13 friday

45 1 0


This week had been boring af Shawn and his family are staying the night tonight. Shawn said he was driving his car over and I smiled and said ok cool. I spent the whole night doing girly things I took a bath at 11 pm and did skin care after then watched movies till 3 am and fell asleep. I wrote in my journal I still can't believe my mom is renting this house and I can't believe she is dating Shawn Mendes's dad. Me and Shawn already know we have feelings for each other there is obviously no denying it but we can't date which absolutely sucks. I accidentally set an alarm and didn't realize it I was in a dead sleep then my alarm went off. I jumped and groaned fuckkkk why did I set my damn alarm I turned it off and yawned and stretched. I opened my eyes and sighed I forced myself out of bed and headed into the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth and also used it then headed downstairs. My mom said Elle where is your pants Shawn and Matthew said oh I looked down and said are you fucking kidding me I ran upstairs and quickly threw on shorts then headed downstairs and said oops and laughed. Shawn smiled and bit his lip and said my bad and turned his head with his hand and started laughing and so did I. Shawn said hey Elle I said hm he said nice underwear and winked Matthew said Shawn Peter Raul Mendes he said what Matthew said no don't make me slap you in front of everyone Shawn went quiet and looked down and sighed and said yes sir. I sat by Shawn and whispered nice dick he said huh and looked down and said shit and he quickly coughed and covered himself I started laughing and he said shut up Elle. I snorted and said your face was priceless and he said I hate you and started laughing I sighed and leaned back against the couch and got comfortable and ended up falling asleep. Shawn said are you fucking kidding me really your that exhausted he laughed and covered me up with a blanket. Everyone started talking while I was sleeping a little while later I woke up and yawned and stretched. Shawn said good morning babe nice nap I said huh oh I fell asleep Shawn said uh huh I said your car in a whisper and he said mh hm I said ok. I said do you have your stuff Shawn said yea and got up and grabbed his bag and put it my room and headed back downstairs and sat by me and smiled. I bit my lip my mom and Matthew left to go get Aaliyah from school they said please behave both of you we said ok and they left. Shawn checked and said the coast is clear I got up and said helll yea Shawn ran over to me and immediately hoisted me up up started kissing me passionately it caught me off guard and I moaned slightly into the kiss and we fell on the couch. I ran my nails down his neck a little while later we heard the door and Shawn immediately rolled off the couch and fell and we both started laughing together. Everyone walked inside and said um ok you guys are having fun Shawn stood up and said we good kids I said you mean we are good kids he laughed and said yea that. I shook my head said oh boy Matthew said we are dropping off Aaliyah so we can go pick up food Shawn said ok and Aaliyah went to the bathroom and closed the door I looked at Shawn and he smiled widely and I bit my thumb and laughed. Our parents left and we all hung out on the couch Aaliyah was telling us about her day at School Shawn was staring up at the ceiling clearly annoyed I laughed and playfully punched him in the dick. He groaned ow fuck Elle why would you do that I said huh oh my bad my hand slipped he said uh huh I bet. Shawn was hunched over holding his crotch in a lot of pain I said are you ok he said yep in a lot of pain. I gave him a hug and said I love you he said yep love you more and smiled sarcastically. A little while later our parents came home with the food Shawn stood up carefully and went to go get food Aaliyah changed into comfortable clothes. We all hung out and ate food I looked at Shawn he didn't look at me if he did he gave me a dirty look and I felt awful. I got up and went upstairs and into the bathroom I climbed into the tub because thats my safe place. I started crying because I felt terrible someone knocked on the door I quickly wiped my face and said yea I'll be out in a minute. The door opened and Shawn walked in and closed the door and locked it I looked away. Shawn crouched down I said I'm sorry and looked at Shawn he leaned closer and kissed me and everything was OK. He pulled back and said it's fine I'm sorry for giving you dirty looks I said it's ok and he kissed me again and I smiled when he pulled back he said I have to pee I said I'll go he said no close your eyes I laughed and said ok. Shawn made sure the door was locked he said Elle close your eyes I laughed and covered my eyes and he started peeing I laughed and said why are you so loud he laughed and said I don't know. A couple minutes later he said uncover your eyes and I I and he was washing his hands I got out of the tub and walked downstairs. Shawn followed a couple minutes later I said hey they said are you ok I smiled and said yea I'm fine. After we all ate we chilled in the living room and watched movies together my mom said Shawn was sleeping in the living room and Aaliyah could sleep with me but she chose the living room. Shawn changed while we were all watching the movie we all quickly changed as well. Aaliyah fell asleep on the couch before all of us and Shawn tucked her in and sat back down next to me and I smiled and bit my lip. A little while later my mom and Matthew went upstairs my mom said Elle you should go in your room I said ok and got up and gave Shawn a hug and went upstairs. I went into my room and used the restroom and started smiling and bit my lip I said I want to be bad tonight. I snuck out my room and went to the top of the stairs and whispered Shawn he looked up and quietly walked upstairs I said you want to sneak out he smiled and said yea and kissed my nose and said let me know when they are asleep I said ok and we both went back into our areas. I chilled in my room on my phone I was texting Shawn and we both made each other laugh. I shook my head and got up after I checked my phone it said 1 am. I quickly walked out of my room and checked to see if our parents were sleeping and they were. I walked to the top of the stairs and whispered Shawn and he quietly got up and walked upstairs and we went into my room. I bit my lip and he grabbed his keys and wallet out of his bags. Me and Shawn put our shoes on and used the restroom and quietly snuck downstairs and to the front door. I bit my lip and said ready to be a bad boy he said yea Aaliyah woke up and we quietly got into a closet I said holy shit. I opened the door and peeked out she went into the kitchen and got something to drink and went back to the couch and layed down. I took a deep breath and quietly snuck out and grabbed the keys to the house Shawn closed the door and unlocked the front door and snuck out and closed the door. Aaliyah got back up and I went back into the closet she went into the bathroom and I quietly snuck out the front door and closed and locked it. Me and Shawn quickly jumped in the car and he locked it I said holy shit we were do close to getting caught and we both started laughing together. Me and Shawn buckled up and he started the car and we left the driveway and neighborhood. It was a beautiful night Shawn rolled down the windows and we started jamming out to music when we hit the highway we were both smiling widely and singing along together not giving a care in the world. Me and Shawn snuck out at 1:30 am on a Friday night because why the fuck not. I said we are terrible kids Shawn said oh well sometimes you just got to have fun and live on the wild side. I said have you done this before he said nope I said Shawn he said huh I didn't have anyone to do this with I said well hey girl. He laughed and said have you done this before I said oh yes many times he said huh I said never been caught he said ok Mrs sneaking out queen and I laughed. Me and Shawn drove around Canada and took pictures we stopped at a park and hung out together and swung on the swings together. We took pictures and talked about how we felt about everything that's happening right now. I said Shawn he said yep I said we might become step siblings he said yep and we can't date. He laughed and said secretly I said Shawn he said huh I don't care I'm in love with you I smiled and said yep me too. Me and Shawn left a little while later and we stopped to get gas and snacks and we quickly headed home. We continued jamming out together and laughing we got home at 3 am and quietly snuck in and locked the door I went to my room and Shawn crawled on the couch and went to bed. I got in my room and started smiling widely and I used the restroom and chilled in my bed and fell asleep a little while later.

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