100 day 6 friday

7 1 0


I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched I was randomly in a really good mood and I didn't know why.

I looked at Shawn and felt my heart flutter slightly he looked really adorable when he's asleep.

I carefully got out of bed and walked over to my bag and opened it I got out some skincare and walked into the bathroom.

I closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom I put my hair in a messy bun and put on some music.

I started by washing my face and drying it off after I looked through my face mask and picked one out.

A couple minutes later I finally picked out a face mask and opened it and started putting it on my skin.

I picked up my trash and walked out of the bathroom and sat down by the window and listening to music.

After my mask was dry I peeled it off and threw it away and climbed back into bed with Shawn and cuddled against him.

A couple minutes later I fell back asleep next to Shawn and he was still completely knocked out and snoring lightly.

A couple of hours later Shawn woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and rolled me off of his chest carefully.

Shawn got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched in the bed.

Shawn brushed his hair and teeth and also used the restroom then walked out and headed back into our room smiling widely.

I started laughing and said good morning Shawn he smiled and said why good morning my beautiful Elle.

I blushed slightly and bit my lip and looked down Shawn sat down and kissed my head and I felt my face burn slightly.

I said so do you wanna hang out around the hotel today and take a bath together.

Shawn smiled and said yea Elle I would really like that I smiled widely and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him on top of me.

Shawn hovered over me and I felt my breath hitch in my throat he was staring at me.

I instantly melted under his gaze because it was so strong its like Shawn had this power over me and I loved every second of it.

Shawn started kissing me passionately and I shifted my hips up and moaned slightly.

Shawn smiled and pulled back and kissed my head and said ok Mrs. Mendes when do you wanna take the bath.

I said I don't know and I started playing with his hair and he bit his lip and smiled while staring at me.

I said Shawn we should have a pillow fight Shawn got off of me and climbed off the bed and grabbed a pillow.

I said your on I got off the bed and grabbed a pillow and hit Shawn and we started having a pillow fight.

Me and Shawn started laughing together and I accidentally hit him in the crotch and he fell on the floor.

I put the pillows on the bed and got on my knees and continued laughing and kissed Shawn's head.

Shawn said ow and we both started laughing together and I kissed his head and layed down next to him.

Shawn kept his hand on his crotch and he was groaning in pain I said aww and started rubbing his hair.

Shawn smiled slightly and said thank you for rubbing my hair I smiled and said your welcome and he kissed me.

I bit my lip and shook my head and smiled and said I love you Shawn smiled and said I love you more Elle.

I smiled and rolled onto my stomach and looked at Shawn and he said wow and shook his head and laughed.

A couple minutes later me and Shawn got off the floor he said damn we are extremely sweaty.

I laughed and said yep Shawn turned around and walked over to the tub and plugged in the stopper and turned it on.

Me and Shawn grabbed some clean clothes and I grabbed some rose petals and some candles.

Shawn lit the candles and I poured in the rose petals and looked at Shawn. He smiled and said the candles smell really good I said uh huh.

A little while later me and Shawn got into the tub Shawn sat in front of me and I sat the opposite side of him.

Me and Shawn were listening to music Shawn poured some wine in some glasses and we cheered and started drinking it.

I smiled and bit my lip and said wow this is really good Shawn smiled and said yes this wine is really good.

I put the glass down and turned off the tub and looked at Shawn and smiled widely.

I moved and sat in front of Shawn he opened his legs and I sat in between his legs.

Shawn put my wine glass next to his Shawn kissed my shoulder and said I love you Elle.

I looked at him and smiled and said I love you more Shawn he smiled and kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around me.

Shawn rested his chin on my shoulder and smiled and kissed my neck and I felt my heart race.

A couple minutes later I moved and straddled Shawn lap and put my hands on his shoulder and stood up slightly.

I started kissing Shawn passionately and he put his hands on my hips and gripped them slightly.

Shawn pulled me against him and moaned slightly and I bit my lip and pulled back and I bit my lip.

I sat down on his lap and Shawn started washing my hair and I smiled and started washing his hair as well.

A couple minutes later me and Shawn started washing each other's body I moved back and put the rose petals on his shoulders.

Shawn started laughing and we started splashing each other slightly and I smiled and shook my head.

Me and Shawn finished drinking our wine and got out and put on a towel and pulled out the plug.

A couple minutes later Shawn grabbed the rose petals and threw them away we picked up our stuff.

Me and Shawn dried off and changed and I plugged my phone in I pulled Shawn closer and kissed him.

Shawn smiled and said I love you I said I love you more Shawn and he kissed my forehead.

A little while later I grabbed the sheet and wrapped it around me and walked out of our room.

Shawn said shit and opened the door and put the lock to where the door wouldn't close.

I started walking down the hallway wrapped in a sheet Shawn started laughing and I turned around and posed.

Shawn started filming me and I started laughing and walked towards him and said I love ya bitch.

Shawn started laughing and he shook his head and continued filming me walking around the hallway.

A little while later me and Shawn went back into our room and we got ready for bed and went to sleep.

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