4.12: Sorry

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Could it be that their witch clan is really so mysterious and powerful in the eyes of the outside world?

It is rare for Si to have doubts about this matter, because before he always felt that the outside world must be very afraid of the Wu Clan and the poisonous Gu refined by the Wu Clan.

As for why they still like to buy their Gu at a high price under fear, it must be to use it to do shameful and bad things.

But now after hearing Lan Qin's words, Si found that things might be a little different from what he had imagined.

Lan Qin saw a rare dazed look on Si's face, and there was no way to hide his red ears, maybe even Si himself didn't know that he could have red ears.

If it weren't for the fact that he and Si had just met for one night, he really wanted to jump off the second floor and into Si's arms, then kiss his partner, pinch his partner's ear, and tease his partner with a smile shy.

But because of unfamiliarity with unilaterally, Lan Qin had to give up this plan regrettably.

But he believed that one day he would be able to jump directly from here, and then pinch Si's ear to flirt.

He knew Si would definitely catch him firmly.

This is actually the love between their little lovers.

In Sichun's pure mind, he couldn't guess what Lanqin was thinking about. He just nodded with mixed feelings when Lanqin continued to ask if he was the most admired mysterious witch clan.

In fact, Si wanted to tell Lan Qin that the Wu clan was not very mysterious and would not be worshiped by people, but Lan Qin was already happily jumping down from the wooden railing.

This almost scared Si's heart so much that it jumped out on the spot!

Si didn't have time to think about it, so he opened his hands, walked forward and hugged Lan Qin who jumped down suddenly, and hugged him tightly for a while with lingering fear, and then remembered to 'teach' Lan Qin that he couldn't Do such a dangerous move.

But Lan Qin, who was tightly hugged by the Si, buried his face in front of the Si's chest. The well-trained chest muscles almost drowned Lan Qin.

Especially Si is not wearing a shirt yet, and the chest with a little sweat from the sun is almost like roasted meat that has been roasted until it is full of color and fragrance, and then brushed with a layer of shiny honey on it. Lan Qin really took a look. Both want to leave a few tooth marks on it.

Looking at it, Lan Qin felt that his teeth really had an uncontrollable itch, so he quickly lifted the gold and silver necklace that he had worn several times to his chest, covering the two particularly prominent points, so as not to I am a wolf.

"Even if you're a boy, you have to dress well. It's very dangerous outside." Si who didn't

notice what happened at all: "?"

Good action, and easy to heat.

Lan Qin touched Si's chest muscles, and felt that the tentacles were a source of heat, which showed that he was really young, strong and angry.

But why is it a pure-hearted and ascetic temperament?

Lan Chin withdrew his hand regretfully, did not look at it again, but continued to happily talk about the medical miracles he had heard from the outside world.

"Si, you are actually a member of the Wu tribe! It's really amazing! Could it be that the Gu in these jars are all those very powerful Gu, which can make people who lack arms and legs grow back their arms and legs? And People who are immersed in a lovelorn, or who have experienced cruel misfortunes, can use that kind of Gu to make them forget all their troubles and pains? What other Gu can cure cataracts and Alzheimer's disease, anyway, there are many A medical miracle. Then there is a Gu that can poison or eat rats, mosquitoes, cockroaches and other pests! Si, is this true?"

"And I also heard that some Gu can also inhibit the spread of cancer cells, and may even treat cancer, and there are no serious side effects. Is this true?! If this is true, then you Wu people are really too It's amazing! I didn't expect that I would be so lucky to come here to sketch with people from the school, and I would be so lucky to find a Wu tribe! I'm so lucky to be able to see so many Gu!" Lan Qin's face was written all over

. I'm so happy' expression, which relieved the

priest who was worried that Lan Qin would be afraid of Gu and the witch clan, and at the same time, the helpless emotions dissipated a lot.

Especially Lan Qin looked at him with admiration, if not for a little bit of reason, the priest would have promised to make countless new Gu for Lan Qin on the spot for Lan Qin to play with.

At this moment, Lan Qin no longer wants to abide by what is set by others. His partner is so introverted in this task world. If he doesn't take the initiative to take 99 steps first, it is impossible for him to take a step.

Si was confused by Lan Qin's crackling questions, and before he could react, he hugged Lan Qin and walked up to the second floor of the building. From Si's point of view, this was the safest place - where he could Seeing Lan Qin, he wouldn't let Lan Qin get too close to those poisonous Gu.

After walking to the second floor where Lan Qin was standing just now, Si wanted to put Lan Qin down.

But Lan Qin would not let Si put him down easily, so he hugged Si tightly, and then very anxiously asked Si to answer his question just now, otherwise he would not be able to follow Si today. down.

When Lan Qin said this, he was still very embarrassed in his heart, because he had never been so aggressive before, but he didn't care about etiquette at all.

But Si doesn't care about it either.

Si frowned, he didn't think it was annoying that Lan Qin was picking on him, he felt that he had to take care of those delicate new Gu, so even if he really wanted Lan Qin to keep picking him up, he still had to get rid of him as soon as possible. Lan Qin pulled himself off.

Otherwise, those new Gu who are greedy for sunlight and are easy to die of heat will probably climb out to bask in the sun disobediently while he is not watching by the jar.

Just looking at Lan Qin obediently on his body, Si still didn't say anything to let Lan Qin go down, but said in a very flat tone that there is indeed such a Gu, and there are a lot of purchases by the outside world, of course the price is also very high .

As soon as Lan Qin heard it, his eyes lit up immediately, looking at Si as if he was looking at a god who saved the common people.

"Could it be that those Gus that appeared in the news and were hailed as 'magic medicine' were made by you? Then you are too amazing!" Si didn't know why he suddenly became a little nervous, but his Adam's apple rolled a few

times , he said as calmly as possible, "It's just refining a few at random."

What Si didn't say was that in Lan Qin's mouth, the Gu that can benefit human beings is not only expensive, but also very difficult to successfully refine.

Even if it is a great witch of the Wu clan, it will take several months of hard work to successfully refine such a Gu.

Compared with those squeamish and difficult to refine Gu, Si prefers to refine poison Gu, and his poison Gu is more poisonous and has stronger vitality than those refined by other Wu people.

Generally speaking, whoever refines the poisonous Gu will listen to what he says, but such a rule is completely untenable here with the Dawu.

Because the most powerful Gu in the world is the Gu in the Great Witch's body, even if other Wu clansmen can refine the strongest poisonous Gu that they can refine, they cannot fight against the poisonous Gu in the Great Witch's body.

But there is no need to tell Lan Chin about such things.

Of course, Lan Qin knew that the Gu of the Wu Clan was definitely not only for saving people. In fact, the poisonous Gu that sold the most outside was the poisonous Gu, because many people believed that they would be winners only if they killed their enemies.

As for the life-saving Gu, which is difficult to buy, it is because it has a price but is rare, so it is worthy of their noble status.

So this kind of Gu is basically purchased and used by the state or powerful and wealthy people. Ordinary people like Passerby A have seen it on the news at most, and most of them are either criminal news or medical news. .

Although some people believe in the usefulness and efficacy of Gu, some are skeptical, and some don't believe it at all, but everyone has a concept of the existence of Gu.

It is estimated that the protagonist group in the task details ran away in a panic, but they didn't think about it.

And at that time, a passer-by was missing first, and then the male and female protagonists were treated as Gu people to test the ruthless Gu, and the rest of the people were even more afraid, and their reason must be in a precarious state.

In the end, Si put Lan Qin down

, and Lan Qin obediently let go of his hands around Si's neck, and then became obedient.

The reason is also very simple, because the priest promised to tell him about the millennium history of the Wu Clan and introduce him to the latest batch of Gu in the jar.

Lan Qin made a 'yeah' gesture in his heart, and he knew that he would definitely succeed.

Lan Qin's goal was achieved here, but the priest on the other side regretted it a bit, because he was really worried that an accident would happen.

Now the new Gu is in urgent need of Gu people's experiments, and even more eager for the body of a living person. If he doesn't catch it later, let a certain new Gu enter Lan Qin's body, Si thinks that he can put his intestines I regret it.

Lan Qin noticed that Si was reluctant to take a small step, and after thinking about it, he knew that Si was worried about him.

But Lan Qin is actually not afraid. After all, the hero and heroine have tested so many new Gu in the task details, and nothing terrible happened. Could it be that he is so unlucky?

At this time, Lan Qin was full of ambition, obviously completely forgetting his identity as a passerby.

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