59 day 7 friday

9 1 0


I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and looked up at Shawn.

He was completely knocked out and snoring lightly and I smiled and leaned up and kissed his jaw and rolled off of his chest.

I yawned and stretched and sighed and looked out of the window and it was still extremely dark outside.

I looked over at Shawn and he woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and looked at me and smiled.

Shawn said Elle what are you doing up right now I said I don't know and I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into the room and grabbed my phone and checked my notifications.

Shawn yawned and stretched and said Elle what fucking time is it I said 1 am.

He said ugh and got out of bed and walked past me and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I put my phone down and changed and sprayed some body spray on Shawn walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head.

I said Shawn he yawned and said yes Elle I said you wanna sneak out and go into the lobby and hang out together.

Shawn yawned and said yea sure and pulled back and quickly changed and sprayed some cologne on.

Shawn grabbed his phone and our room key and we both quietly walked out of our room and down the hallway.

I said damn every one is still asleep Shawn laughed and said Elle it's 1 in the fucking morning duh every one is still sleeping.

Me and Shawn walked over to the elevator and he pressed the button and we waited for the door to open so we could walk inside.

A couple of seconds later the door opened and me and Shawn walked inside and the door closed.

Shawn pressed the lobby button and the elevator started going down I said so I'm excited because we are sneaking out.

Shawn started laughing and said yep we are awful kids and I started laughing and shook my head.

The door opened and me and Shawn walked out of the elevator and walked over to the snack center.

Me and Shawn bought a couple of things and went over to the hang out area and made some coffee and sat down on the couch.

I started eating my snack and looked at Shawn and smiled I said so after you come home from tour apartment hunting.

Shawn smiled and said yea and started eating his snack as well. I said I can't wait to see nat and my old friends again Shawn smiled and said good I'm glad.

I said yea its just crazy how are lives have changed since we moved in together Shawn smiled and said yea I definitely agree with you on that.

I smiled and said yea me and Shawn continued talking while eating our snacks.

Me and Shawn talked about random shit and laughed together and I shook my head and said I love you Shawn.

Shawn smiled and said I love you more Elle I said we should do this more often.

Shawn said what do you mean I said sneak downstairs and eat snacks and have late night talks.

Shawn smiled and said yea I think that would be really cool I smiled and said yea it would be really nice to do.

A couple of hours later me and Shawn took a couple pictures together then we threw our trash away and headed to our floor.

A couple minutes later me and Shawn went back into our room and used the restroom then plugged our phones in and climbed into bed and fell asleep a little while later.

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