73 friday

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I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and yawned and stretched.

I walked out of my room and walked into my bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cold coffee and opened it and headed upstairs and started drinking it.

I headed into Shawn's room and stole his shirt and put it on and walked out of my room and started smiling widely.

I walked into my room and continued drinking my cold coffee and grabbed my phone and plugged in my earbuds and headed out of my room.

I bit my lip and turned on some music and headed downstairs and continued drinking my coffee and put it down.

I started smiling and jamming out in the living room and started dancing around the living room and tried not to be too loud.

I smiled and bit my lip and pit my hair in a ponytail and started dancing around the living room like I was home alone.

I started smiling and spinning around and started laughing and bit my lip a couple of hours later Matthew walked downstairs and said Elle.

I said huh and paused my music and looked at Matthew he smiled widely and said what the hell are you doing its 4 am.

I said oh and looked at my phone he started laughing and shook his head and gave me a hug.

I said I love you dad he said I love you too Elle and he kissed my head and walked over to the front door.

Matthew said Elle please get some sleep I said ugh ok and he walked out of the front door and locked it.

I played my music and put my earbud back in and took a sip of coffee and put my coffee back in the fridge.

I headed upstairs and used the restroom then went back into my room and plugged my phone up and turned off my music.

I climbed into bed and smiled widely and yawned and stretched and fell asleep a couple minutes later and started breathing slowly.

A little while later my mom and Aaliyah left and headed to school a little while later I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched.

I rolled onto my back and smiled widely and stretched I got out of bed and walked out of my room and headed into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed downstairs and walked into the kitchen and grabbed my cold coffee and started drinking it.

I headed upstairs and went into my room and turned on music and smiled and started jamming out to music.

Suddenly I was in a really good mood and I didn't know why but I wasn't complaining.

I do miss Shawn but I'm done crying I want to start and focus on myself while he is gone I'm going to start coping in healthy ways.

A little while later my mom came home and locked the front door and sat down on the couch.

I sat in front of my mirror and started drinking coffee and doing some skin care I texted Shawn for a while before he got onto stage.

I decided to do a little bit of makeup for the day my mom knocked on my door and came in and said oh Elle your up.

I said yea and looked at her she said well ok I'm going to go start getting ready I said ok cool and she walked out of my room and closed my door.

My mom used the restroom then went into her room and closed her door so she could start getting ready for the day.

I was doing a smoky eye and a dark red lipstick after I finished my makeup I turned off my music and sprayed some body spray on.

I plugged my phone in and went into the bathroom and threw my coffee container away and used the restroom.

I went into my room and put my shoes on and went into my moms room.

I walked into her room and she said ok I'm ready I said ok and we walked out of her room together.

I quickly grabbed everything I needed and headed downstairs my mom unlocked the front door and we both walked out.

My mom quickly locked the front door and we walked down the porch and got in the car.

My mom locked the car and we both buckled up and she turned on the car and started driving out of the driveway and started driving out of the neighborhood.

My mom turned on the radio and I put on my music and started jamming out and looked out of the window and bit my thumb.

A little while later me and my mom got to the nail salon and she parked in the parking lot and we got out and headed inside.

Me and my mom walked inside and sat down beside each other the ladies were extremely sweet.

Me and my mom got acrylic nails I got black gel and my mom ended up getting a really pretty mint color.

I said mom she said yes Elle I said I love you she smiled and said I love you more.

I said I missed you my mom smiled and said I missed you more I smiled and said aww.

I said I'm thinking about flying to Louisiana to see nat and my old friends my mom said ok just let me know when you leave.

I said ok I just need to plan everything and pack and figure shit out me and my mom started laughing together and she said I can't believe you are 19.

I said yea I've grown up a lot my mom said yes you definitely have since me and your father got divorced.

I said yea I'm happy you guys got divorced my mom smiled and said oh yea trust me I am as well honey.

A little while later me and my mom left the nail salon and walked over to the car and got in the car and buckled up.

My mom locked the car and we took pictures together a little while my mom started driving out of the parking lot and drove down the highway.

A little while later my mom got to the hair salon and we headed inside and sat down in chairs.

I got my hair dyed and I also got a hair mask and got my hair washed and styled.

My mom got her hair cut dyed and also got a hair mask the hair stylis were extremely sweet and funny.

A couple of hours later me and my mom left and picked up some food and headed home.

Matthew and Aaliyah were home and sitting down at the dinner table Matthew smiled and gave me and my mom a hug.

Me and my mom used the restroom and sat down at the dinner table and ate food together.

My mom said Aaliyah how about we bring you out so you can hang out with us Aaliyah smiled widely and said yes I would love that idea.

My mom smiled and said ok cool I'm glad we all continued eating dinner then threw our trash away and headed upstairs.

Every one went into their rooms and went to bed for the night.

I ended up face timing Shawn for a little while before I fell asleep for the night.

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