8.15: Seaside Town

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Lanqin is trying to 'tune.teach' his partner to be reasonable He has the habit of eating meat in moderation, but he is not too optimistic about this time after having failed experiences in the previous mission worlds.

And after staying in this luxurious lair for almost a year, when he was taken away from the lair by the humanoid dragon, it declared the failure of all Lan Qin's plans.

For this reason, Lan Chin also unilaterally had a month-long cold war with his partner. On the one hand, he wanted to give his kidney a break, and on the other hand, he wanted to act for the system 1122.

Lan Qin didn't believe that System 1122 hadn't left behind, and that it hasn't come to catch him yet, maybe it's because of his eagerness to complete the task, and he didn't expose too many flaws.

In fact, Lan Qin has already figured out how he should answer when the system 1122 asks him why he occasionally gives the dragon a good look, that is to say directly that he is using the dragon. After all, he is a normal person, and it is completely impossible not to eat or take a bath .

Although, the hot spring he used to go to has become the old place where he and the giant dragon play hot springs.

Lanqin didn't know what the dragon was planning. He actually brought him to the Kingdom of Goss. Although he didn't come directly to Mesfant, the capital of the Kingdom of Goss, it was also in Ken, a city not far from Mesfante. Sterry.

Fortunately, the heroine, the little princess, had her birthday last week, so there is no need to worry that system 1122 will suddenly pop up and urge him to go to the kingdom at night to sing hymns to the little princess.

This is also a very prosperous city, but it is different from Mesfante because of its political center. Kenstree is a seaside city with the most beautiful seaside scenery. It seems to be a couple and newlyweds Come here for your honeymoon.

After Lan Qin recognized what the city was like from his memory, he probably understood why the dragon brought him here.

I just don't know where his partner learned the romantic sentiment. To a certain extent, this really made Lan Qin soft-hearted. If he didn't care about the system 1122, he would have wanted to give his partner a sweet kiss!

Thinking this way, Lan Chin thought that the Cold War, which was originally planned to last for two months, was reduced to one month. It was just because they only left the lair for two or three days. This time it was a honeymoon, which might still make the dragon suffer a little.

But for their long-term happiness, this sacrifice is worth it.

In order to deceive others, they first flew to a dense forest near Kenstreet, then walked out on foot, and hired a carriage to enter Kenstreet.

Lan Qin didn't want to show his true appearance in front of people, and the dragon was very stingy and didn't want those humans to see the beauty of his sweetheart, so the cloak and cloak became the best choice.

Because the weather is not very cold now, Lan Qin still chooses the cloak as usual. The cloaks in the dragon's lair are too luxurious. It is not so much that the cloak is inlaid with gems, it is better to say that the cloak is covered with gems.

Anyway, when Lan Chin put on the cloak that weighed two-thirds of the weight of gems, he felt like a gem tree full of gems.

But the dragon watched obsessively with his eyes, feeling that all the gems he treasured were not as good as the slightest bit of his sweetheart.

If the former dragon knew that the current dragon would have such an idea, he would definitely give the current dragon a hard punch-after all, in the eyes of a normal dragon, there is absolutely nothing in the world that is better than gold and silver. Jewelry is more important! If there is, it must be more gorgeous gold and silver jewelry!

Because this cloak is too gorgeous and beautiful, or the person wearing the cloak is too beautiful, anyway, in the end, Lan Qin was "appreciated" by the giant dragon on the top of the pile of gems again.

When Lan Qin came down from the pile of gems and was taken out of the lair by the giant dragon, his whole body was sore and his legs were weak.

And this is also the fuse of the Cold War.

The giant dragon, who was full of food and drink, didn't care about his sweetheart's cold face at all. Instead, he sat on the saddle with a smile on his face, wishing he could kneel down and put on shoes for his sweetheart.

Although Lan Qin was overworked, he was not too tired to wear shoes. He didn't want to be made a useless person by his partner, which

would be very detrimental to his future tasks.

After all, he is not the partner who can tie him up at the beginning of the mission, and the fate of Passerby A is too miserable and unlucky.

As long as he is not careful and stronger, it will definitely be the rhythm of death at the beginning.

The giant dragon naturally knew why he encountered the cold face of his sweetheart, but how could he control the dragon's sex, nature, and obscenity?

And making love with the sweetheart who loves each other, how can it be called promiscuity? This is exactly double the joy and happiness!

The dragon feels that he has never been so happy. If he still has reason, and he also has very important things to deal with, the dragon really wants to stay in the lair with his sweetheart and live happily for the rest of his life!

But thinking of the bet with the God of Light and the limited life of his sweetheart as a human being, the dragon couldn't help but come out and ask the God of Light for help.

Only the old god can bestow eternal life on other creatures, and to revive the old god, one of him and the god of light must return to the original body.

The giant dragon, now it should be said to be the king of fraud, he is very clear about the attitude of the God of Light towards this world, and even towards everything. Like this bet, the God of Light chose the weakest Kingdom of Goss. It may be that he wants to lose this bet and return to his original body.

The deceitful demon king didn't care about this before, but now he has to plan carefully.

And more importantly, he and Lanqin both lived happily this year, but when he returned from the innocent and clumsy dragon thinking to the deceitful devil king thinking, he began to worry about the death of his sweetheart decades later. And worried.

If it can't be solved immediately, the Deceitful Demon King feels that this hidden danger will torture him forever.

So after confirming that the God of Light would not have any love or sexual interest in his sweetheart, he began to ponder over the matters of the God of Light.

Originally, he should have come alone to discuss this matter with the God of Light, but he still did not trust the safety of that lair. After all, what safe place could a dragon with an empty brain and well-developed limbs find?

That lair has remained safe only because of the presence of the dragon.

If the dragon is gone, greedy thieves may sneak in from all directions-his treasures before, but now his sweetheart.

This is all He cannot tolerate!

And the most important point is that the Demon King of Deception is completely unable to let his sweetheart out of his sight for a second.

Worrying about gains and losses, this is a strange emotion that the fraud king has never experienced.

The fraud king did not tell Lan Qin what he was going to do this time, but casually said that he wanted to visit a long-time friend.

In the heart of the deceitful devil, the God of Light, as another self from the same body, is indeed his only friend for many years.

Lan Chin's eyes flicked over the steamship outside the glass window, and then fell on the various desserts neatly placed in the glass cabinet, including various breads, biscuits and small cakes, all of which were very well made. Delicate, and the air is filled with a sweet and greasy fragrance.

He couldn't decide what to order, the deceitful demon king bent down to look at it with a gentle smile, and then suggested, "Otherwise, I want some of them all, my dear, you can't finish it, I can help you." Responsible

for The two young girls serving the distinguished guests sneaked their gazes over the distinguished guests. Although the two guests were wearing capes and hats, they could see at most half of their faces, but even that would dazzle people. The gorgeous cloak can also let people know that these are two distinguished guests.

Looking at the handsome, cool and beautiful half face, and the tall and noble demeanor of this week, maybe these two distinguished guests are nobles who came here to travel.

The young girl looked at the very intimate behavior of one of the distinguished guests to the other, and guessed that these two distinguished guests were probably newlyweds who came to Kenstree for their honeymoon, or they were couples who were in love .

And more importantly, to serve such distinguished guests, tipping must be indispensable!

Lan Qin just looked indifferent when the dragon called him dear, and didn't respond, but he

didn't refuse the dragon to order him.

As soon as the deceitful devil saw his sweetheart's default behavior, he knew that his sweetheart had softened his heart, and he certainly didn't blame him for his offense.

Of course, he knew that his behavior this year was too offensive, but whenever his sweetheart was involved, the deceitful devil felt that he had no patience at all.

The fraud king was thinking of his sweetheart, and then he told the waiter that each dessert would have two servings, and they had to go shopping, so naturally they would not take the packaged desserts, but leave the address of the hotel after paying the bill, and agreed on a time to deliver the desserts shop home delivery.

When the young waiter heard that there was still a door-to-door delivery, he knew that this was really a profitable business. After all, this also required an additional fee.

However, judging from the luxurious appearance of these two distinguished guests, they are probably not short of money.

Sure enough, at the checkout, the taller guest paid generously. He gave two gold coins as a tip, plus other expenses. This transaction made their dessert shop a net profit of 20 gold coins!

No wonder the boss wants to open a dessert shop at the intersection of such a busy street, it's really shrewd!

After accepting the gold coins, the young waiter smiled sincerely and said sweetly, "I sincerely wish the joy of the day when the two honored guests fall in love, and accompany you to spend a lifetime of beautiful years together."

Lan Qin smiled subconsciously when he heard such a blessing, and restrained himself when he realized that he was in a cold war with his partner.

It's just that the deceitful demon king has been keenly aware of the joy of his sweetheart, so he paid attention to this human girl who blessed them, and cast a satisfied look.

Then the Deceitful Demon King discovered that this human girl would have a bad luck of death recently, and the Deceitful Demon King dispelled the death breath that enveloped her body for the human being without thinking too much.

This is the first time that the deceitful demon king has done such a thing. He would never have thought about it before. After all, this is the charity that only the God of Light will do.

But after the deceitful demon king finished, he felt that it was not bad.

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