6 Friday

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Today is the day for the concert and I couldn't be more excited. I woke up and yawned and stretched my mom said Rose it's the day of the concert. I yawned and said I know and stretched and smiled and layed back down and she went downstairs to cook food. I got up a couple minutes later and went to my bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth and also used it. I headed downstairs after smiling widely my mom laughed and said your excited I said um helll yea is that a question and she started laughing. Me and my mom have front row tickets for the concert we were doing the meet and greet after the concert so I was extremely excited about it and so was my mom. A little while later I went upstairs and started getting ready for the concert my mom also went upstairs and changed and got ready. I put on some Shawn Mendes music and I started jamming out and got ready. I put on my clothes and sprayed some body spray on and I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom. A little while later me and my mom left and headed to the concert I was excited the whole way there. I was bouncing up and down in my seat on the way there. My mom was laughing at me the whole way there we were wearing our VIP passes. A little while later we finally got to the concert and parked I was so excited me and my mom got out and she locked the door and we walked up to the venue. There was a long line the people who had VIP went in the front we went into the front and waited to be let in. Me and my mom took a couple of pictures together I was super excited the whole time. A little while later we were let inside and we went through security and went to the merch table and bought a couple of things and went to our seats and sat down. We were directly in front of the stage and I was extremely excited I quickly used the restroom and my mom went after me and she sat back down beside me. People started coming in and sitting in their seats and talked to each other. My mom said Elle are you excited I bit my thumb and said yes oh my God I have been dieing to go to one of these concerts and she smiled and said trust me I know we were both extremely excited. A little while later Shawn finally came out every one started screaming and cheering I was extremely excited and I started smiling and bit my lip and almost started crying. My mom held my stuff and I started filming the concert. Shawn said HELLO EVERYONE HOW ARE YOU GUYS DOING we all started cheering I smiled and bit my lip and filmed the whole concert. Shawn smiled the whole time he looked at me and waved and winked at me and I couldn't breathe I covered my mouth and I started crying. A little while later the concert was over and I put my phone up and gave my mom a hug and said thank you I love you so much and she said of course I hope you enjoyed I smiled and said oh my God yes I did. A little while later everyone that had VIP passes went and got into a line me and my mom were the last people in line. I held my mom's hand and smiled and bit my lip and said I can't believe this is actually happening she smiled and said I know I can't believe it. I gave my mom a hug and she kissed my head and we continued talking about random shit. A little while later it was finally me and my mom's turn I bit my lip and started crying I started shaking Shawn said hi how are you. I said oh my God your real and I started crying he said oh love it's ok and he gave me a hug and said hello and gave my mom a hug as well. He pulled back and rested his hands on my hips and said hello love how are you I said good in a shaky breathe. Me and Shawn took a couple pictures together and he signed my stuff and took my note and he smiled. I said thank you so much you have helped me through so much I went through a rough break up and it put me in a rough place. My parents also went through a really rough divorce and it really messed me up I said thank you so much because if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be alive. He said aw love I'm so happy that you are still here and he gave me a hug my mom said thank you so much that I still have my daughter. He smiled and gave my mom a hug and said I'm really happy you still have your daughter. He gave us both a hug and said well I guess you guys are the last people here and I laughed and wiped my face. Shawn said so you guys want to hang out I smiled and said yes absolutely he smiled and said ok cool. We all hung out I said me and my mom moved to Toronto a couple months ago he said oh wow no way that's amazing I said yea and took a deep breath and said I just miss all my friends. Shawn said well yea I bet you do cause that's not easy moving from all of your friends and your home town I shook my head and said yea I agree. A couple minutes later me and Shawn went into another room and talked about a bunch of stuff. I took a breath and Shawn started rubbing my back and said take your time love it's ok and I smiled and took a deep breath and told him my whole life. Shawn said wow I can't believe you have been through that I said please don't tell anyone he said don't worry and he gave me a hug and kissed my temple and said you are a really strong young women. I smiled and said thank you my 19th birthday was really difficult he said yea I bet a little while later I asked would it be weird if I got your number and I bit my lip. Me and Shawn exchanged numbers and I gave him a hug and he said text me when you get home I shook my head and said ok I will and we got up and he gave me a hug and we walked out the room. A little while later me and my mom left after we gave him a hug and took a couple pictures and left. Shawn's body guard walked us to our car and me and my mom left and headed home. Me and my mom stopped to get food and we headed back home and ate dinner and got home. My mom locked the door and went upstairs and changed and got ready for the night. I quickly texted Shawn and told him we got home and he smiled and said ok good love 😘. I was extremely happy I plugged my phone in and brushed my teeth and went to bed and fell asleep for the night I was extremely exhausted from the concert.

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