34 day 6

30 1 0


I randomly woke up again and said dude what the fuck I sighed and yawned and stretched and got out of bed. I used the restroom and checked my phone and it said 2 am I sighed and headed downstairs and made some coffee and drank it. Shawn and Aaliyah were still sleeping peacefully on the couch I put my cup up and headed upstairs and used the restroom and brushed my teeth. I went in my room and chilled on my bed a little while later the caffeine started kicking in I changed and grabbed my phone and put my shoes on and headed downstairs quietly. I took one last peek at them and headed outside and locked the front door and hopped in my car and locked it. I buckled up and turned on my car and the radio and started driving out of the neighborhood and bit my lip. I felt terrible but also like a badass I rolled down the windows and enjoyed the nice Canada breeze I bit my lip and smiled and enjoyed the music and the night. I jammed out while driving down the highway no one called so Shawn didn't notice I left which is good. I stopped and got some gas and continued driving around town I stopped at the beach and walked around and then sat in my car and contemplated on what I wanted to do with my life. At around 3 am I started heading home and continued thinking about my life choices after I got home I got out of my car and locked it and snuck back in and headed upstairs after I locked the front door. I used the restroom and changed and fell asleep after I plugged my phone in. I started getting extremely exhausted as soon as I layed down so I just decided to fall asleep for the night. I woke up a couple of hours later to Aaliyah saying Elle its time to get up I opened my eyes and said hold on I'm not going to school. I threw the blanket over my head and sighed and she closed my door and walked away. A couple minutes later I forced myself out of bed and used the restroom and brushed my hair and teeth and also used it and walked out. I was walking to my room and Shawn wrapped his arm around my stomach and said did you sneak out last night I looked up at Shawn and lied and said no why he said mm ok and walked away. I looked at Shawn over my shoulder and he closed the bathroom door and I turned my head and bit my lip and walked in my room and changed. I put my shoes on and sprayed some body spray on and grabbed my phone and headed out of my room and headed downstairs. I walked downstairs and Shawn was looking at me in a weird way I said ok dude what the fuck is your issue. Shawn said in a loud tone ELLE DID YOU SNEAK OUT YESTERDAY DONT LIE TO ME. I couldn't breathe my heart started racing and my breath hitched in my throat I didn't know what to say to Shawn. I said no Shawn why he started laughing and said BULLSHIT ELLE I SAW YOU LEAVE I looked down and said I'm sorry Shawn he said no I just wanted to know where you went. I looked up and said I drove around town and got gas and that's it he sighed and said ok and gave me a hug he said don't do that again. I wrapped my arms around his neck he said I really don't want a call from a hospital I said you won't and he kissed my shoulder and pulled back. Aaliyah walked downstairs and said I'm ready Shawn said ok and we all headed outside and he locked the front door and we all got into the car and he locked it and we all buckled up. Shawn turned on the car and turned on the radio and started driving out of the neighborhood and we all talked. I stayed quiet and looked out of the window because I didn't want to be in the conversation right now my ass just got busted. A little while later we got to school and we parked and waited for school to open and I bit my lip and continued listening to music. Shawn and Aaliyah kept talking and laughing together about random shit I started getting antsy so I started playing on my phone while waiting. A couple minutes later Aaliyah got out the car I was looking at news on my phone while Shawn was driving. I saw something and my heart stopped beating and my breath hitched and my eyes started watering and I clicked on it and thought I was going to pass away. I looked and saw Shawn was jamming out he looked at me and said what. I quickly called my mom and she answered and said hello I said mom are you and Matthew ok she said yes why are you crying. I said I thought you guys died she laughed and said um no me and Matthew are ok I smiled and said good I put them both on speaker and read the article title. I said the title is Matthew and his new wife Chelsea  Mendes died on their honeymoon in a freak accident I was shaking they said hey no we are ok babe don't worry I smiled and said ok. Shawn took a long way home to try and calm me down after reading that I hung up on them and took a deep breath. Shawn said hey babe it's ok and he started rubbing my thigh and said it's ok I said it just scared the hell out of me he said yea no I don't blame you at all. I said Shawn I'm sorry for sneaking out and I just immediately started crying hard Shawn said hold on and he pulled into a parking lot and parked his car and turned it off. Shawn turned to me and lifted my face up and he kissed me and my breath hitched in my throat when he did that. I said I love you Shawn against his lips he smiled and said I love you more Elle and he kissed me again and pulled back. Shawn wiped my face and said I'm not mad I was just worried and I was scared you were gonna get hurt and not come back home. I said no I'm home and I promise next time I do that I will wake you up he said good I just hope our parents are home so they can stay with Aaliyah. I said yea true and looked down and started playing with the hem of my shirt. Shawn leaned forward and kissed my forehead and I started smiling and bit my lip. I looked up when he pulled back I smiled and said Shawn he said yep I said what if we dated he smiled and said well we could do that because we have crazy feelings for each other. I smiled and said well yea we do Shawn sighed and bit his lip and looked at me and said Elle. I looked at him and said yea Shawn he said will you be my girlfriend I said are you serious he said yea and smiled and I smiled and pulled him closer and kissed him and we both started laughing and I said yes and he smiled and said good and kissed me again. A couple minutes later we left the parking lot and I put our anniversary in my phone and started jamming out to music on the way home I was so happy to finally be dating my idol. A little while later we finally got home and made some food and lounged around the house and laughed together. After we finished eating and did the dishes we both took a shower together and did karaoke and I started laughing at Shawn because he was Dancing I covered my face and Shawn said woowww thanks babe. I snorted because I was laughing so hard a little while later we got out the shower and dried off and changed. Me and Shawn had a dance party while Aaliyah was at school we also played guitar together which was really fun. When it was time to get Aaliyah we quickly put on pants and headed out the house. I jumped on Shawn's back and we ran through the house laughing together and we got outside and he locked the house and we jumped in the car and left. I was laughing while listening to music Shawn was laughing as well we parked and waited for Aaliyah. Shawn told a stupid joke and I started laughing so hard I couldn't breathe Shawn said hey what the fuck that was a funny joke. I shook my head and said no it wasn't he said then why the fuck are you laughing so hard. I said I don't know I ended up hitting my head on the window and Shawn freaked out but I was still laughing. Shawn said oh my God Elle are you ok I said yea and he said ok Jesus that scared me I laughed and said ow my head. Shawn looked at me and shook his head while laughing as well. Aaliyah got in the car and said what is so funny Shawn said nothing and locked the car and started driving out of the parking lot and headed home. I smiled while bitting my thumb and looked out the window I really missed all my old friends. I was thinking about going and see them but I don't know what my mom would say. A little while later we all got home and ate dinner and did homework. We all chilled and watched movies Aaliyah fell asleep and Shawn carried her upstairs and tucked her in. Me and Shawn played guitar for a little while then we both decided to go upstairs for the night. I gave Shawn a hug and went into my room and he went into his and closed the door I chilled in my room and played on my phone.

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