A little while later my mom woke up and walked out of her room and woke up Aaliyah.

My mom said Aaliyah wake up its almost your last day of school and she closes the door and headed downstairs.

Shawn woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and sighed.

Shawn said Elle wake up I rolled over and continued sleeping.

Shawn said Elle wake up I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched.

I looked at Shawn and said what the fuck why did you wake me up.

Shawn yawned and said babe come on let's get up I rolled my eyes and said no.

I said I'm not getting up because I'm fucking exhausted and I dont wanna leave bed because it's comfortable.

Shawn laughed and got comfortable and fell asleep again I smiled and got comfortable and fell asleep as well.

A little while later my mom made coffee and Aaliyah headed downstairs and they both left for school.

My mom locked the front door and headed to school to drop off Aaliyah.

I woke up a little while later and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched.

I looked at Shawn and he was still sleeping and I smiled and yawned and kissed his chest.

Shawn woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and said Elle what are you doing.

I smiled and looked up at him and fluttered my eyes at him he smiled and leaned down and kissed me.

I smiled and pulled back and said I love you Shawn he smiled and said I love you more Elle.

Shawn said let's go get food downstairs I said ok me and Shawn got out of bed.

Me and Shawn walked over to his bedroom door and he opened it and said after you ma lady.

I smiled and walked out and Shawn walked out behind me and closed his door.

Me and Shawn walked inside the bathroom and I closed the door.

We brushed our hair and teeth and also used the restroom then we headed downstairs.

Shawn looked for something to cook I fed Cc and cleaned up after him.

I sat down on the counter while Shawn cooked breakfast for me and him.

After Shawn finished cooking we ate breakfast I sat on the counter and Shawn stood next to me.

After we finished eating Shawn picked up the dishes and he helped me off the counter.

A couple minutes later my mom came home and locked the front door then went into the living room and sat down.

Me and Shawn did a load of laundry and picked it up my mom said oh my God thank you guys so much.

Me and Shawn laughed and said no its fine a little while later me and Shawn chilled on the couch together.

A couple of hours later my mom got up and left the house and went to go pick up Aaliyah.

Shawn said Elle are you excited about the wedding I smiled widely and said yes of course.

Shawn smiled and said yea me too and he bit his lip and started playing on his phone.

A little while later Matthew came home and locked the front door and hung out with me and Shawn.

After my mom and Aaliyah came home we all ate dinner and talked about random shit.

After we ate we picked up our dishes then went upstairs and went to bed for the night.

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