181 day 3 Saturday

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I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and looked out of the window.

Shawn was still completely knocked out and snoring lightly I smiled and bit my lip.

I got up and used the restroom then climbed back into bed and got comfortable but I couldn't go back to sleep.

I decided to play on my phone while Shawn was sleeping.

I texted Lucy to see if she was still awake she said yea Aaliyah is passed out.

I said Shawn too she said lmao and said I'm coming over I said ok and she said bye.

A couple minutes later I opened the door and Lucy came in and I closed the door.

Me and Lucy sat down on the couch and ate snacks together and talked about random shit.

Lucy said how is Shawn still completely knocked out I laughed and said I don't know.

Lucy said I literally can't sleep I said ugh me too and I sighed.

A couple minutes later Shawn woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed.

Shawn said what the fuck is going on I said we couldn't sleep he said ok and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I laughed and looked at Lucy and we got up and ran and jumped on the bed.

We started laughing together and I covered my face Shawn came back in the room and said Jesus Christ.

We all started laughing together Shawn climbed into bed and I was in the middle.

Shawn took a couple of pictures of us then he put my phone down and fell asleep.

A little while later me and Lucy finally fell back asleep for the night.

A couple of hours later I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched.

I felt two different people next to me I looked and saw Lucy on one side of me.

I turned my head and saw Shawn on the other side of me completely knocked out and snoring lightly.

I sighed and said ugh I don't wanna get up I yawned and rolled over and cuddled against Shawn.

Shawn woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and said morning Elle.

I said morning Shawn and I yawned and stretched against Shawn.

He said you wanna hang out by the pool today I looked up and said yea sure.

A little while later after everyone woke up and got ready we headed down to the pool.

It was a really beautiful day it is extremely hot outside we all put on sunscreen and sat down.

I sat by Shawn and smiled and said it's a beautiful day he smiled and said yea I agree with you.

Aaliyah said so we are just going to hang out here all day.

I said yep pretty much she said ok and smiled and continued talking to Lucy.

Shawn said this is nice a family vacation I smiled and said yea I agree.

Shawn said so after vacation what are we doing I said I don't know honestly.

Shawn said yea I agree thats fine we will figure it out when we leave.

A couple of hours later we all got up and headed inside and ordered food.

We all hung out in me and Shawn's room for the day.

A couple of hours later Lucy and Aaliyah went to their room and went to bed.

A little while later me and Shawn went to bed after we talked for a while.

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