138 Tuesday

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I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and looked at Shawn.

I rolled over and looked around our new room and noticed all of the boxes and sighed.

Me and Shawn have to unpack together and get the house set up and decorated.

Shawn was planning on turning one of our rooms upstairs into his music studio.

I sighed and rolled onto my stomach and stretched and fell back asleep while Shawn was snoring lightly.

It is extremely weird how quiet it is and not having to deal with family it's extremely relaxing how quiet it is.

I closed my eyes and started breathing slowly and started to fall back asleep for the night.

A couple of hours later I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and looked out the window.

I said ugh its so fucking bright Shawn woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched as well.

I rolled onto my back and looked at Shawn and said I love you he smiled and said I love you more Elle.

I said what do you wanna do Shawn said we have to unpack soon I said ok and yawned.

A little while later me and Shawn finally got up and used the restroom then headed downstairs.

Shawn started cooking and I sat on the counter and watched him and ate a snack.

Shawn started laughing and he looked at me and said nice snack I said uh huh and we started laughing together.

Me and Shawn jammed out while he was cooking breakfast for me and him.

A little while later Shawn finished cooking and he helped me off the counter.

Me and Shawn started eating together and talking about plans for the day I said so you wanna unpack our bathroom.

Shawn said yea sure I smiled and said this food is so good Shawn smiled and said yea it is good.

After me and Shawn finished eating we picked our dishes up and headed upstairs and went into the bathroom.

Me and Shawn continued jamming out to music and started unpacking the boxes in the bathroom.

Me and Shawn started folding the towels and picking them up and having a deep conversation.

I said Shawn he said yes Elle I said would you be upset if I said I didn't want kids.

Shawn shook his head and said no its completely fine I wouldn't be upset.

I said promise he cupped my cheeks and kissed me and said I promise I'm not upset.

I smiled and said good he said I will be ready when you are ready I smiled and said thanks.

Shawn smiled and said no of course it's your body and I won't force you to have kids if you don't want to.

A little while later me and Shawn finished unpacking the boxes and took a shower.

After we finished showering we went downstairs and ate dinner together and continued talking about random shit.

After we finished eating dinner together we did the dishes then headed upstairs and went to bed for the night.

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