1.6: ID card

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Qin Ziwei and Xu Yi are keenly aware of the look in the eyes of the villagers. Looking at them and not being kind, they all know what these evil-minded villagers are planning.

In the previous life, Xu Yi, as the best-looking person in their team, was directly selected as a sacrifice to ghosts and gods. Before being put on a bloody red wedding dress by those hideous-looking villagers, Qin Ziwei knocked him unconscious with a stick A few villagers then fled out of the village with Xu Yi.

Later, they escaped in Qinshiling and were accidentally forced to jump into the river by the desperately chasing villagers, and then discovered the secret at the bottom of the river-there was actually the entrance to a large ancient tomb.

After jumping into the river, the two found that the villagers didn't seem to dare to approach the river at all, but because there were villagers on both sides of the river and on the wooden bridge trying to catch them, they had no choice but to swim deeper into the river. I want to escape from the siege of the villagers.

But it was that helpless act that made them discover the secret hidden in Qin Shiling for thousands of years.

Xu Yi couldn't forget what he saw and knew in that huge gloomy ancient tomb. If he hadn't been accompanied by his boyfriend all the time, he would have died in that tomb of subduing dragons and subduing tigers long ago.

It wasn't until later that they escaped from the ancient tomb after a narrow escape, and grabbed the village chief's daughter to let her lead the way, and then fled from Shiling Village in disgrace.

As for the pretty young woman standing on the left of the village chief, Xu Yi knew very well that she was an evil ghost in human skin.

When they forcibly took the frantically struggling village head's daughter away from Qin Shiling, they witnessed the terrifying scene with their own eyes, watching the fresh flesh fall off the ground as if soaked in blood, and finally Only the female skeleton was left stained with stench and dark red blood, and Xu Yi was so frightened that she yelled and passed out on the spot.

When Xu Yi wakes up again, he will be in the central hospital thousands of miles away from Qin Shiling...

Because of the horrible scenes he had seen, Xu Yi didn't dare to look at Chen Huyin at all. He suspected that other villagers were in the same situation as the village chief's daughter. Thinking that the villagers who stood there and stared at them were all evil spirits who cannibalized people, he felt that his legs were going to be weak and trembling.

Xu Yi's abnormal performance caught the attention of the village head, Qin Ziwei stretched out his hand to support Xu Yi, and naturally explained that he was tired from walking the mountain road.

The village chief didn't care about the situation of these outsiders, he just casually ordered the two strong villagers behind him to take the four of them to the accommodation.

"Someone will bring you water and food later. It's just that our Shiling Village has many rules and places where outsiders are not allowed to enter. You should stay in the house and don't run around. If you cause trouble, don't blame me, the village head. Kick you out."

The village chief said mercilessly, and after finishing speaking, he ignored the four people and turned around to leave. Before leaving, he glanced at his two children and said coldly to let them go home.

Hearing such urging from their father, the Chen Hujin brothers and sisters who originally thought they had the opportunity and time to talk to Lan Qin were discouraged.

Reluctantly following the village chief back home, Chen Hujin still turned his head to the direction of Lan Qin's accommodation unwillingly, trying to catch a glimpse of Lan Qin from afar.

But what Chen Hujin didn't know was that Lan Qin and Yang Jian had already left the dormitory and went to various places in the village to conduct interviews.

Not long after the village chief left with his people, Lan Qin and Yang Jian walked over from the other side, just in time to bump into the villagers who were about to take four outsiders to a more remote accommodation.

When Yang Jian saw a new guest coming to the village, he panicked, fearing that his colleagues would come to steal his job.

But after staring at the four people carefully for a while, Yang Jian put his worry back.

"With such a young and immature face, and with four people in such a big formation, without even a camera, it must not be for us as a reporter..."

Yang Jianxu chattered, and touched his chubby stomach.

Lan Qin also took a few glances at the stranger, and the time of stagnation was longer than that of Yang Jian.

Qin Ziwei was the first to notice Lan Qin's gaze, he frowned and looked over, and then collided with Lan Qin's gaze, he was stunned on the spot.


Yi's reaction to her boyfriend was the most sensitive. He noticed that his boyfriend's eyes were shifting, so he looked over curiously, and then his eyes also fixed on Lan Qin.

It's not because of anything, but because this young boy is really too eye-catching, even if he stands in the crowd, he is definitely an existence that stands out from the crowd.

Qin Ziwei always thought that his boyfriend Xu Yi was good-looking and handsome, but when he saw Lan Qin, he suddenly understood what beauty is like jade.

The same Xu Yi also understands what it means to glance at ten thousand years, and suddenly understands why there is a historical record in ancient times that one can get lovesickness just by seeing it.

Qin Ziwei and Xu Yi stopped and did not leave. Chen Biao and Jiang Yang, who were following the two of them, also looked over, and then froze the four of them.

The two male villagers walking in the front were very dissatisfied that these outsiders did not keep up. When they turned around and wanted to curse, they also found Lan Qin's appearance.

The villagers immediately shut their mouths and did not speak. They were a little jealous of this extremely beautiful outsider, not only because the two children of their village chief liked this outsider, but also because if nothing unexpected happened, this outsider would soon die. Will be sacrificed as the bride of ghosts and gods.

For the bride of ghosts and gods, the people in the village generally treat each other with courtesy, never make too much trouble, and even give some face.

Being watched by so many eyes, Lan Qin didn't react at all, but turned his slightly surprised gaze away from Qin Ziwei and Xu Yi, and got used to the glittering golden ID badges on their heads.

But Lan Qin still doesn't understand, why didn't such a situation happen in the previous mission world, but now there are the identity cards of "the protagonist attacks Qin Ziwei" and "the protagonist accepts the promise"?

Lan Qin was almost dumbfounded by this too glittering existence.

But it's not without any benefits, at least it can make him understand that the plot of the mission world has already begun-generally speaking, the appearance of the protagonist means the beginning of the plot of the world.

Although Lan Qin didn't understand what kind of plot this mission world would be like, he also knew one thing, that is, as a passer-by, he obviously shouldn't have anything to do with the protagonist of the world.

So why is he still alive? And also met the two protagonists?

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