3.8: Something is Wrong

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In the end, Arthur still did not act rashly, but looked at it with a complicated expression Jody, instead of taking him into the Holy See, found a small restaurant and sat down to talk to Jody.

Because he was worried that Jody came here this time to get rid of the Pope, Arthur was vigilant in his heart, while pretending to be very happy on the surface, and had a formal conversation with Jody.

If he hadn't been reborn, he would really think that Jody was here to celebrate his promotion to the Holy Son.

And in the face of such a former best friend, Arthur's character will not reject him.

Since he decided to play with this abyssal demon king, Arthur also controlled his expression not to be too rigid, but fortunately, Jody was in the joy of reuniting with his dead lover, and didn't notice anything wrong with Arthur at all.

"Arthur, we haven't seen each other for a long time, I miss you so much..."

Jody actually wanted to ask if Arthur missed him, but thinking that he and Arthur hadn't confirmed their relationship in this life, and Arthur now He has just become the Holy Son, so he must be unwilling to take the risk of violating the teachings of the Holy See to express his love with him.

But Jody felt that he understood that Arthur must also love him deeply, but he was forced to suppress it in his heart because of the teachings of the Holy See, and he couldn't break free.

In the previous life, Jody liked the bitterness and sweetness of the ambiguous period with Arthur, the holy son of the Holy See, but in this life, after directly experiencing the pain of losing a lover, Jody just wanted to go as fast as possible. , took Arthur to his side.

If it weren't for worrying about Arthur's anger, Jody, the abyss demon king, could really take the new son to the abyss, and release the news that the new son also died, so for the Holy See, it must be a Huge hit.

But now, due to her love for Arthur, Jody has no choice but to take it slowly.

Jody felt that he was thinking too much about his lover. Where could there be a devil in this world who loved Arthur more than him and thought about Arthur? !

Arthur just watched Jody, the devil of the abyss, change his face in front of him. After being deceived for a lifetime, Arthur remained suspicious of every word Jody said.

If Jody knew that he missed the lover who was so impatient and left the palace full of beautiful pets and came to look for him, he would have such an attitude of not believing him, and he would be heartbroken, and then he would turn into a rage and call Arthur, the new saint The son was taken away in public.

But fortunately, Jody was still immersed in the illusion that his lover Arthur also liked him, and didn't think about anything else at all.

Arthur accompanied the smiling face and chatted with Jody one after another, and by the way, looked back on the good old days.

But in Jody's face full of tender memories, Arthur only felt shuddering all over.

The time spent with the injured Jody must have been a very beautiful past in the eyes of the former Arthur, but after knowing that Jody approached him to murder the Holy Son and the Pope, bring down the Holy See, and finally conquer the people in one fell swoop. In the world, Arthur snorted coldly in his heart.

In order to realize such a disgusting and terrifying ideal, this abyssal demon king really worked hard!

Arthur said so sarcastically in his heart, but in fact, Arthur also felt complicated in such an atmosphere of recalling the beautiful past. After all, he really liked Jody very, very much in his last life.

They used to talk about everything, and looked forward to the future together. Arthur even thought about resigning from the position of the Son of God after confirming his true love, and then went wandering with Jody.

No matter where they go, anyway, they are a wandering knight and a wandering priest, and they are always very happy when they walk together.

But then the Pope's unfortunate death and the demon army's attack on the human world put all Arthur's plans on hold, and he never imagined that once they were put on hold, there would be no chance to bring them up again.

It was Jody who personally tore up Arthur's beautiful expectations of love...

Arthur had to admit that he really liked Jody, but that kind of liking was based on the fact that Jody was a human being, and it was based on Jody's love. It's not the devil of the abyss, or even the evil devil who has plotted against the human world for a long time, all of this is unacceptable to Arthur.

Not to mention that Jody still has such an unbearable promiscuous love history.

Just sitting face to face like this, Arthur felt uncomfortable all over his body, and he even felt that he was facing a filthy, low-level demon.

Those low-level demons always like to come out to the human world to look for food. No matter whether they find men, women, old or young, they must first rape and kill them before eating them all.

Arthur once faced such a terrifying scene directly, and his biological parents also died in the battle against the lower demons.

He could never accept a demon as a lover!

Not to mention that this one is the abyss demon king who caused the war between the human world and the abyss demon for thousands of years.

If he didn't know his own strength very well, Arthur really wished to kill this arguably the most filthy and disgusting existence in the world with his own hands.

Arthur lowered his eyes, with a proper smile on his face, but in fact, he was so disgusted that he wanted to vomit.

At the same time, Arthur still had unrelenting anger in his heart. Although he really liked Jody, it was based on not knowing Jody's true identity as the devil.

He thought that Jody was just an ordinary wandering knight, but he didn't expect that he was a devil who did all kinds of evil, and he was also the most despised love libertine.

After the failure of the human world in the previous life, he was oppressed by demons, and he was also captured as the Son of God to be the lover of the so-called devil king. But even in such a situation, he still knew about Jody's identity as the devil king and her romantic and affectionate situation from those charming and affectionate lovers.

If it weren't for maintaining the image of the Holy Son in front of those succubus at that time, Arthur felt so disgusted that he could vomit it on the spot.

Because Jody led an army of demons to occupy the human world, and Jody was a flirtatious prodigal son, so every time Jody came to the palace to talk to Arthur, he was rejected by Arthur with a cold face. You can insult the Abyss Demon King on the spot, disgusting and lowly, and so on.

But for the Abyssal Demon King, it was almost like scratching an itch. At first, Jody thought it was Arthur who wanted to refuse but still welcome. After all, the human world was defeated by him. Also nowhere to go.

At the beginning, Jody had the patience to play such a cold-faced game with Arthur, but when he found out that Arthur really didn't want to be touched by him, Jody couldn't bear the pride of being the devil of the abyss.

When he realized that Arthur was really unwilling to accept him, Jody secretly rejoiced that Arthur was still jealous, so he patiently coaxed Arthur for the time being.

As his beloved, Arthur will become the queen of the abyss in the future, and Jody is willing to give Arthur a little more time.

But after being rejected a lot, and after pretending to be self-cultivated and affectionate and unrepentant, Arthur was not impressed, and Jody became impatient.

In fact, it was more of annoyance, after all, no matter on the battlefield or in love, the Abyssal Demon King had never been defeated.

The Abyss Demon King, who has always been very fast and has experienced many battles in love affairs, wanted to break Arthur's virginity first, and let Arthur surrender to his superb joy and love skills. He firmly believed that he could pass Love. Desire to conquer a person.

And his lover Arthur is so indifferent to him at this time, it is very likely that he has not yet experienced the beauty of the devil, and when he really conquers his lover, he will naturally not be treated coldly again.

However, in order to appease Arthur's emotions, Jody still declared luxuriously and high-profilely that he would marry the Queen, and regardless of Arthur's objection and refusal, he directly held a grand wedding with great fanfare.

As for the fact that above the wedding, there were demons engaging in various unsightly multi-person and multi-devil activities in public, and almost blowing up the queen, Jody just turned a blind eye to the fact that he didn't see it.

Jody didn't think there was anything wrong with her idea at all, and even found that her lover Arthur was struggling a lot when implementing it, so the Abyss Demon King, who had run out of patience, decided to use coercive means for the first time.

When the lover experiences the beauty of sex and love for himself, he will definitely pester him every day.

But Jody, the abyssal demon king who is full of ambition and scenery, never imagined that just when his life was about to achieve a double harvest in career and love, the real abyss master woke up and was very dissatisfied with the smoky abyss.

And just when Jody was about to succeed, and the protagonist Gong wanted to

rape and rape the protagonist, the Lord of the Abyss, whose strength was unpredictable and could not be seen directly, woke up, and found that the place where the devil had made a mess of him, and many were raped. After seeing the brutally tortured and killed humans, and the screaming demons jumping up and down, they felt extremely unhappy.

The Lord of the Abyss, who found it very noisy, quickly sent the noisy demons to sleep under the abyss, and after extracting the memories of some demons and humans, he learned that Jody was the instigator, so he directly wiped out the instigator, the protagonist.

As for the small human beings who were crushed by Jody's giant demon prototype, they were naturally obliterated along with it.

After all, the master of the abyss who is not interested in staying outside and wants to go back to sleep, no matter what is human or not, anyway, it is an unforgivable crime to disturb him to sleep, and he should die.

Arthur was not actually angry with the murderer who killed him, but also had a sense of gratitude.

After all, he would rather die than be raped by a disgusting and ugly demon king!

Jody didn't know that Arthur's hatred and anger towards him were about to reach the peak at this time, and he was still trying to recall the past, hoping to arouse his lover's love for him.

But in fact, Arthur only wanted to physically destroy his filthy existence.

Arthur felt that if he continued to face Jody's face, he might either get angry and overwhelmed and want to destroy the Abyss Demon King, or he would be so disgusted that he would spit it out, and then he would be sick for ten days and a half months. Can't eat.

So Arthur pretended to shirk that he still needed to pray, and sincerely invited Jody to pray with him, adding some holy light reserves to his body.

Arthur's words directly made Jody, who was still waving his hands and talking and laughing, his face stiff. At this time, the Pope was in the Central Vatican, and the Central Vatican was the place where the Holy Light shines most intensely.

As the Demon Lord of the Abyss, it was okay for him to stand outside the Holy See for a short time, but if he wanted to go in, he would face being recognized by the Pope or other bishops, but Jody couldn't agree at all.

After all, even if he is really arrogant, he can't be so arrogant as to seek his own death!

Of course Arthur knew that Jody would never agree. After all, the Abyss Demon King was just arrogant, not wanting to die.

If Jody, the Demon King of the Abyss, was really powerful enough to walk into the Central Vatican, he would not have thought hard and planned for hundreds of years, just to get rid of the Holy Son and the Pope of the Vatican first.

Just because the Demon King of the Abyss had to get rid of the Holy Son and the Pope before he dared to lead the army of demons out of the abyss and march into the realm of the human world, one knew that the Holy See must be very afraid.

Sure enough, Jody's next reaction was exactly as Arthur predicted.

"Ah? Ah... I just remembered that a friend invited me to have a drink. I was just passing by to talk to you. Now the time is almost up. I should go to the appointment. After all, as a qualified knight, I can't miss the appointment. Or late."

Jody said calmly, then stood up holding the long sword by her side, and proposed to send Arthur back to the Central Holy See first.

I don't know if it's because I'm guilty, or if I'm worried that it will arouse Arthur's suspicion, Jody looked at Arthur affectionately with those sky blue eyes again, and said that he could send Arthur back first.

"Going to the Central Holy See is a dream I have had for a long time, and I will definitely go there in the future."

Jody said pretending to be regretful, but in fact, what he thought in his heart was that when he captured the human world again, he must take Aya with him. Sir came back to the Central Vatican to say a prayer.

Then it's not like he lied.

Facing his lost and found lover, the Demon King of Abyss always wants to be more sincere.

He doesn't want too many lies between his lovers.

This dangerous existence was finally leaving, and it seemed that he would not come back in a short time. Only then did Arthur really feel happy, and he also stood up.

From Jody's point of view, his lover Arthur's luxurious robe belonging to the holy son of the Holy See gently brushed over the seat, and the exquisite golden roses and the Holy See mark on the robe directly revealed a kind of sacred and inviolable noble elegance.

This dazzled Jody-his lover was indeed beautiful and elegant!

Jody's throat rolled a few times, and the desire for her lover also rose rapidly at this moment.

But he is now a handsome knight, and he doesn't want to show his face in front of his lover. Jody quickly said his farewell and left the restaurant quickly.

Arthur looked at the back of Jody leaving, it can be said that he still had a little panic of fleeing in a hurry, but Arthur just squinted his eyes slightly, and brushed the inverse cross balance mark of the Holy See on the cuff of the platinum saint's robe with his hands , and then made a decision in his heart:

If the Abyss Demon King dares to disgust him next time, don't blame him for being unable to bear it, and he can only drag the Abyss Demon King to die together!

Because he really couldn't bear this filthy existence to bother him anymore.

Especially in the last life when he was almost raped by something like this, Arthur found it even more unbearable.

Jody, damn you!

If it wasn't for the wrong timing of rebirth, Arthur would definitely not have saved the Abyss Demon King. Instead, when he found the seriously injured Abyss Demon King, he would give him a few more knives and send him back to the Abyss to sleep forever.


the protagonist Gongshou met, the former holy son Lanqin was still on his way with his partner, unaware that the two protagonists, Gongshou and Gongshou, had reached the point of breaking apart.

In fact, if Lan Qin really knew that the protagonist was influenced by Arthur's idea of ​​killing the protagonist and attacking Jody, he would clap his hands in agreement and give appropriate help within his ability.

Anyway, in the case of two protagonists, as long as one protagonist survives, the mission world can operate stably and continue to develop.

Not to mention that this quest world was originally collapsed by the protagonist Gong's mess. In fact, the villain Lord of the Abyss killed the protagonist Gong, which is also a good deed.

But the bad thing is that the protagonist Shou was also beside the protagonist Gong at the time, and the Lord of the Abyss even killed the protagonist Shou together, otherwise the mission world would not have collapsed.

But the protagonist Shou was not killed by mistake, but survived, and it seems that he may not be able to escape from the abyss with countless demons.

And then again, the quest world is really stabilized by the protagonist's luck alone. Wouldn't he have no chance to do the quest, and then he won't be able to meet Wu Miao?

Lan Qin didn't have the burden of a holy son's demeanor at all, and didn't have any outside thoughts. He lay directly on Wu Miu's lap, talking to Wu Miu while reading some travel books.

Sitting in a carriage and driving all the time is also very boring, but fortunately, when passing by a certain city, he bought a lot of books and put them on the carriage, and even if he has no books to read, he can still talk to Wu Miao, and occasionally hug him Hug and kiss.

Lan Qin felt that such a day was also very good.

As for Wumuu's feelings, seeing the smile on his face that never disappeared, he must be very happy and happy.

In this way, the few days on the road passed by. After finding out that he had arrived in the bustling urban area where the Central Holy See was located, Lanqin also packed up his expression and demeanor, and after talking with Umiu, he saw the Pope's speech.

"Wait until you see the Pope, Umiu, you don't need to say anything, just listen to my order and nod in my eyes."

Umiu looked at his lover seriously, nodded, indicating that he understood .

Lan Qin smiled and patted Wu Miu on the shoulder, then handed Wu Miu the long sword he bought halfway, and instructed some precautions for playing a wandering knight, while Wu Miu was watching his lover affectionately while listening carefully He said, nodding his head from time to time to show that he understood.

Although such rhetoric has been said many times and rehearsed with Wu Miao many times, Lan Qin is still a little worried about any unexpected situation at that time.

After all, this is the central Holy See with the main area of ​​the abyss, it is really dangerous and exciting to think about.

However, Lan Qin still trusted Wu Miao's strength.

After all, Jody Tracy, the protagonist who can be instantly killed by Umiu, can stand at the door of the Central Holy See and talk to the protagonist. It makes no sense that Umiu can't even go in.

But now seeing Wu Miao nodding his head obediently, Lan Qin still couldn't help standing on tiptoe, and kissed Wu Miao hard on the forehead.

If it wasn't for the protagonist's attack on the Abyss Demon King, he would have resigned now and wandered the world with his partner.

But as the Son of God

, even a passer-by must shoulder his own responsibilities.

Wu Miao looked at Lan Qin with extremely soft eyes. After being kissed on the forehead, he also lowered his head and kissed Lan Qin's lips.

Lan Qin didn't have any special reaction when he was kissed. He just told him not to kiss him casually in the Central Vatican. After all, if they were seen by the Central Vatican, they would all have to be thrown out.

And the conspiracy of the protagonist to attack Jody Tracy revolves around the Central Holy See. He can't be thrown out because of a few kisses, that would be too embarrassing!

The Lord of the Abyss looked at Lan Qin's ruddy lips, nodded, and once again expressed that he understood.

The scene of him kissing Lanqin cannot be seen by the people of the Central Holy See, so as long as he is not seen by those people, then he can kiss his lover anytime and anywhere.

Lan Qin never imagined that his partner would have such small thoughts, and learned to change concepts secretly.

But even if Lan Qin knew, he would only praise his partner for being flexible and flexible.

As for blocking anything, I won't do it either.

After all, Lan Qin knows best what kind of character his partner has.

It's just a kissing maniac!

But he also likes it.


news of the safe return of the former Holy Son was urgently delivered to the Pope, and the Pope was about to cry with joy when he heard that his little Lanqin had returned safely, and hurried to the gate of the Holy See.

If it wasn't for maintaining the Pope's demeanor and image, he would have to run and fly to see what the child he raised from childhood was like in the fastest time possible.

After all, returning safely does not mean unscathed.

These days, the Pope was so terrified that he couldn't sleep at night, couldn't eat well, and wondered all the time whether his little Lanqin, who was afraid of thunder and bugs when he was a child, was facing some terrible life-threatening danger.

Or maybe his child is already dead, and the body is lying in an unknown place, waiting for him to calm down... That child is the most hygienic, if he has to lie in such a dirty place even after he dies, I'm afraid Even the soul is hard to find peace.

It is precisely because of this that the Pope ordered people to search for the Holy Son, and declared that the Holy Son must be brought back regardless of whether he was dead or alive.

At least the Central Holy See is Lanchin's home, and he will go home no matter he is alive or dead.


Before the Pope actually saw the safe Lanqin, he was worried that his child would be missing an arm and a leg, but fortunately, he saw at the first sight that his child was in good condition, even It seems to be growing... a little fatter?

The Pope was shocked by his own observation, and thought that he was old and his eyesight was not working well, so he quickly looked up, down, back, left, and right several times, and found that he was really a little fatter, and it was not his illusion.

This fact made the Pope feel a little complicated. After all, he thought he would see a child with missing arms and legs or a child who was extremely emaciated. Now that Lan Qin is in such a good condition, it seems that he is an old man who is so worried that he can't sleep day and night. A little too thin and haggard.

After the complicated emotions passed, the pope turned his attention to the strange knight standing behind Lanqin.

According to Lan Qin, he was able to survive because of the rescue of this strange wandering knight, and Lan Qin also poured all kinds of good words on this man named Wu Miao.

The Pope felt that he had never seen his child talk so much in one day. After all, Lan Qin had always been introverted, with few words and few expressions, and he looked like the most qualified holy son.

But in fact, the Pope still misses Lan Qin's small appearance when he was very young, crying, making trouble, acting like a baby, and being bedridden.

But no matter how spoiled a child is, there will always be a day when he grows up, which makes the Pope feel very melancholy.

He obviously felt that such a good time was just yesterday, but when he thought about it carefully, he realized that it was already twelve years ago.

The Pope talked for a while with Lanchin and the wandering knight named Umiu. During this process, he also found some bad signs from the eye contact between Lanchin and Umiu.


But at this time, the Pope thought of the new son named Arthur, and his 18-year-old child who had just returned safely after going through extremely dangerous things, all of which made the Pope ignore his discovery for the time being.

But the pope's neglect does not mean that things did not happen.

The Pope looked at the light and joy reappearing in Lanchin's eyes, sighed in his heart, and decided to be cautious about this matter.

"...Lan Chin, it must have been very hard for you to travel all the way back with this knight. If there is anything you can talk about tomorrow, it just so happens that you can also follow up on tomorrow's Holy See ceremony regarding the dangerous incident you encountered this time. Please tell the bishops, so everyone can feel at ease."

The Pope just heard Lan Chin's general statement about the danger his team encountered, and he was very distressed about what his children had encountered, and unexpectedly fell into a dangerous demon Territory, the whole army was almost wiped out, which made the Pope feel terrified.

So the Pope decided to let the two of them go back to rest first. As for the people in the Holy See who will come over later, the Pope thinks he can handle it, so he doesn't need Lanqin to waste energy here.

After hearing what the Pope said, Lan Qin also showed a little joy on his face, and after speaking some intimate words with the Pope, Lan Qin took Wumiu down.

The pope who was left in place saw the two people as inseparable, and the wandering knight named Umiu was standing beside his child, and he was still in a protective posture that could fight back anytime and anywhere. This really made the pope Doubly worried.

These two people are so close, wouldn't other people in the Holy See also be able to see it?

The Pope stroked his white beard and frowned in thought, but after thinking about it, he felt that other people had never been exposed to love and other things, and it was impossible for them to have such a keen mind, so he temporarily calmed down.

And when he was so relieved, the pope was upset by the matter of the new son Arthur.

Although in his heart, Lan Qin is the real and unique Son of God, obviously other people don't think so.

Especially those ten bishops must have their own thoughts, otherwise they would not have participated so actively in the selection of the new Son.

However, the Pope could also understand that if the Holy Son had a good relationship with the Pope, the authority of the ten bishops would be limited, so they would do everything possible to change to a Holy Son who did not have a good relationship with the Pope.

But understanding is understanding, but the Pope still hates the plan of the ten bishops.

Now that his child has returned safely, it seems that the ten bishops who heard the news can't sit still.

The Pope thought this way, and then saw an attendant inform that the Bishop was coming and wanted to see the former Son.

The Pope frowned, and directly asked the attendants to go down and bring the bishops over. His child had just returned, so he couldn't be too public.

Not to mention that Lanqin still has the potential danger of Umuu beside him. If Arthur is pulled down now and Lanqin is allowed to be the son again, I am afraid that it will attract a lot of attention.

Those ten bishops would also keep staring at Lanchin, trying to find out what was wrong with Lanchin.

The pope cannot put his own children in that kind of danger.


Lan Qin took Wu Miao back to the place where he used to live. According to the close relationship between the Pope and the original "Lan Qin", even if the protagonist is really accepted as the new son, it is impossible for others to live in "Lan Qin" so easily. Chin's house.

And Arthur, as the protagonist, obviously couldn't just rob other people's houses.

Sure enough, when Lanqin returned to the original house, he found that the house was tidy and clean, and there was not even a single servant missing.

According to the attendants, it turned out that the Pope had ordered it, and no one else was even allowed to enter the Son's room.

"My lord Pope came to sit in your room every day after you disappeared, looking very sad. Fortunately, you have returned safely, my lord son! You are really blessed by the God of Light..."

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