1.26: Save the Children

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To deal with evil spirits and fierce ghosts, Li Yan is very experienced, and he It's not that he often lowers his status to deal with a few ghosts himself. Instead, he lets his subordinates rely on ghosts and gods to do things for their lives.

And it is ghosts and gods who never show their faces, but act swiftly and erratically as soon as they strike, the Tianshi Yijie who is in charge of catching ghosts is very afraid of this new star in city A, but because of this person's terrifying Ability, but did not dare to act rashly.

Generally speaking, celestial masters hunting ghosts is a very dangerous thing, but because they want to protect the human world from evil spirits, they can only sacrifice themselves and work hard to serve mankind.

Of course, it is perfectly normal to receive a little reward during this process, after all, no matter how advanced the celestial master is, he still has to eat.

The next day, Lan Qin and Li Yan packed up and drove to the countryside for a picnic. Of course, he was responsible for packing the tents and other things needed for camping. Li Yan was solely responsible for the food cooking, because this is not what Lan Qin is good at. .

When everything was ready to go out, Lan Chin met some strange strangers in some kind of work clothes at the elevator entrance.

These three or four people gathered at the door of room 804. The door of room 804 happened to be open at this time. Lan Qin, who was holding things in both hands, glanced curiously.

Do these people have anything to do with that woman from last night?

If it weren't for the clothes these people were wearing were not police uniforms, he would have thought that 804 had encountered a problem, and now the police came to the door.

Because he didn't see anything special, and because Li Yan was urging that the elevator was coming, he didn't pay any attention, but followed the elevator and went down to the underground parking lot on the first floor.

After Lan Qin and Li Yan both went down, the strangers looked at the elevator one after another. A younger man who looked to be in his twenties was the first to speak. He didn't understand why Why didn't master and uncle do anything just now?

"The thing that was following that young and beautiful man just now should be the evil spirit that is causing trouble here. It's all over the place. Master, why don't you take action?

" The apprentice rolled his eyes, this is really an unfilial apprentice.

Just looking at the resentment and ghostly aura around that evil spirit, which was so thick that it was hard to distinguish its true face, it was basically the scariest evil spirit they had ever seen in their lifetimes. If they shot on the spot, they would probably die instantly on the spot.

"Your master, I want to live for decades more, I don't want to court death." The

young man, that is, Zhou Yuanhang, when he heard the displeased words of the master, he knew that he had said something wrong again. Originally, he wanted to say something witty. To ease the atmosphere.

But seeing the solemn expressions on the other two uncles, they had no choice but to keep quiet obediently.

"It's no wonder that so many evil spirits have gathered in the northern part of the city in just half a month. With this ghost king who seems to have a very advanced cultivation base here, I'm afraid it won't be long before this area can become a complete ghost creature. Now, what should the living people in the northern district of the city do then!"

A middle-aged man with a beard shook his head, while stroking his well-maintained beard, he sighed and frowned, his brows furrowed. Heavy look.

Zhou Yuanhang's master also felt that the matter was tricky. At first they thought that there were some evil spirits doing evil in the northern district of the city, and it would be fine if they old guys took action, but now it seems that they were exaggerating.

A few people looked at me and looked at you, but they still didn't dare to act rashly. Now the ghost king didn't seem to have any signs of attacking them.

If the ghost king is really angered and let him go into a rage to do evil, based on this face-to-face meeting to deter their cultivation base, and how many sinful evil spirits this ghost king has under his hands, blindly doing it will only destroy the entire northern part of the city, and even the entire city. The entire city of A is in danger.

In the end, it was Zhou Yuanhang's master who made up his mind.

"Let's deal with the matter of room 804 first, and then go back and discuss with the government what to do. At least the four of us can't handle this matter, and we have to involve other people. After all, the maintenance of city A Safety is not just our responsibility." As soon as

the master

made this decision, the other two senior uncles nodded in agreement.

"Yes, yes, although this looks like a ghost king, it may be good or evil. We still have to think carefully.

" I can't do it on my own."

Zhou Yuanhang, who was too young to see how terrifying the Ghost King was, could only obey his master's and his uncle's decision, but at the same time he murmured something in his heart, thinking that his master and his uncle were just because of You can't beat this kind of bullshit!

It's just that Zhou Yuanhang is soft-spoken, and his strength is not good, and he came here today just to gain insights, and how to carry out all actions cannot be carried out according to his ideas.

In fact, they came here this time to deal with the incident of raising little ghosts in room 804. Previously, the Tianshi organization did find that there were hundreds of ghosts gathering in this area in the north of the city, but when they came here, they could not think of this happy community. is the source.

Although they can't deal with the ghost king rashly now, they can deal with the matter of 804 raising the little ghost as soon as possible, and then go back to discuss what to do.

But the 804 matter is not easy to deal with, otherwise the government will not dispatch three qualified celestial masters to deal with it.

When the four of them entered Room 804, they realized that things were much more serious than they had imagined.

Zhou Yuanhang looked at the kid who was about to crawl the entire room, and was so shocked that his eyes widened, and he almost couldn't help cursing, "Damn it!" '.

But even if he didn't swear, he couldn't help but say something in his heart, "This, this is the house of the little devil!"

With just such a quick glance, he actually vaguely saw three or four The little ghost was crawling around on the ceiling of the room, and his whole body was full of resentment. With the opening of the sky eye, he couldn't see the real appearance of the little ghost at all.

"Noisy, shut up!"

After being scolded by the master, Zhou Yuanhang, who had rolled his eyes, hid behind his uncle aggrievedly. After all, judging from the situation, it might be very tricky.

Not to mention whether he could learn something from this brat-catching operation, the most important thing for him is to save his own life.

When his master fought with the evil spirits, he never cared whether his apprentice would be affected, so he still had to follow his uncle closely, at least his uncle would love and protect him a little more.

Having seen the kid who needs to be dealt with, and the apprentice also has his own senior brother to take care of him, Zhang Yundao feels that today he can fight again happily.

But just when Zhang Yundao was about to attack those little ghosts on the ceiling, a young woman rushed out from the bedroom, not only holding a swaddling baby in her hand, but also crying and shouting that she should not kill her child .

Zhang Yundao and the others had already guessed that the little ghosts in the room must be tamed by someone, so they were not surprised to see the appearance of a living woman, but what happened next shocked them.

From the woman's cry, they learned that the kid in the room was actually the woman's own flesh and blood, and then the woman cried and said that she was not raising the kid maliciously.

"...I met my husband when I was 15, and married my husband when I was 18. In this ten years, I have had six pregnancies, two abortions, three miscarriages, and Once I gave birth to a daughter, but...but my husband had a bad temper and often beat me, and later beat my daughter too, and when our daughter was two years old, she was beaten to death by my husband..."

The woman couldn't cry, and her voice was hoarse and unpleasant, but what she said caused an uproar in the hearts of these celestial masters.

But the woman didn't care to look at the expressions of the celestial masters, she was very worried that her child would be killed again, and she also knew a little about why these celestial masters came here.

"Masters, I know that you came here to deal with my children, but they are really innocent! And my husband deserved his death, and the reason why my children became little ghosts is also My husband is trying to make money...he is going astray in order to make money, and if he can't find a suitable child, he will attack my

child !

" "My husband is a scum with no conscience! He Not only beat me and kick me, but also woo my daughter like this... Occasionally he is in a bad mood, and he will go to drink, and the way of beating when he is drunk is even more terrifying. He may also scald with boiling water or use beer Hit us with a bottle... I learned from the child later that my husband had secretly trained the little devil a long time ago, and in order to let the little devil listen to him 100%, he frantically attacked his own flesh and blood!" The woman sobbed

. After finishing speaking, she knelt on the ground again and wanted to kowtow to these celestial masters. She wanted to seek a way out for her child.

"Lord Tianshi, I beg you to save my children! I really don't know what to do, so I am afraid to hide my husband's body and want to regenerate the children and give them A body of flesh and blood, this is my own thought, please don't kill them again!"

"My children are really obedient. They have never gone out to harm anyone... The reason why my husband was killed was because he did too much. He often beat them and beat them, and he also liked to use spells to burn them. That's why children kill people out of control... They really didn't do it on purpose."

Several celestial masters didn't rashly believe in such an explanation, but proposed that they need to see the corpse of a woman's husband first-whether it was killed by a living person, or They were killed by evil spirits, and they knew it at a glance.

The woman is also aware of this matter, so she did not lie about her husband's death.

Zhang Yundao took the three of them to see the body of the woman's husband, and found that it was indeed like a kid who lost control and killed him, so he didn't say anything more.

At this point, the matter has become very complicated. After all, these are six little ghosts, and they are still innocent little ghosts who haven't done much evil. How to deal with it properly has directly stumped several celestial masters.

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