7.6: Call the Police

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When Lan Qin's face appeared before the eyes of the heroine's family, they They can no longer deceive themselves, instead they have to face possible questions from Lan Chin.

Such worries made it impossible for Lan Lan's family to pay attention to the strange child who had no sense of existence by Lan Qin's side. They were trying to think about what explanation they should give. For example, the owners of the house and company had not died yet, so they were happy Move into original owner's home.

Lan Qin didn't have the energy to quarrel with the family of these superb protagonists, but calmly asked the servants to help these uninvited relatives pack their luggage, and arranged for a driver to take them home.

As for the fact that the hostess's family had sold their house, Lan Chin didn't care at all.

Since the house is sold, there must be money to sell the house. Lan Qin doesn't care whether they rent a house or live in a hotel, anyway, he will never let these blood-sucking people stay in Lan's house.

Lan Lan's family knew that what they did was very wrong, and they wanted to explain it, but they were stabbed by Lan Qin's very indifferent attitude.

And Lan Qin was not polite to them, and directly said that if they didn't leave, they would call the police and let the police handle the matter.

Once the word to call the police is released, no matter what the heroine's family wants to explain, they can only pack up and leave in despair.

After all, they are now full of braids, waiting for someone to pull them out. Whether it is taking over the company's affairs and moving into the luxury house as soon as the Lan family couple dies, or acting arrogantly in front of the servants, it is difficult to erase strong evidence.

Lan Qin, as the only legal heir of the Lan family, was missing before. Fortunately, no one came to justice. Now that Lan Qin has returned safely, these relatives must step aside.

Thinking that this billions of dollars of wealth has nothing to do with their family, not only Lan's father and Lan's mother can't accept it, but even the heroine Lan Lan can't wait - obviously her male god said that this trip must be dangerous, absolutely not Maybe he came back alive, but why did Lan Qin come back alive?

And it looks unharmed and in good spirits! This is completely unreasonable! Could it really be a series of effects caused by her rebirth?

When Lan Lan thought of this, the expression on her face became even more ugly.

She has already told her girlfriends about her becoming a high-society daughter, and promised to invite them to a five-star hotel for dinner. Now that their whole family has been kicked out, how can she have money to treat people to dinner? ?

Thinking of her glorious life in her previous life and the desolation of being kicked out now, Lan Lan hated her teeth itchingly, wishing to call that thousand-year-old female ghost back, and send this unsightly cousin to the west together!

Lan Lan's family of four were unwilling to be taken away by the driver, so they held on to the door of the car and refused to get in the car. The driver had no choice but to act as a passerby and keep an eye on the four people to prevent them from breaking into the house.

And the four members of this family shouted and pleaded earnestly outside the Lan family's mansion for a long time, but Lan Qin's heart was not softened. Instead, they were driven away by the security guards.

Seeing that there was really no way to beat the autumn wind, the couple blushed and dragged their youngest son who was still howling, hiding their faces and fleeing amidst the strange onlookers who came to see the excitement after hearing the news.

As for the heroine Lan Lan, as a young girl, she is still thinner than her parents, and she left by car with her pocket money long ago.

But the direction she left was not her previous home, because she was going to find the male god Tan Qianhe to solve this matter for her, as long as the female ghost was released for a while and Lan Qin was killed, everything would be fine. It will all be solved!

Lan Lan thought things very simply, but forgot that she had no nominal relationship with Tan Qianhe at all in this life, and was completely ineligible to enter the place where the Celestial Master belonged.

Lan Qin didn't have the extra thought to care about what was going on with the hostess's family. His most important thing now was to organize the funeral of the Lan family couple, and then deal with the affairs of Luohua Village.

Finally, there is a child who needs him to raise.

Lan Qin called the company and told the agent about his return, and then contacted his father's secretary and lawyer, asking them to come to Lan's house with various important documents and materials to find him. By the way, he also contacted the school and told Everything that happened to the principal in Luohua Village. The principal was very flustered and suspicious of what Lan Qin, an outstanding graduate, said. However, after Lan Qin said that he would call the police immediately, the principal was dubious and said that he would go to Lan Qin's house to find out what happened in person



Lanchin agreed and called the police after finishing the call.

In order to deal with all the things that will happen in the Lan family, and learned from the servant that Butler Liu had resigned, Lan Qin still called Butler Liu.

But Butler Liu, when he heard that the young master Lan Qin had returned safely, and drove away the best of the family, he immediately agreed to return to his post and continue working.

"...Eldest young master, the death of the master and wife must have a lot to do with that family, you have to be careful! It is best to ask a few capable celestial masters to protect you with you!" Rich people spend a lot of

money It is a very common thing to ask a celestial master to protect oneself, and Lan Qin also had this intention, so he asked Steward Liu to help invite a celestial master.

After all, Steward Liu must be more experienced in these matters.

Butler Liu was very grateful for Lan Qin's trust, and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief. The master and his wife had no defense against that family at all, which is why they were killed. Now that the young master is on guard, that is the best thing .

He couldn't help telling the young master a few words, butler Liu hung up the phone, and arrived at Lan's house within ten minutes, and then began to direct the servants to work.

And the Lan family's house, which had been completely disfigured by that family in just one day, was quickly restored to its original state under the command of Butler Liu, and the people called by Lan Qin also came to the scene one after another.

Lan Qin first communicated with the company's manager, secretary, and lawyer who would be responsible for the company's future decisions, and then denied the hostess's family's right to inherit all the property of the Lan family.

There is absolutely no objection to this point when Lan Qin is alive. After all, Lan Guanshan has made a will and all property is inherited by his wife and son.

It's just that Dong Jianqiu, the chairman's wife, and Chairman Lan died at the same time, and the young master Lan Qin's whereabouts are also missing, and the hostess's family has the status of immediate relatives, so they will be given loopholes to get involved.

Now that Lan Qin has re-determined the inheritance of various inheritances, there will be absolutely no relationship with the hostess' family.

After the company's affairs were almost discussed, two people from the police side also came, because the content of Lanqin's report involved the supernatural incident in Luohua Village, and the two policemen also thoughtfully brought along two fellow celestial masters.

As soon as the two well-organized celestial masters met Lan Qin, they knew that this man must have narrowly escaped from the hands of evil spirits.

This also verified from the side that Lan Chin did not report a false alarm.

Facing the police, Lan Qin explained in more detail, and also said that he suspected that Lan Lan's family had harmed his whole family. Anyway, the final investigation should give the police a direction first.

"...Originally, the school planned to let us all go on a graduation trip together, but my classmate and my cousin Lan Lan suddenly said that she was seriously ill and asked for leave. There seems to be no doubt about it."

"However, when I thought of the fact that my parents died not long after the beginning of my graduation trip, and my cousin's family didn't feel sad for my parents' death and my disappearance at all, and even moved happily Come and live in my house, I feel very problematic."

Lan Chin looked very confused when he said these words. After all, as a teenager who had just graduated from high school and had just passed his eighteenth birthday, these blows were too fatal.

The people in the company had already left before the police arrived, but Butler Liu was always by Lan Qin's side. At this time, seeing the young master he grew up with was so sad, he was even more indignant.

"The two police officers, the two celestial masters, I think the death of the master and his wife, and even the distress of the young master, must be the best work of that family! After all, after the whole incident has developed, they are the ones who benefit the most. And more importantly Yes, that family was very happy when they moved in, and they said that our young master would never come back, all the servants of the Lan family were present at that time, and they could all be witnesses!" The two policemen said

together One listened carefully, one was responsible for taking notes, and the two celestial masters were

responsible for listening to these things, and one celestial master searched for traces of evil spirits in the house.

Apparently, the ghostly aura of the thousand-year-old female ghost of the red ghost still lingered, and the celestial master who was in charge of the inspection soon discovered that there was something wrong with the master bedroom.

After completing the victim's record, the two policemen promised that they would investigate the case as soon as possible. If the investigation is true, if someone uses evil spirits to injure people and kill people, the whole family will face the risk of being prosecuted and imprisoned. .

Lan Qin was very satisfied with this and expressed his gratitude.

Before the two celestial masters left, they kindly left a talisman for Lan Qin, and told Lan Qin to find one or two celestial masters to protect him for a while.

After all, now no one knows whether that family is the real murderer, if another evil spirit came to kill them during their investigation, it would be terrible.

Lan Qin naturally nodded in agreement.

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