8.18: Sweetheart

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When the deceitful devil came, the God of Light was still sleeping, of course it was just The God of Light forged it for the Demon King of Deceit to see.

The God of Light is not worried that the Deceitful Demon King will leave for the second time. After all, this time he has the most important thing to ask him to do. This evil dragon will definitely not understand that he is sleeping, but will choose to call him very rudely. Awake.

And the behavior of the deceitful demon king was as expected by the God of Light. Seeing that his other self was still sleeping, the grumpy deceitful demon king immediately shook the idol in the temple, and Lanqin felt that the idol was about to Was shaken and fried.

If the God of Light really lives in this statue, I'm afraid I'm going to be dizzy now!

It doesn't look like his partner has something to ask the God of Light for help, but it looks like the God of Light owes his partner a lot of money and is going to mess things up.

The main reason was that his partner's expression was too angry, which made Lan Qin have such an idea, especially when the idol was easily picked up and shaken like a small toy, which was even more inconceivable.

"If you look like this, won't the God of Light be angry? Or don't..." Lan Qin frowned, and said a little worriedly, but before he finished speaking, the shining statue became even more Dazzling, even to the point where Lan Qin couldn't help closing his eyes and bowing his head.

The God of Light, who was planning to meet Lan Qin for the first time, saw Lan Qin closing his eyes, and suddenly realized that the fragile human pupils cannot accept such bright light.

Although this has always been the highest hospitality etiquette for the gods.

Whenever a guest you like comes to your field, the whole field will become extremely bright, which is also a concrete manifestation of the gods welcoming guests.

On the contrary, if it is a dark situation, it is absolutely not welcome. If the gods from afar want to forcibly enter the domain of other gods, I am afraid that there will be a big battle.

Regardless of whether it is an old god or a new god, the temper of a god will not be any better.

The God of Light pretended that he had just been woken up by the Deceitful Demon King, but he gave the Deceitful Demon King a very cold look. During this process, he did not even look at Lanqin for a second.

And the performance of the God of Light, in the eyes of the Deceitful Demon King, is obviously that the God of Light is still maintaining an attitude of staying away from love and despising love, and he has no idea about his beautiful wife.

This undoubtedly reassured the Deceitful Demon King, and he was more determined to put his wife in the realm of the God of Light for a period of time.

His wife is so weak and beautiful, if there is no strong guardian, she will definitely be snatched away and hurt.

The deceitful demon king absolutely cannot allow this.

So in front of Lanqin, the deceitful demon king began to treat the God of Light with a friendly expression for the first time, and kept a humble attitude of asking God to do things.

The deceitful demon king communicated with the God of Light using divine language, but it did not prevent Lanqin from understanding the meaning, and before coming here, his partner also discussed with him that he would leave for a period of time to handle errands.

Lan Qin accepted this well, and although the God of Light seemed very tall and unattainable, and his expression was very cold, Lan Qin always felt very kind when he looked at it.

Lan Qin glanced at his partner, then at the appearance of the God of Light, looked left and right for a while, and suddenly found in surprise that his partner's appearance was very similar to that of the God of Light!

It's just that one is dressed in black and the other is dressed in a holy white robe. Their expressions and temperament are also completely different. Unless the two stand together and are observed, it may be difficult to connect them.

After Lan Qin found out about this situation, there was something wrong with the eyes of these two gods, especially when he thought of the black dragon that was beheaded by the hero in the task details-- Lan Qin reasonably suspected that the dragon was not dead, and it was even possible In the end, the destruction of Yinzhou Continent has something to do with the hero killing the black dragon.

If the black dragon has a very close relationship with the God of Light, it is no wonder that the God of Light watched the destruction of the Kingdom of Goss with a cold eye, and did not even summon the huge sacred silver boat to save the world in the end.

It can be seen that the death of the black dragon, or the fact that it was killed, directly angered the God of Light.

From the ancient poems, there used to be many gods in this continent, but after the twilight period of the gods came, wars continued between many gods, and countless gods died in battle, until finally there was only one God of Light left. Walk and sow miracles among men.

If human beings even offend this last god and die, I am afraid that they will really die!

At this moment when Lan Qin was thinking, the conversation on the side of the gods also ended.

I don't know how his partner persuaded this cold God of Light. Anyway, the way the God of Light looked at him at the end changed from unsightly flowers and plants to flowers and plants that could barely be seen.

Lan Qin thinks this attitude is quite good, at least treat it as an ordinary guest.

In fact, Lan Qin is also a person with a relatively indifferent temperament. Generally speaking, he is not a particularly close person, and he doesn't want to socialize very much.

Especially in the mission world, what he values ​​is his partner and missions, and there is no need to care about anything else.

The Deceiver Demon King didn't talk too much to the God of Light, he just said very seriously that Lanqin is his lover, and now he needs to go back to deal with some troublesome things in hell, so he entrusts his lover to the God of Light.

"Gassierni, just help me take care of my baby. If you need me to do anything in the future, such as rebuilding two silver boats, I can promise you anything like that."

The deceitful lord Ausonia spoke very seriously, and his promise was more sincere than ever.

When the God of Light Gasilni heard such words, he frowned impatiently, but finally nodded indifferently in agreement, but there was no shortage of warnings, "Osonia, the most I can do is let him stay with me. He is fragile, if he dies of hunger and thirst, it has nothing to do with me."

When the God of Light said these words, the expression on his face was even more bored. He simply wanted to add hardships and twists and turns to his divine life.

The Deceiver Demon King saw such obvious repulsion from the God of Light. On the one hand, he felt relieved, and on the other hand, he was a little worried that his sweetheart would suffer here.

After thinking for a while, he asked, "Lan Chin's temperament is very quiet and introverted. I will prepare all kinds of food and water for him, so you can provide him with a place to live, and then don't let anyone but you see him. Contact my Lanqin."

Osonia felt that her request was really simple, so she didn't think the God of Light would disagree. How could he have imagined that he would be giving his love rival a lover now!

The God of Light glanced at Lan Qin who was not far away. Facing Lan Qin's gentle and smiling face, his heart was already throbbing and soft, but on the surface he still passed by very indifferently, and then put Consciousness sank into the statue.

This behavior of leaving so simply and neatly made Lan Qin a little worried. He didn't understand why he cared about the attitude of the God of Light, but after the God of Light left, when his partner took him to buy various things, Lan Qin really didn't care. Resisted to ask a sentence.

"Osonia, that god doesn't seem to welcome me very much. Will I disturb him too much? Or you'd better put me in any city and live by myself for a while." Lan

Chin I feel that I am an adult, and I don't need others to take care of me, and of course I don't need a god to take care of me.

And this is a complete waste of the time of the God of Light!

This is really embarrassing.

The deceitful demon king was very happy when he heard his sweetheart say that he didn't like the God of Light too much, "My dear, you don't like that pretentious guy of the God of Light! I don't like him too much either!" Lan Qin: "

? ??"

When did he say that he didn't like the God of Light? !

Lan Qin thought about it carefully, but he didn't find that he had said such a thing, but seeing his partner's very happy appearance, he couldn't help but doubt his life: Did he say it just now or once?

Maybe it was because he guessed that the God of Light would not save him, and asked the hero to kill the black dragon, so he showed his dislike for the God of Light? When Lan Qin was doubting his life, the deceitful devil had already bought a lot of things

quickly and put them in a magic ring for Lan Qin to store. This ring is also a very flamboyant gem and diamond ring, and Lan Qin felt that his hands became heavier when he wore it! I went shopping with my partner, and at the end Lan Qin reached in and touched the things stored in the ring a few times, and wondered if he was going to live with the God of Light for a long time. But Lan Qin also knew that it was impossible for his partner to leave for so long. After all, their relationship was so good. As long as things were settled as soon as possible, the dragon in his heart would come back immediately. So Lan Chin was not worried at all. Lan Qin, who could not refuse to go to the God of Light, asked another thing, which was the relationship between his partner and the God of Light. "Osonia, is there any special close relationship between you and the God of Light? Or are you friends? But I see that you look a little similar." Lan Qin was really curious, and he didn't understand. Where did my curiosity come from, but I just wanted to ask.

The deceitful demon king didn't think it was unusual for Lan Qin to ask this question, but thinking of the complicated situation between himself and the God of Light, if he told the truth, he would have to involve a lot of old gods, and this inciting trouble in the past was also It's not good to say it directly.

This will destroy his good image in Lan Chin's heart!

So the Deceiver Demon King said without changing his expression that the God of Light was his younger brother, and now it was only natural for him to ask his younger brother to help take care of his sister-in-law.

Did Lan Chin believe it?

Of course Lan Chin believed it!

But the God of Light who sneaked behind the young couple frowned directly: Although the relationship between Him and the Deceitful Demon King can indeed be regarded as brothers, it is obvious that He is the elder brother!

When the main body created the distraction, the God of Light remembered clearly that he was born two seconds earlier than the Deceitful Demon King! So He must be the elder brother, and the Deceitful Demon King is the younger brother!

Knowing that his partner is the brother of the God of Light, Lan Qin must also be a god, but compared to the high-profile behavior of the God of Light, his partner is much more low-key.

Probably because I have no interest.

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