8.20: Successful

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Lanqin is almost in a hurry in the field of the God of Light, he I felt that something serious must have happened outside.

And this feeling is getting stronger and stronger, making Lan Qin uneasy, and he doesn't even have the mind to eat and sleep.

After calling out the God of Light without any response, Lanqin felt that something was wrong, but Lanqin who was trapped here had no way to escape at all, and the only way was probably to ask System 1122 for help.

But there are also disadvantages in this way, that is, the system 1122 will probably know about his dating, and if the system 1122 finds out, he and his partner will definitely be forcibly separated... Could it be that he wants to go to bed because of this sudden anxiety? Take a gamble?

If nothing happened to his partner, then his behavior is totally throwing himself into a trap!

Just when Lanqin was hesitating, the battle between the God of Light and the Deceitful Demon King on the other side had come to an end. This was undoubtedly an ending for both sides, but compared to the Deceitful Demon King who was framed by the God of Light, the God of Light was still slightly outperformed.

At least when the Deceitful Demon King was mercilessly wiped out by the God of Light in the end, the Deceitful Demon King was completely immobile, but the God of Light was still able to return to the temple of the Kingdom of Goss safe and sound.

Of course, the God of Light also has a hand, and that is to carry his own statue with him. When he is seriously injured and lacks strength, he can use this small statue as a medium to return to his own domain.

The reason why the God of Light personally created such a statue in the temple is to prevent such a situation. He will never allow himself to be defeated!

I have to say that the behavior of the God of Light is still very planned.

Before returning to the temple, the God of Light used a little power to disguise himself, changing his appearance into the appearance of the deceitful demon king Ausonia. Now he doesn't have enough power to completely erase Lan Qin's memory, so he can only go There is a shortcut.

Recalling Ausonia's distorted face of panic and despair before being beaten back to his body, the God of Light felt relieved, and thinking about Ausonia's last words, he still asked him not to embarrass Lanqin, even if he really didn't like it Lan Qin can also put Lan Qin back to the Kingdom of Goss.

When Ausonia took Lanqin away from the palace of Goss, he cursed all human beings who harbored malice towards Lanqin. In addition, he has taken Lanqin away for more than a year. Those who once wanted to harm Lanqin Qin's human beings must have almost died, and Ausonia can rest assured that Lan Qin will go back.

It's just that the reluctance and pain in my heart can't be less.

He was terrified that his other self would be crazy enough to kill his lover, and the deceitful demon king thought in despair, how could he have just discovered the truth that the God of Light has gone crazy?

The Deceitful Demon King only knew that the God of Light disliked humans very much. Human beings without chastity and morality were full of deceit and hatred. The Deceitful Demon King actually disliked them too, but what he never imagined was that the other self hated them even more.

The deceitful demon king couldn't think of the reason why the God of Light killed him. He could only attribute it to the God of Light who wanted to provoke a war between hell and the human world.

This is something only a lunatic would do!

If hell and the human world really start a war, the deceitful demon king dare not think how difficult his life will be for Lan Qin in the future.

But no matter how unwilling the Deceiver Demon King was, he was still 'killed' by another one, and then his soul drifted back to the main body unconsciously.

When Ausonia's soul returned to an unknown distant place, the body that had been sleeping for an unknown number of years suddenly opened its eyes, but the expression in the eyes was very cold, as if everything None can enter His eyes.

This god with an indifferent temperament and flat eyes opened his eyes for a while, and suddenly a tear slowly fell from his left eye.

But the indifference in his eyes remained undiminished, just adding a little bit of doubt, as if he was wondering why he was crying.

No one knew that this tear of pain and despair belonged to Ausonia.


mission world, in the domain of the God of Light.

When the God of Light returned to the domain, he was already a complete deceitful demon king. He staggered on the road, but fell into the ice and snow within two steps, and the uncontrollable golden blood slowly returned from the gods. dripping.

Lan Qin felt that something was wrong when he saw that the beautiful flowers that bloomed in the domain of the God of Light suddenly withered, and even the place that always had warm sunshine returned to the previous cold wind howling!

He couldn't help walking in the ice and snow flustered, wondering why he had to move forward, but after walking for an unknown number of minutes, Lan Qin finally saw a figure in this empty snowy land.

Lan Qin saw the familiar clothes on the figure, as well as the constant worry and fear in his heart, and knew that this must be his partner!

"Osonia? Osonia?!"

Lan Qin yelled twice in panic, but got no response. He hurriedly turned his figure around, and he was relieved when he saw the familiar face.

Just seeing his partner's pale face and closed eyes, Lan Qin felt even more worried. He was eager to know what happened!

But facing his partner who fell into a coma, Lan Qin had no choice but to choose to remain silent, and at the same time he was saving his energy.

Lan Qin didn't carry his partner back, partly because it was really hard for him to find his way back in this exactly the same ice and snow field. In fact, it wasn't impossible to find his way back, but it was obviously impossible to bring his comatose partner with him. .

On the one hand, the reason is even simpler, because it is difficult for him who is 7.8 meters tall to move a god who is almost 2 meters tall!

This is the domain of the God of Light, and his partner chose to come here the first time, which must mean that it is safe here.

Although he didn't know what happened to his partner and the God of Light, Lan Qin could only wait for his partner to wake up.

Otherwise, as an ordinary human being, he really can't do anything.

Moreover, it is even more impossible for him to solve problems that even gods cannot solve.

Lan Qin sighed worriedly, and immediately built a shelter on the spot to ensure that his partner would not be attacked by such cold wind and snow.

I once had the experience of building a shelter in a world of ice and snow. It took Lanqin ten minutes to build a shelter that could shelter from wind and snow. After moving his injured partner to the soft and warm bedding with difficulty, Lanqin again Unable to hide his worry, he covered him with a blanket.

"What the hell happened?"

"Wake up quickly, Osonia, don't worry me too much..." "


Lan Qin hasn't talked to anyone for a while, and he stays here In the realm of the God of Light, it was like being in prison.

But fortunately, his partner came back in the end, and this life will pass.

Lan Qin looked at the button of the emergency call system on the light board, but he still didn't rush to press it. Compared with the 1122 system, he still trusts his partner more now.

When the God of Light woke up, he saw a young human standing in the sun not far away. The bright light coated his exquisite and perfect face with a layer of golden light. He was wearing a simple white shirt with gold silk and black trousers. He unbuttoned two of them, and the black slim trousers were matched with a simple belt, which made his waist slender and his legs long. The overall body line was so perfect that even the gods of the system could not help but marvel.

And when those beautiful eyes look over inadvertently, they can directly take away the soul of the god.

Those hands are also with clear bones, slender, beautiful and flawless, as if they were carved from the finest jade.

The God of Light's eyes fell on Lan Qin involuntarily, and he looked at Lan Qin's whole body very calmly, but only the God of Light knew how turbulent his emotions were under his cold and calm appearance.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have broken skin with the Deceitful Demon King, and he would have put the Deceitful Demon King to death very simply.

The God of Light doesn't care if he can stay with Lanqin for a long time, as long as Lanqin is with him before his death, in whose capacity, then he has no regrets.

Compared with the simple-minded and simple-minded Ausonia, the God of Light

knows much more about the ontology. Let alone his lover, even he himself is probably insignificant in the eyes of the ontology.

What Ontology cares about is the stability of the world, that's why it divides the distraction and gives it the strength to stabilize and manage the world.

It's just a pity that neither Ausonia nor He will be obedient and distracted.

And the God of Light also knows one thing, that is, after Ausonia returns, even the memory will be deprived absolutely. For the main body, what happened in this world is not worth mentioning.

The reason why the God of Light knows this is because he is smarter than the deceitful devil, and he has done a lot of experiments.

Like the old god who died thousands of years ago, in fact, strictly speaking, it is still a low-level god split from him and the deceitful devil.

At that time, the God of Light suspected that the existence of the main body was very problematic, so he used those low-level gods to conduct experiments, and he still did it without telling the deceitful demon king.

After all, according to the big mouth of the deceitful devil, if he knows it, it means that all the creatures in the world know it.

So many low-level gods who have fallen have not seen any movements of the main body. It seems that either the main body doesn't care about these distractions, or it encounters some crisis and can't control it at all.

Because of this, the God of Light believes that he has a high probability of being able to love each other with Lan Qin and not be disturbed by anyone.

The God of Light has never been attached to the immortality of God. His previous life was extremely boring, even so boring that the God of Light wanted to return to the main body directly. Anyway, the main body has fallen into a deep sleep because of too much distraction. good thing.

And this world is so weak that only one god can manage it.

Lan Qin didn't know that the partner he identified had become the God of Light, but strictly speaking, the God of Light was indeed Lan Qin's partner.

After seeing his injured partner wake up, Lan Chin walked in overjoyed and cared about his partner's physical condition very considerately.

The God of Light enjoys the care of his lover very much. If he didn't have more important things to do with Lan Qin eagerly, he would definitely pretend to be seriously injured for more than half a year.

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