50 Wednesday

16 1 0


I yawned and checked my phone and said shit its 3 am I turned off my music and plugged my phone in.

I climbed out of bed and walked out of my room and used the restroom then went back into my bedroom.

I climbed into bed and fell asleep a little while later after I got into a comfortable position in my bed.

I yawned and closed my eyes and fell asleep a couple minutes later. A couple of hours later my mom Matthew and Aaliyah all woke up and headed downstairs into the kitchen.

My mom and Matthew started cooking breakfast while Aaliyah sat down in the living room and watched TV.

I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and sighed. I said I don't want to fucking get out of bed I am so fucking comfortable.

I yawned and rolled onto my back and stretched and groaned fuckkkk and kicked off my blankets.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned and grabbed my phone and checked my notifications and continued playing on it for a while.

A little while later I put my phone down and forced myself out of bed and walked out of my room and headed into the bathroom.

I closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed downstairs and into the kitchen.

Aaliyah said morning Elle I said morning Aaliyah and headed into the kitchen. My mom and Matthew were laughing together and they said oh hey morning Elle how did you sleep.

I yawned and said good they smiled and said good we are cooking breakfast right now. I said uh huh I can see that and we all started laughing together.

I walked into the living room and flopped onto the couch and got comfortable and fell back asleep. Aaliyah said ok good night Elle and I started snoring lightly.

A little while later Shawn headed downstairs and said damn Elle must be extremely exhausted. Shawn walked into the kitchen and said morning guys.

Matthew said morning Shawn how did you sleep he said good and sat down on the couch next to Aaliyah. Shawn said so what are ya watching sis she smiled and said Ben 10.

I woke up and said hell yea my shows on and I flipped over and started watching it. Everyone started laughing and said well Elle is awake now.

I said yep and yawned and stretched and groaned fuckkkk Shawn said morning Elle. I laughed and said morning Shawn while staring at the TV.

A little while later the food was done and we all hung out in the living room and watched TV together. My mom said so we are going swim suit shopping today.

Everyone said ok sounds good my mom said we need sun screen and beach towels my mom sent Matthew the list and he said ok sounds good.

A little while later we all put our dishes up and headed upstairs to get ready for the day. Shawn went into his room to get ready I turned on some music and started changing.

I sprayed some body spray on and quickly used the restroom the went back into my room. I turned off my music and put my shoes on and grabbed my ear buds.

I walked downstairs and sat on the couch and waited for everyone else to finish getting ready for the day.

I plugged in my earbuds and started listening to music while waiting for everyone else.

I smiled while listening to my favorite songs on my Spotify Playlist I also checked my notifications and put my phone down on the couch.

A little while later everyone finished getting ready and headed downstairs into the living room. My mom said Elle are you ready I said yep and got off of the couch.

A couple minutes later we all headed out of the front door and Matthew locked the front door and we all walked off the porch and over to the car.

My mom unlocked the car and we all got inside and closed our doors. Matthew got in and my mom handed him the keys and we all buckled up.

Aaliyah sat in the row in front of me and Shawn we all buckled up and Matthew turned on the car and started driving out of the driveway.

My mom turned on the radio and I continued listening to my music on my phone. Shawn rested his hand on my thigh and squeezed it slightly and I bit my lip and blushed.

I looked over at Shawn and he was looking forward while Matthew drove down the highway.

Shawn was talking and laughing with our parents I rested my head against the chair and enjoyed the ride.

I looked out the window while smiling it was a beautiful day in Canada it was surprisingly warm so I decided to wear shorts today.

A little while later we all got to Walmart and Matthew parked the car and we all got out and he locked it and we all headed inside of the store.

Matthew and Shawn left and went to the guy section me my mom and Aaliyah all went to the woman adult section.

A little while later I finally found a bikini my mom also found one Aaliyah got one from the children section.

My mom bought some sunscreen and we all picked put our own towels. Matthew and Shawn met up with us and we bought stuff for our trip.

My mom said we are all leaving on Friday at 4 am we said ok sounds good. My mom also said when we get home we need to all start packing.

We said ok sounds good and we all checked out and picked up food and headed home. After we all ate we went upstairs and started packing our bags for the trip.

After I finished packing I went downstairs and ate dinner with everyone then headed upstairs and went to bed.

Every one else went upstairs and got ready for bed then went to sleep. Shawn came in my room and said good night Elle I smiled and said good night Shawn.

He walked out of my room and closed my door and went into his room and went to bed.

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