8.19: Trapped

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The deceitful devil prepares everything needed for his sweetheart. After buying a lot of unnecessary things, Lan Qin watched Osonia buy things like a big purchase for the New Year, thinking that he didn't need so many things, and at the same time, he was moved by his partner's thoughtfulness.

If it weren't for the magic ring, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to carry all the bags.

When Lan Qin and his partner went back to the temple, it was no surprise that the God of Light had fallen asleep again. While the Deceitful Demon King felt that the God of Light was unreliable, he was relieved: Seeing this perfunctory and annoying attitude, the God of Light must have Just tired of this boring world, it probably won't take long for the main body to wake up.

The deceitful demon king had a simple and beautiful idea, but he didn't know that the God of Light was also planning this in his heart.

If he really wanted to snatch this human being to be his wife, then it would be his responsibility to ensure the longevity of his wife.

The God of Light hates taking responsibility the most, but now He can't wait to take over this responsibility.

As for the deceitful demon king, it is natural to become a victim of this responsibility.

But the God of Light believes that if it is for Lanqin, Ausonia will be very willing.

Although the deceitful devil has always been in hell, he has always done physical labor, such as fighting or something. How can he fight against the God of Light who is full of evil and calculating?

When reluctantly saying goodbye to his sweetheart, the Deceitful Demon King did not suspect that there was something wrong with the God of Light, and even reminded the God of Light not to take care of Lan Qin with a little worry, and then fell asleep again.

The Deceitful Demon King felt that the God of Light had never been too sleepy, and thought that this guy had to go back to his body and sleep forever.

After all, judging from the current mental state of the God of Light, it doesn't look like he can live for a long time.

The deceitful devil left in his heart, not even noticing the crazy behavior of looking at his wife with straight eyes behind his back.

After watching his partner leave, Lan Qin stayed in the temple with a gloomy expression. With the God of Light here, he would never be discovered by others.

But what Lanqin didn't expect was that the God of Light would actually bring him into his domain. Generally speaking, no one would be allowed to enter the domain of gods, and even for other gods, it would be like a forbidden place.

Why would the God of Light bring him in now?

Of course, Lan Qin has been to the realm where his partner cheated the devil. It was an endless desert, and there was still a bright red and gloomy blood moon in the sky. It was only after Lan Qin entered that it began to gradually green. Those things are not suitable for living in the desert. The beautiful plants that grow, such as rosebushes and roses, bloom in this desert.

Lan Qin was dazzled directly.

Of course, the last area that came alive because of Lan Qin's arrival was still experienced by this sticky couple. For such a place that is basically closed, Lan Qin will not refuse if his partner wants to play.

After all, his chances of refusing should be left to some inappropriate places, such as the Palace of Goss, or the Temple of the God of Light.

For the openness of this mission world, Lan Chin really had a deeper understanding once again.

At this time, Lan Qin was looking at the realm of the God of Light. Of course, he could not be as relaxed as in his partner's realm, but he still couldn't hold back seeing the lotus flowers of various colors slowly growing in the ice and snow land in front of him. Surprised in my heart.

The situation in the realm of the gods generally has a lot to do with the mood of the gods. In this endless ice and snow land, it may be possible to see that the mood of the God of Light is either very bad or very indifferent.

But why do flowers grow in the ice and snow?

It can't be like his partner, because he is happy because he came in, so it blooms uncontrollably!

It was hard for Lan Qin not to look at the God of Light, but since he was not familiar with the God of Light, and the scene of blossoming in the ice and snow might have happened before, it seemed that he was a bit overreacted when he asked directly.

And Lan Chin always had a premonition that if he brought up this issue, something bad would happen.

The God of Light was obviously a little disappointed that Lan Qin didn't take

the initiative to speak or ask about this field. He also planned that if Lan Qin asked, He would just take the opportunity to express his goodwill.

After all, Ausonia, that innocent and naive guy, will never come back after this trip.

The God of Light felt that some things could start ahead of schedule.

It's just that Lan Qin never asked any questions, as if the scene of lotus blooming in the ice and snow was normal, and he didn't look at the God of Light, which made the God of Light not know what to say.

So the God of Light, who had no confession experience, sighed in his heart, and decided to wait until Ausonia was dealt with before expressing his goodwill with Lanqin.

This person has come to His domain, and it is impossible to escape out of thin air. The God of Light is very relieved about this.

Thinking about it this way, the tension of the God of Light eased a lot, but his superficial expression was still as indifferent as ever.

"You just wait here for him to come back."

After the God of Light said these words in a cold tone, his whole body scattered into golden spots, and quickly disappeared into this field.

Lan Qin saw that the God of Light just said a word and then disappeared, and then observed the boundless world of ice and snow, and he was sure that the God of Light really didn't like him very much.

Well, I really don't like people who interrupt my sleep one after another.

Lan Qin expressed his understanding and felt that his previous intuitions were illusions.

After realizing that the God of Light really doesn't have any thoughts about him, Lanqin felt a little embarrassed. After all, the gods can hear the voices of human beings at any time. Maybe the God of Light doesn't like him and has such a cold attitude towards him because this.

Fortunately, he won't be alone with the God of Light for a while, Lan Qin reached out and patted his face, and then looked for a place in the snow suitable for building a temporary shelter with a reddish face.

Even if this realm has been made not cold by the God of Light for his Ausonia's sake, Lan Qin still needs a shelter if he wants to live here for a while.

Lan Qin, who was working hard to build the shelter, didn't know that the God of Light who he thought was going to sleep was actually watching his every move incognito.

Lan Chin actually kind of minded living in the domain of a god, but it was like the choice made by Ausonia, if he stayed here to make his partner feel more at ease, then let it be.

Anyway, he didn't have anything to do.

Lan Qin lived in the realm of the God of Light like this. What he didn't know was that in the first few days when he was busy, he was always accompanied by the God of Light. It was only on the third day that the God of Light suddenly leave.

After three days of parting with his partner, Lan Chin was already missing his partner, and he had drawn more than one portrait of his partner on the drawing paper that his partner bought for him.

As a bystander, the God of Light has already started to get angry, but because Lanqin cannot see him, and the most important thing about this matter is to solve the deceitful demon king Osonia, so that he can tell Lanqin about the evil one without any worries. The dragon's memory is completely erased.

The God of Light has long regretted that he did not stop the dragon from going to the Palace of Goss to take Lanqin away, but time cannot be turned back, and regret is useless, so the God of Light can only try to make up for it.

All Lanqin needs is a loyal partner who loves him deeply. The God of Light can understand Lanqin's sensitive and rich heart, and He is also confident that he can become such a partner.

So Ausonia should be a thing of the past!

The purpose of the God of Light's departure this time is to completely eliminate the Deceitful Demon King, and to solve all obstacles silently without Lanqin's knowledge.

But even the God of Light, who has never failed before, may not have expected that accidents may happen when facing a raging dragon who is about to lose his beloved.

And when the God of Light and the Deceitful Demon King were fighting each other, Lan Qin, who was far away in the realm of the God of Light, seemed to sense something, and suddenly felt palpitations for a moment, and had a very bad premonition.

Lan Qin suddenly stood up from his sitting position. He felt that something happened to Ausonia, but he just thought that as an unarmed human being, it was


At the same time, he was also very clear that if it wasn't for Ausonia to deal with some dangerous things, He would never entrust him to the God of Light.

In the past few mission worlds, his partners were too powerful, and they often beat the protagonists of the world violently, which made Lan Qin also believe in his partner's strength.

But now Lan Qin feels very bad, plus the mission details, Leosonia, as the villain, was directly beheaded by the male lead.

Even if the hero is only ten years old at most, Lan Chin still feels worried and afraid.

Only when he took out the magic spell of life in his bosom and saw that the breath of life that symbolized Ausonia had not disappeared, Lan Qin reluctantly breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that the anxiety in his heart still lingers in Lanqin's heart. He desperately wants to get news about his partner from the God of Light, but no matter how much he yells, there is no response.

At this time, Lan Qin suddenly found out in horror that he seemed to be trapped in the realm of the God of Light...


When Lanqin was anxious about how to contact the God of Light, or his partner Ausonia, on the other side of hell, the God of Light was about to fight the Deceitful Demon King to the death.

The demons in hell expressed their pain. After all, it is a very terrible thing for gods to fight. It is completely impossible to hurt a god with one move, but it can kill a lot of demons.

At the beginning, there were courageous and curious demons who came to watch the fun. After all, the big scene of gods fighting only appeared thousands of years ago.

If you don't watch it now, you may never have another chance in the future.

But after wave after wave of demons died, none of the demons had the guts to join in the fun, but no matter how far away they were, they would still be affected.

It can also be seen from this that the strength of the two fighting gods is very good.

This simply makes the demons both happy and sad. The happy thing is that the demon king they are loyal to is very powerful, not inferior to the God of Light at all. In the future, they will be more confident when they go to the human side to show off their might.

Sadly, they may not survive tomorrow.

This is going to make the devil a headache!

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