38 Tuesday

25 1 0


I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and checked my phone it said 1 am. I got up and yawned and stretched and went to the bathroom and got something to drink. I went back into Nats room and layed down and started looking at pictures of me and Shawn and felt my heart shatter slightly. I felt my eyes watering and I got out of bed and quietly snuck out the front door and sat down on the hammic and put my phone down and I started crying and covered my face. I uncovered my face and started wiping my eyes Noah sat down next to me and said hey Elle I said hey Noah and I looked at the sky. It was a beautiful night and the breeze felt really good I looked back at Noah and he said seriously what is wrong and he sounded sincere I said it's Shawn he's not answering me and he talked to his dad. I said he also hung up when me and you were cooking and I stopped and said oh my God Noah said hm. I said Shawn thinks we like each other and we both started laughing he said shhh your gonna wake everyone up I said my bad. I said why are you up he said I heard the front door open I said oh and he got up and walked back inside and I looked at the grass. A couple minutes later Noah came outside and locked the front door and helped me up carefully he said let's go for a walk I said ok. I followed Noah on the grass and he helped me over the ditch and we started walking down the street I stood beside him and he kept a close eye on me and we both started talking about life. I said so how is college he laughed and said it's good I smiled and said nice he said so how is Canada I said beautiful and very cold. He laughed and said I bet I said yea I just miss all my friends down here he said yea I bet your parents went through a terrible divorce. I said yea and sighed me and Noah kept walking down the street for a while then we decided to turn back around and head home. Shawn finally called and I answered it and Noah got me out of the way of moving vehicles. I said Shawn he said hey sorry I just needed some time to think and breathe I said yea I bet. Noah kept his hands on my shoulders so I wouldn't go in the street. Shawn said Elle I said yes Shawn he said do you like him I sighed and said no Shawn I don't I promise he said ok good I love you. I smiled and said I love you more and we continued talking while walking down the street. A little while later I hung up on Shawn Noah said um are you guys dating I laughed and said no Noah he said ok just wondering. Me and Noah quietly snuck in the house and used the restroom and Noah locked the door and the dog started barking. I jumped 10 feet in the air and Noah caught me and we started laughing and he put me down and we went to bed. I fell asleep while smiling after I plugged my phone in. A couple of hours later me and and Nat woke up and went into the kitchen and hung out with his parents I picked Nats youngest sister and we both started laughing and me and Nat took a picture while laughing. A little while later her parents left and we all hung out. Shawn said he was extremely busy today so I said ok and let him be. Me and Nat did the dishes while Noah babysat their siblings. Aaliyah called and I said hey girl and put her on speaker and we started laughing together and talking about random shit. A little while later Nat went and cleaned her cats litter box and I sat in the living room and played with the dog and I started laughing. A little while later Nat left and it sucked but I understood she was a working woman. Me and Noah entertained their siblings Shawn called and I said hey and sat on the counter and bit my thumb. Shawn sighed and said sorry I've been so damn busy today I said no its ok I've been busy today as well. Shawn said yea we are heading to our next venue I said cool and looked at the floor and started laughing and said hey do you remember when we played guitar he smiled and said yea. I said remember all the fun times we had he said yes babe I remember and I smiled and bit my lip. Nats parents came home and Noah came in the kitchen and Shawn said I'm gonna head out and go do a couple of things I said ok. Shawn said I'm gonna be extremely busy the next couple of days and he also said I will try and talk to you I said ok bye and he said bye and hung up. Nats dad started cooking dinner and her mom helped I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist and Noah helped me down off the counter and I put my phone in my pocket and walked out the kitchen. Nats mom said we are going to church tomorrow and Nat is off Friday I smiled and said really she said yep and I said yeayy. Noah said it looks like I'm babysitting Friday I laughed and said yep you are and he growled and ran after me. I said oh shit and started running away and laughing I slipped and Noah started tickling me and we both started laughing together I said stop and he fell on his back and started laughing as well. A little while later we got up and went in the living room and Nat came home a little while later and said hey fammm. We all said hi Nat she said hey and went to the bathroom and I smiled and said so Noah he got up and said foods done. I said um ok and got up and went into the kitchen and said so Nat your off Friday she said yep we are having a girls day and I smiled and said oh I can't wait and she smiled and said uhhh same. After we all ate and watched movies we all decided to go to bed. Me and Nat talked for a while then we fell asleep laughing.

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