123 day 2 monday

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I randomly woke up to the sound of thunder outside and I groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched.

Shawn woke up and wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer and kissed my head.

The room lit up from the lighting and I jumped when I heard the thunder Shawn said it's ok Elle.

I sat up and started shaking slightly Shawn said Elle it's alright he pulled me closer and kissed my head.

Shawn started singing softly and I layed down and got comfortable against his chest.

Shawn started rubbing my back while singing softly and I smiled and bit my lip.

The rain started to pick up and I bit my lip and Shawn pulled the cover over our heads.

I looked at Shawn and smiled and he looked down and kissed me and said ita gonna be ok don't worry.

I rested my head against his neck and Shawn continued singing softly until I fell asleep.

A couple of hours later I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and looked at Shawn.

Shawn woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and took off the cover.

I looked at Shawn and he said um well do you wanna go out today I said um yea that sounds like fun.

Shawn said yea we can definitely go out and explore Las Vegas I said should we get a rental car.

Shawn said um idk we can look I said ok me and Shawn got up and went into the bathroom.

Me and Shawn used the bathroom and brushed our hair and teeth and walked out of the bathroom.

Me and Shawn got ready and sprayed some body spray on and also some cologne.

A little while later me and Shawn walked out of our hotel room and headed down the hallway.

Shawn held my hand and kissed my head and said I love you Elle I said I love you too Shawn.

A couple minutes later Shawn pressed the button and we waited for the door to open.

Shawn was playing on his phone and we walked in the elevator and it went down and opened.

Me and Shawn walked through the lobby and walked over to the door and Shawn opened the door and we walked out.

I smiled and said it smells so earthy Shawn said yea it smells really nice.

I said why does it smell good after it rains I said I don't know why and I looked at Shawn.

Me and Shawn walked down the sidewalk while holding hands and laughing.

Shawn said so Elle we are gonna take a tour of Las Vegas I said shouldn't we get a taxi.

Shawn said yea and hailed and taxi and we got in it and smiled and the guy said hello.

Shawn said can we get a tour of Las Vegas the guy smiled and said yea and started driving.

The guy drove down the Las Vegas strip there was a bunch of casinos and strip clubs.

I smiled while looking at the different places and I bit my lip and looked at the pretty lights.

Shawn was talking to the taxi driver and laughing at random shit.

The driver said so what brings you guys here Shawn said we just got married.

The guy smiled and said oh well congrats hopefully you guy stay together forever.

I smiled and said aw thank you he smiled and said of course I rested my head on his shoulder.

A little while later we got dropped off at a restaurant and went inside and picked a table.

The lady handed us our menus and said what would you guys like to drink me and Shawn said water.

The lady said ok and walked away me and Shawn looked at the menu and smiled.

Lucy went to the wedding and she was extremely excited she had sent me pictures and I smiled and posted them.

I said Shawn Lucy is extremely excited that we are married he smiled and said nice.

Me and Shawn figured out what we wanted to eat and we ordered our food and handed our menus.

I said so what do you wanna do after we leave the restaurant Shawn said um hang out at the hotel.

I said and do what at the hotel he said um I guess cuddle and do face masks.

I smiled and said really he said yea of course and he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

I blushed and said Shawn Peter Raul Mendes you are too much Shawn said Elle rose Mendes and I started blushing.

Shawn smiled and shook his head and laughed and said you are my favorite person.

I said aw and said you are my favorite person he smiled and a bunch of people were in the restaurant.

We went to a really nice restaurant and it smelt really good Shawn said it smells really good.

I said yea it does smell really good and I bit my lip and looked around the restaurant.

I looked around at the lights and smiled and Shawn looked at me and admired me looking at the lights.

Shawn said Elle I said uh huh and looked at him and he smiled and said you good.

I smiled and said yea the lights are pretty Shawn smiled and said yea the lights are extremely pretty.

A little while later me and Shawn finally got our food and we started eating and talking.

Shawn smiled and said this is really good I said yea it is really good honesty.

Me and Shawn continued talking and eating together a little while later Shawn paid the bill and we got up.

Me and Shawn walked out of the restaurant and Shawn hailed a taxi and we headed back to the hotel.

After me and Shawn got back to the hotel we changed and got ready for bed.

Me and Shawn climbed into bed and cuddled together and watched movies until we fell asleep.

Shawn forgot to turn off the TV when we fell asleep for the night.

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