128 day 5 Thursday

5 1 0


I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and rolled onto my back and looked at the ceiling.

I started getting extremely angry because I was thinking about how Chloe was flirting with Shawn.

I rolled my eyes and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then looked in the mirror.

I said ew I'm so fucking ugly why did Shawn fall for me I'm fat short and ugly.

I felt my eyes watering and I started crying and looked down at the sink I said he deserves so much better.

The bathroom door opened and I looked up at Shawn and he said hey Elle hun why are you crying.

I turned around and pressed my back towards the counter I said you deserve someone better than me.

Shawn said Elle stop and he walked in front of me and said you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I smiled and said really he said yea plus your not fat or ugly I smiled.

Shawn said your short and fucking gorgeous and my favorite person ever.

I smiled and said really Shawn smiled and said yes really and he leaned down and kissed me.

I said I love you Shawn he said I love you more Elle I smiled and Shawn quickly used the restroom.

I said Shawn he said uh huh Elle while washing his hands I said you wanna walk around Las Vegas right now.

Shawn smiled and said yea sure I smiled and said ok cool and walked out of the bathroom.

Shawn followed me out of the bathroom and we quickly changed and put our shoes on.

A couple minutes later me and Shawn walked out of our hotel room he started sliding against the walls.

I said what the hell are you doing he said shhh I'm James bond I started laughing and covered my face.

Shawn started laughing as well and he grabbed my hand and we ran down the halls laughing together.

A couple minutes later we walked out of the hotel smiling widely I kissed his cheek and said thanks for making me feel better.

Shawn smiled and said of course babe that's what I'm here for and he kissed my head.

Me and Shawn walked down the sidewalk looking at all of the different lights I said wow we should take pictures.

Me and Shawn took a couple pictures and continued walking a bunch of people were driving down the highway.

I smiled and held Shawn's hand he said wow we should go to a casino and look around.

I said um I don't know he said whats wrong I said they scare me Shawn said I got you Elle relax.

I said ok and we continued walking together and laughing Shawn opened a door to a casino and we walked in.

There were a bunch of flashing lights and people playing games it was extremely loud and crowded.

I started getting slightly anxious and I squeezed Shawn's hand he said hey I got you.

I followed behind Shawn while he was walking around there was a table with a card game.

I saw a huge bar and a place to go eat I looked at Shawn and he smiled widely and he looked extremely adorable.

I started to calm down slightly but I still kept a tight hold of his hand.

I said Shawn I'm extremely anxious he said it's completely okay me and Shawn walked over to the bar.

Shawn said hi can I get a beer and a shot of vodka for my lady.

I smiled and I got a shot of vodka and Shawn sat and started drinking his beer.

I took the shot and coughed and said woah that burned going down Shawn said that's not the only thing that's gonna burn.

I smiled and shook my head and he smiled and continued drinking his beer.

A little while later me and Shawn left the casino and we were holding hands and laughing together.

I shook my head and we walked into the hotel and went into our room.

Me and Shawn cuddled and talked about random shit and laughed until we fell asleep.

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