16 a couple months later

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I woke up to the sound of rain I yawned and stretched. I checked my phone it said 1 am I groaned fuckkkk and got out of bed and went to my bathroom and used it. I went downstairs and got some food and something to drink I went in my room and finished my food and put my bowel up and went back upstairs. I locked my bedroom door and lit a candle and turned on my shower I put on some music and got clean clothes then hopped in the shower a couple minutes later. I showered for an hour and got out and dried off and changed I yawned and washed my face. I checked my phone it said 3 am I put my dirty clothes up and plugged my phone in. I sprayed some body spray on and layed back down and fell asleep a little while later. A couple of hours later my mom said Elle wake up I groaned fuckkkk why she said so me and Matthew are going on a date tonight I rolled my eyes and said ok and she walked out of my room. A little while later I got up and went to the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth and also used it I went downstairs Shawn was here Matthew said hey good morning Elle Aaliyah is at school and you and Shawn will pick her up later I said ok cool. My mom said so are we going to spend the day together then go on the date Matthew said um yea sure that sounds good. I looked at Shawn and he made a weird face I said um ok he used the restroom then we all chilled on the couch. We all hung out in the living room my mom and Matthew left a little while later. Me and Shawn hung out and talked about random shit while waiting to pick up his sister from school. Shawn set his alarm and we both ended up falling asleep for a while. A little while later Shawn's alarm went off and we both groaned fuckkkk and got up. We both quickly used the restroom and woke up and went outside and locked the front door and jumped into the car. Shawn turned on some music and rolled down the windows we started smiling and jammed out while driving down the highway. It finally stopped raining and it was really beautiful outside we finally got to the school and waited for Aaliyah. A little while later me and Shawn picked up Aaliyah and jammed out on the way home. She was extremely excited when she got in the car we picked up food on the way home and talked about our day. Shawn dropped me off at my house and he left with Aaliyah to his house I chilled out by myself. My mom and Matthew came home and said hey Elle where is Shawn and Aaliyah I said they dropped me off and headed home. Matthew left a little while later I helped my mom get ready for the date and she was extremely excited about it. A little while later Matthew and his kids came back he said wow Chelsea you look amazing she smiled and said thank you. I was wearing a hoodie and sweat pants and had a messy bun Shawn said twins and we both started laughing. Our parents left and we all hung out played games together I said hey I won and did a happy dance and everyone started laughing together. A hour later our parents came home my mom was smiling widely I said why are you so happy she said I'm getting married me and Shawn stopped and looked at each other. Aaliyah was jumping up and down and gave them hugs Shawn said oh my God I sighed and said yeay step siblings. Shawn looked upset and so was I gave him a hug and said what are we going to do. He pulled back and said honestly I don't know what we can do I felt sad and looked over his shoulder and he said well fuck looks like we can't be happy together. I looked at him and said we both like each other he said yea I know a little while later Matthew and his kids left and me and my mom hung out and talked about the wedding and things like that. My mom said we would be moving in with Matthew and his family soon I bit my lip and said oh how fun. I went to bed that night and started thinking about me and Shawn and I cried myself to sleep because I wanted him.

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