6.6: Missed

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in order to prevent your partner from becoming a human being in this mission world An unlucky monster raised in captivity, Lan Chin even went to inspect the other doctors in the institute.

Although on the surface he was inspecting the research progress of those doctors, in fact he was mainly looking for his partner who didn't know where he was.

But no matter how hard Lan Qin searched, he still couldn't find any trace of his partner. This made Lan Qin have to do new experiments painstakingly, and at the same time analyze the task details several times.

In the end, Lan Chin's eyes fell on the last part of the plot in the mission world. The male and female protagonists who have reached the peak of the world's strength suddenly encountered a power riot, and they still didn't even meet each other. The existence of something else gives spike.

This is too powerful, and it can even be said that it is a character that crushes the protagonist, and it looks a lot like his partner.

It has to be said that in terms of strength, Lan Qin has always believed in his partner. After all, in the previous few mission worlds, his partner abused the protagonist so badly that he directly regarded the protagonist's aura as nothing.

Perhaps this is also the case in the mission world this time, but because the identity of his partner is a mystery, Lan Qin has not been able to find his trace.

And looking at the mission details, there has never been such a powerful character, and this character only appeared after the fall of the 13th base, Lan Qin felt that this character probably did not belong to the human side.

Otherwise, no matter how insane human beings are, they would not be so cruel and merciless to watch their compatriots being killed and devoured by the monster army.

But if his partner was really a monster, which monster would it be? Obviously he has checked all the monsters in the research institute, but he can find everything.

Could it be that his partner was among the new batch of monsters?

Thinking about this possibility, Lan Qin withdrew his hand from knocking on the glass tabletop, and continued to devote himself to the experimental research with all his heart.

The latest batch of monsters will not be officially delivered until two days later, so he can do experimental research first and wait patiently by the way.

It took two days for Lan Qin to complete five experimental studies, and asked his assistant to take the newly determined monster gene map to the cultivation room for the cultivation of monster larvae. He asked his assistant Modi about the latest batch of monsters Case.

Assistant Modi was happy that he no longer had to leave Dr. Lanchin for work, when he heard Dr. Lanchin's question.

Fortunately, he was already ready!

According to other assistants, in previous years, Dr. Lanchin would occasionally ask about the situation of the new monsters in advance, but because of his busy work, and Dr. Lanchin did not ask every time, some assistants did not remember this matter. .

But because Modi is new here, he thinks that he can do everything to perfection, so he writes down the situation of the new monsters. Now that Dr. Lanchin asks questions, he can answer them fluently.

After Lan Qin listened to the report from his assistant Modi, he really couldn't tell what kind of monster his partner would be. After all, just listening to that very ordinary and useless ability, it doesn't seem like it can beat the hero and heroine in the task details.

Not to mention there are strange shapes, you can directly shoot a horror alien movie without special effects.

Lan Qin also admitted that his partner did have many strange and inhuman forms in the previous mission world, but they were still within his acceptance range. After all, fluffy white wolves and bright red flowers are also very pleasing .

Although many of these are caused by the filter of beauty in the eye of the beholder, Lan Chin feels that this is also based on the fact that such prototypes are not ugly or cause discomfort.

Whenever a slimy slug or a dirty hyena came, he felt that it would take a very strong heart to accept it.

It's just that this is all under the condition that his partner is not such an unacceptable species. If his partner really chooses such an indescribable identity, then it is impossible for him to let his partner stuff it back and recreate it.

But according to his partner has always been a villain who crushes the hero and heroine,

no matter how outrageous the mission world is, he can't set the villain like that, right?

This is completely lowering the compulsion of the whole world!

Lan Qin rubbed his tired and aching forehead, and decided to go back to sleep after watching the new batch of monsters. Not having enough sleep time for the past two days will cause his thinking to be slow and absurd.

If his partner is really not among this group of monsters, let's wait until he has a rest. It's human nature to eat and sleep. Before he finds a partner, he can't exhaust himself to death.

"Dr. Lanqin, I don't think you look particularly good. The director will be back today. Why don't you let us handle the selection of monsters?" Assistant

Modi looked at Dr. Lanqin. The frighteningly pale face after researching, said very worriedly.

Although this pale complexion didn't take away half of Dr. Lanchin's beauty, but the little bit of soft temperament brought about by fatigue, coupled with Dr. Lanchin's still cold expression, seemed a bit contradictory, but this contradiction But even more charming.

At this time, Modi is very grateful that Dr. Lan Qin is a doctor of their research institute. If it is an ordinary person, or some unreliable research institute, he may be directly shown by the director or a big shot in the base. In the middle, and then snatched it by force.

With Dr. Lan Chin's haughty personality, he would rather commit suicide on the spot than humiliate himself.

Thinking of this, Modi couldn't help but think of Base No. 28. This base is a classic example of bravery and death. The leadership of the base and even the director of the research institute bullied the outstanding doctors together. It directly caused the doctors with some ability to flee to other bases, and the doctors who had no way to escape also died one after another due to some reasons.

As a result, when the army of monsters attacked the defense line of the No. 28 base, none of the bases were willing to lend a helping hand. At the same time, the No. 28 base was also defeated due to the long-term lack of research by doctors.

The destruction of base No. 28 taught all surviving bases a lesson.

The attitude and treatment of all the bases towards the doctors has been upgraded to a higher level. As long as the doctors don't do anything harmful to the base, the base will turn a blind eye and ignore it.

Of course, this must be based on the fact that this doctor has real talents and knowledge. If this doctor is not strong enough and is keen to cause all kinds of troubles, he can only be kicked out of the research institute. Live the poor life of ordinary people.

This is not to say that the life of ordinary people in the base is very difficult, but compared to a doctor who does not have to give birth to two children for the base and has a standard online level in daily life, it must be the difference between the rich and the scavengers. .

So their No. 13 base is better! The director is not only capable and good-natured, but also very good to the doctor under his opponent. At the same time, he is not touched by a prosperous beauty like Dr. Lan Chin, just like an emotionless fighting machine!

In the institute, the two most admired by Modi are the director and Dr. Lanqin.

Originally, Modi's career plan was either to be an assistant to Dr. Lan Chin, or to go out to the ground with the director to search for juvenile monsters.

No matter what kind of work you do, you must contribute to the base and all mankind.

Modi always remembers the first essence of this base.

But at this time, the innocent Modi never imagined that in the near future, whether it is the director he admires, Dr. Lanchin who he admires the most, or the No. 13 base for which he has dedicated his life. , will undergo drastic changes.


Chin was not interested in the director of the research institute that he didn't remember much in his memory. In his opinion, it was more important to determine the whereabouts of his partner first.

And judging from the fact that the director of this research institute has been on the job for 30 years in memory, the director is at least 50 years old, and he is still a human being, so it is impossible for him to be his partner.

So why was he wasting his time meeting a stranger who had been away for half a month?

Besides, although the director has always been

taciturn, he is also famously impartial. As long as the doctor does not do things that endanger the base and delay the experimental research, he will not care at all.

This point can be seen from the fact that Dr. Kimberly can have fun everywhere, and that the heroine Ansi Kaimei has not been kicked out of the ranks of the research institute for her ordinary level.

The former is because he is really capable, but occasionally he will be lazy to fish for fish; the latter is because he has exhausted his abilities. Although he is a bit lacking in talent, he is also very diligent. Hand in the minimum quantity.

And this is within the acceptable range of the director.

Then he didn't need to be so anxious to see the director, anyway, he would see him later, and the director would definitely investigate the accident in the training room himself, and a group meeting would be necessary.

But the assistant Modi felt that meeting the director was more important than picking new monsters, but he couldn't question Dr. Lanchin's decision. In the end, it was Dr. Lanchin's suggestion: that is, Modi in the name of Dr. Lanchin Go to welcome the director.

Assistant Modi: "..."

However, if the director knows that Dr. Lanqin is free to pick monsters and has no time to greet his return, he will be dissatisfied with you, Dr. Lanqin!

Modi faltered and told Dr. Lanchin about this concern, but it was obviously not heard, because Dr. Lanchin still insisted on picking the monster first.

Maybe Dr. Lanchin was shaken by Modi's too sad expression. Before leaving the laboratory, Dr. Lanchin still promised that if there was time, he would divert to attend the welcome ceremony of the director.

Modi just wanted to put on the pain mask. After all, according to what other assistants said, Dr. Lanchin's selection of monsters requires perfection, and it is impossible to complete within three to five hours.

And the welcome ceremony for reporting to the director can last up to two hours, how does this seem to be in time? !

Although there were many thoughts in his mind, in the end Modi still tried his best to prepare for the welcome ceremony in the evening as calmly and reliably as possible.

After all, the director has a distinguished status, and he is also a key person connecting the relationship between the 13th base and other major bases, so he cannot be negligent.

Lan Qin watched his assistant Modi leave with a bitter face, and he also felt a sense of guilt that oppressed an honest person, but considering that he was originally a passerby who would not live long, the feeling of guilt suddenly disappeared.

If he can't find his partner in this mission world, then he doesn't need to stay in this mission world anymore.

After all, his duty does not include longevity. If he stays for one more year, his paid relationship will be exposed more easily. At that time, the Cosmic System Center will join in, and it will be even more difficult for him to see his partner.

With all sorts of plans in his mind, Lan Qin washed his face with warm water, changed into clean clothes, and combed his hair carefully, just not wanting his partner to see him in a state of depression.

I looked in the mirror and found that my complexion was a little too pale, and there were two light flushes at the end of my eyes due to staying up late, but everything else was normal.

There shouldn't be any problem, Lan Chin thought, and then rushed to the negative 10th floor of the base.

He had a hunch that he would definitely see his long-lost partner today.


Lan Chin took the elevator up, there were a lot of people going down the elevator on the other side.

Among this group of people, the leader is Fu Zhizhang, the director of No. 13 Research Institute.

"Director, I heard that the base held a welcoming ceremony for us in the song and dance hall on the 26th floor today. We'll have a good drink later. This business trip is really tiring!"

A man with a wild and rough appearance While raising his hand to embrace a companion beside him, he spoke to the director very boldly.

Everyone else in the elevator couldn't help but sweat for this guy's boldness, but they all heard the always silent and solemn director actually answer.

Although it was only a very short 'hmm', it was rare for the director who could not speak except for work!

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