8.9: To Be Honest

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. The famous Lanqin poet was swallowed by a black dragon. Although they did not see the horror scene of Lanqin being eaten, but a fierce dragon confronted the beautiful and noble poet, the latter must have been eaten There are no bones left.

It's a pity that the talent and beauty of the bard Lan Chin.

But it's a pity, it's a pity, after finding that the black dragon just ate one person and left, and there was no sign of returning, no matter whether it was the king, the duke or the others, they were temporarily relieved.

After the queen confirmed that the crisis was temporarily lifted, she didn't contact her sister immediately, because she knew that the dark witch who disappeared with her must be in trouble for the fairy godmother.

She wasn't worried that the Fairy Godmother would not be able to defeat the Dark Witch, but she couldn't help feeling worried when she thought of the little princess.

"Your Majesty..."

The queen cried out worriedly, and the king faced the queen with concern for the little princess in his eyes. But at this time, he still had to appease his subjects and reward the brave knights who stopped the black dragon, so the king didn't say too many warm words, he just hugged his wife in his arms to comfort him for a while, and immediately got busy.

As for the two princes, the eldest prince followed his father to deal with various matters, and the little prince stayed to appease the frightened mother.

Seeing her husband and son getting busy, the queen reached out and patted the back of the little prince's hand twice, saying that she was fine.

As early as the day she decided to marry the king as his wife, she knew that she would never be the first in the king's heart. After all, there were too many responsibilities and burdens on his shoulders, and it was impossible to just love She is alone.

The frightened guests were comforted by the king, and then some treasures were rewarded, and the knight sent the distinguished guests home in person. After several hours of busy work, the guests at the little princess' birthday party were almost sent away.

And the rest is the Amberlet family. Thinking of the Amberlet couple who were killed by the dark witch for no reason, and the eldest son and heir of the Amberlet family who was taken away by the dragon, the king felt very guilty. .

So after thinking about it carefully for a while, he decided to elevate the Amberrit family to the rank of viscount to earl.

As soon as the king's decision was made, the Amberett brothers hadn't completely recovered from the grief of losing their parents, and they were dazed by this big pie from heaven.

If it weren't for the corpses of their father and mother still laying on a stretcher beside them, and His Majesty the King was also watching from it, the Amberett brothers would have laughed out loud.

In the eyes of the Amberlet brothers, their parents' deaths were simply worth it! If it weren't for the fact that there were no extra parents, they would all want to kill a few more pairs in one go.

After all, if two people die, they will be promoted to the title, and they hope to be promoted to the highest duke.

But hope is hope. In front of the king, the Amberett brothers still have to pretend to feel extremely sad for the death of their parents. It is best to make the king feel more guilty.

After all, the Dark Witch came for the little princess. If they hadn't come to the little princess' birthday party, their parents would never have died of poisoning.

Amberett Lane is younger and has a more domineering personality than his elder brother Raven, and he was doted on by his parents since he was a child, which made him not hide his behavior at all.

Amberett Raven was keenly aware of the sudden frown of the king above, and then turned his head to see his younger brother Ryan, who was so stupidly happy on his face, and immediately bumped his brother with his elbow, suggesting that he should hurry up. Restrain the look that shouldn't be there.

Amberett Lane was bumped by his brother, telepathy allowed him to receive his brother's anger, he quickly lowered his head, knelt down on one knee to say thank you, and wept bitterly about his parents' misfortune.

"Thank you for the gift of His Majesty the King. As long as I think of the unfortunate death of my parents and the title of earl bestowed by you, Your Majesty the King, it is difficult for me to feel sad at all. I..." Amberett Lane wanted to say that he was very

sad Grieving, he didn't intend to mention the matter of the title of earl, but he didn't know if it was because he was too happy that the two brothers could become earls, or what, he suddenly gave up the lie and spoke directly from his heart


When his own ears heard such a speech, Ryan couldn't believe it himself. Why would he say such a thing in front of the king? Doesn't he think his life is too long? !

Amberett Raven never guessed that his younger brother would be stupid enough to say such a thing, he immediately sensed the king's anger and dislike - the king has always loved his wife and children, and has always hated his family people.

If his younger brother said this kind of thing, if it was put in the previous situation, he might be dragged down by the king and executed!

"Dear Your Majesty the King, my brother is only saying such nonsense because of the sudden death of our parents, and he is overly sad. Please forgive me, Your Majesty the King!" --The above is what Amberett wanted to say, but

he The truth is:

"Dear Your Majesty the King, my younger brother is only telling the truth because of the sudden death of our parents and then getting the title of Earl, so he is overjoyed. Please forgive me, Your Majesty the King!"

After Amberett Raven said the words, he was so shocked that he was stunned. He couldn't believe what he said? He obviously wanted to exonerate his younger brother, why is he pushing his younger brother to hell now?

Ryan also looked at his brother in disbelief, and suddenly had a very bad guess in his heart: Could it be that brother wants to get rid of him here, and then take the benefits of the earl by himself?

After all, a title must not be owned by two brothers, but Ryan thinks that his brother is more likely to get it, and he never thought of competing with his brother.

But why did his brother frame him like this? !

At that moment, Ryan looked at his brother's eyes and became vigilant. If reason hadn't stopped him, he would jump up and stay away from his brother now.

After Amberett Raven realized that he had said something wrong with his brother, he immediately wanted to save it, but what he said made the king even more angry.

"Your Majesty the King, although our brothers are very grateful for your gift, we still feel that the Earl's title is too low. May I ask if you can let us be Dukes directly..." Ambury, who once again realized that he was talking

nonsense Te Raven: "???"

Amberritt Lane, who finally guessed that his brother might be just out of his mind: "..."

Although, his brother is really bold, and he actually has the courage to directly ask The king claims the title of duke.

I wonder if His Majesty the King will agree?

When Ryan was guessing, the king on the throne was so angry that he didn't even want to show anger.

Of course he could think that the Amberett brothers might have been tampered with by the Dark Witch, but it's not like he couldn't see the greedy faces of the two brothers after being a king for more than ten years.

And there is another point, that is, their half-brother Lanqin was taken away by the evil dragon, but no one of them cared about it. Such indifference really made the king feel terrified.

If the king had planned to compensate the Amberlet brothers before, then the king has no fluctuations in his heart now, and even wants to ask someone to drag the two young men out and give them a few whips.

It can be imagined that the two brothers had just lost their parents, and the nobles were terrified by this accident. He, the king, still had to take the route of appeasement, and could not use strong methods to deal with the guests attending the little princess's birthday party.

Otherwise, the reputation of the little princess and the authority of the royal family will be greatly reduced.

Amberett Raven still has a certain understanding of magic spells and so on. He thought that he and his brother might have been tricked, so he stopped talking, and knelt down on his knees, sweating profusely Kowtow, silently begging the king for forgiveness.

Although Amberlet Lane was a bit stupid, he still listened to his brother very much. When he saw his brother making such a move, he hurriedly followed.

Facing these two duplicity and greedy young people, the king didn't waste time to say anything more, just said a few words in a perfunctory manner, and then asked several knights to send the whole family back to Amber Ritter family.

The king's decision to elevate the Amberlet family's title has been issued. Of course, the king will not reject

his decision, but he can choose to elevate the title to anyone in Amberlett.

Although the king has not yet decided who to give this title to, at least it is impossible to give it to the two brothers who have two faces.


Lan Qin, who was brought back to the lair by his partner, had no idea that his two cheap brothers were already in bad luck. Amidst the cursing, he also looked away.

After all, passerby A is such a fate, no matter how many people are present, passerby A will always be the first to be unlucky and the first to receive the boxed lunch.

But fortunately, what he met this time was his partner. Not only did he escape directly from the mission, but he was able to get along with his partner for a while.

As a soft and fragile human being, Lan Chin didn't think he had the ability to leave the dragon's lair.

Then he can only be very painful (happy) waiting for others to save him.

However, Lan Qin still has a deep understanding of his own status. As a bard who has become an orphan, it is estimated that no one will come to him.

As for the Kingdom of Goss, it is estimated that they will not trouble the black dragon because of a bard.

The timely message from system 1122 to Lan Qin just proved Lan Qin's conjecture, because he has now passively become a dead person.

No one thinks that Lan Qin, who was bitten away by the black dragon and carried away, can survive. If it is a beautiful and noble princess, maybe the dragon will keep it as a treasure, but if it is a man, even if this man is very beautiful , but still a man.

There may be some human beings who like beautiful men, but no one thinks that evil dragons will also have such aesthetics and sexual orientation.

So that beautiful bard named Lan Qin must be dead!

The whole Goss Palace thought so, but they still couldn't help sighing a few words when remembering Lan Chin's poetry and beauty.

But such a sigh may not be of much use.

Lan Qin himself is very happy about his 'death'. After all, he is now trapped in the dragon's lair, and the heroine's country feels that he is dead. Obviously, it will take a lot of time to complete the task.

Originally, Lan Qin was very worried that he would not have enough time to fall in love with his partner, but now Lan Qin is not worried at all.

If it wasn't for System 1122 following him step by step, Lan Qin would want to give his beloved partner a hot kiss right now.

The black dragon didn't know what good things he had missed. When he saw the beautiful wife who was carefully put down, he didn't dare to look at him, and just shrank in a corner of the treasure pile, and even seemed to be shivering with fear.

It's just that the giant dragon is also very puzzled, because the emotions he perceives show that his wife is very happy now.

The black giant dragon couldn't figure out why there was such a big difference, but he was very satisfied when he saw that his wife had finally been captured and placed on the mountain of treasures he had accumulated for thousands of years.

So the very satisfied dragon didn't speak, and didn't turn into a human form, but more carefully circled Lan Qin with his huge body in the middle, and then fell asleep with his most beloved 'treasure'.

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