threw our cups away me and Shawn walked back across the street and ordered food and ate.

After we finished eating we ended up heading back to the hotel our legs were killing us.

After we got back to the hotel Shawn ordered more sheets and we destroyed the pillow fort.

A little while later me and Shawn layed down in bed and instantly fell asleep for the night.

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