- Ghost Wedding Dress - 1.1: Be Careful

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Lanqin felt this on the first day he came to Shiling Village The place is wicked.

This remote place called Shiling Village is located in Qin Shiling, also known as Qin Shiling, surrounded by ten mountains, and often foggy. If it wasn't for work, Lan Qin would not have been alone with his boss. The concurrent seniors came here to visit and collect materials.

Lan Qin is actually an employee from the Cosmic System Center, full-time acting as a passerby who is almost a background board or a summary of the previous story. The work is sometimes simple and sometimes complicated, but generally speaking, it is good for less work and more pay, so Lan Qin is quite Satisfied with the job I received after my untimely death.

It's just that he also encounters a little problem now, that is, when he entered this mission world on the first day, he found that the system 1122 at the center of the universe system did not return due to certain things at the end of the last mission, so he lost a working partner At the same time, I also failed to get the role-playing task about this world.

Although he has never been able to talk to the system 1122, at most, the system 1122 releases the role-playing task, and then he completes the role-playing task, and there is no other contact.

Generally speaking, only passerby A dies unexpectedly. For example, passerby A in this mission world died suddenly during a business trip because he worked too hard, so Lan Qin came to replace him. Before Lan Qin came, Passerby A did not have a name. When Lan Qin came, Passerby A's name would be replaced by his name.

Lan Qin was only 18 years old when he died. He was a well-behaved student who was studying hard at school. Because of the protection of his parents and brother, coupled with the fact that he had a congenital heart disease and had little contact with others, he had a kind of unexplored life. She has a deep sense of innocence and purity, and at the same time is not good at getting along with others, or even with the system.

Fortunately, this has no effect on his completion of the role-playing task.

Before coming to this mission world, Lan Chin had already completed eleven missions very well, and he was quite experienced and knowledgeable. Finding that System 1122 hadn't come back yet, and he hadn't received the role-playing task, he decided to let nature take its course, follow the characters in the task world, and wait for System 1122's return.

Lan Qin's first impression of this mission world was Yang Jian, who was also a reporter like him. According to the memory of this body, Yang Jian, as his senior and boss, obviously took good care of him, basically it can be said that he was a friend.

In fact, if Yang Jian was only eight years older than this identity, Lan Qin would have felt that Yang Jian regarded him as his son.

The reason is very simple, Yang Jian was too kind to him, to the point of nagging all day long, and he actually married a wife and gave birth to a son.

As a subordinate and a friend, he naturally went to see Yang Jian's son. That child is white and fat, and at the age of one year old, he is even more lively and loves to move. He is very cute.

Both Yang Jian and Lan Qin work in a magazine that specializes in horror-themed news and novels. Yang Jian is a veteran reporter who has worked for seven years, while Lan Qin is an intern reporter who has only graduated for a year and has not yet become a regular.

On his first day in the mission world, Lan Qin found that system 1122 was not there. He panicked for a while, but it didn't take long for his panic to completely disappear under Yang Jian's rhetoric.

When they first came to Shiling Village, that is, on the way, their mobile phones still had signal at that time.

Yang Jian obviously knows how to get fish out of business trips. While watching various videos, he also smiled and shared with Lan Qin. For a while, this little cat is so cute. I also miss the little baby pig at home. For a while, he was joking. Said that this little baby looks really good and looks like my brat.

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