1.10: Ghost hits the wall

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Yang Jian took out his mobile phone, after shaking it a few times there was still no signal , threw the phone back into the backpack in frustration, and then hurriedly left the accommodation with Lan Chin.

After walking a certain distance, Yang Jian still looked left and right, forward and backward, for fear that those demon-like villagers would suddenly rush out and beat them to death on the spot.

"Don't find us..."

Yang Jian kept murmuring nervously, and Lan Qin's mood also became heavy, because he didn't believe what Yang Jian said before.

On the contrary, Lan Qin firmly believed in what happened to Yang Jian.

The appearance of the protagonist means the death of passer-by A, and the place where a person can die, 8.9 out of 10 will not go there safely.

Now that Lan Qin was running away with Yang Jian, he had no hope that they could leave Qin Shiling safely.

But thinking of Yang Jian as a man with a wife and children, Lan Qin also hoped that Yang Jian could leave this dangerous place safely.

Lan Qin didn't care about his own safety, but facing Yang Jian, a good friend he just made, he also wanted to help.

The two hurried to the side of the wooden bridge. Yang Jian wanted to find out the horrible bloodstain and show it to Lan Qin, but it was strange that there was no trace left here.

Yang Jian was dumbfounded now, he was so anxious that he pointed to the place where the villagers killed the two outsiders before, trying to make Lan Qin believe him incoherently.

Lan Qin said in a good temper that he believed in Yang Jian, and said that they must leave quickly, otherwise it would be very dangerous if people in the village found out.

"Yes, yes, yes! If they don't find out, let's leave quickly..."

Yang Jian was agitated by what Lan Qin said, and immediately took Lan Qin's hand to leave without stopping.

And just when they stepped on the wooden bridge, several big fish also swam across the river under the wooden bridge, and before anyone found out, they jumped and dived and disappeared into the depths of the river.

All the way out of Shiling Village went smoothly, even so smooth that Lan Qin was surprised, he thought this place would not be so simple.

And after turning more than half a circle in the mountain forest, Lan Qin knew that they had encountered a ghost hitting the wall.

Yang Jian is fatter. After walking for so long, he has not been able to leave this area completely. In addition, he has not been able to eat dinner. He is really hungry. He is so tired that he is sitting on the ground panting, and at the same time he feels something is wrong.

"It's over, it's over! We can't go out, Lanqin is indeed haunted!"

Yang Jian sat on the ground, leaning against a big tree with his back, his face full of sadness and despair that the sky was about to fall, if not Taking into account his own face, Yang Jian felt that he could cry on the spot.

It's not that he and Lanqin have encountered such a situation before on business trips, but those villagers or townspeople asked for some money at most, and they would never kill people directly like what he saw in the river-let alone those villagers who ate them on the spot. people!

People who like this profession more or less also like to watch horror movies, and Yang Jian is no exception. The cruel and terrifying behavior of the villagers reminded him of a bloody horror movie he had seen.

People who have mutated and deformed due to biochemical research gather and live in remote mountains and forests, and they feed on passers-by who come to travel or explore. The killing methods are almost exactly the same as those of the villagers in Shiling Village.

Yang Jian was very clear about one thing. The fact that he witnessed the killing of those two outsiders would not be the first case, nor would it be the last case.

That's why he was so afraid.

People who are addicted to cannibalism like that are no longer human beings, they are simply lunatics!

No wonder no one else communicated with them except the village chief and his two children, and his mental outlook was so ghastly. It turned out that in the eyes of those villagers, he and Lan Qin were simply food. exist.

Yang Jian glanced at Lan Qin, who was on the sidelines, and felt that there might be a little mistake in his thinking just now.

He may be pure food, but Lan Qin is definitely different for Chen Hujin and Chen Huyin.

If you have to define Lan Chin's identity, it may be a good-looking and beloved pet.

Although pets don't sound good, they are

much better .

While paying attention to the surrounding situation, Lan Chin pretended to be thinking.

Yang Jian didn't know what Lan Qin was thinking, but now his thought was that luckily the weather wasn't hot, otherwise he would be sweating profusely in the scorching heat after running like this.

But such cool weather is not a good thing. If they can't go out until late at night, they will have to suffer from the cold all night.

Yang Jian and Lan Qin's cars were parked outside Qin Shiling, and they needed two or three mountains to get out. It would be no problem if they started in the morning, but now it was almost dusk, and they couldn't even find the way.

Just when the two were thinking about how to get out of Qin Shiling, a rustling sound came over, directly making Yang Jian and Lan Qin extremely vigilant.

They were worried that it was the villagers who found them leaving and chased after them, but the two figures running quickly from the forest made them let go of their worries and nervousness a little bit, because the two people who ran over were either someone else, or they had been there before. Qin Ziwei and Xu Yi met at the gate of the village.

When Yang Jian saw these two strangers who came to Shiling Village later than them, he couldn't help thinking of the two people who were killed, so he looked at Qin Ziwei and Xu Yi with pity and sympathy.

Qin Ziwei and the others were also very surprised to see Yang Jian, but when they thought about being chased and killed by the villagers before, they also thought that Yang Jian and the others also escaped from those villagers.

Probably due to the same foreign status and the experience of being chased and killed by the villagers, Xu Yi has no vigilance towards Lan Qin and Yang Jian.

But Qin Ziwei frowned and looked at the two strangers who suddenly appeared for a long time, his gaze was still passing by the camera hanging around Lan Qin's neck. The two reporters had been killed when they came to Shiling Village in the previous life , not even the whole body was left.

In fact, they were very familiar with Yang Jian's appearance, because they had seen Yang Jian in the village chief's kitchen, and to be precise, they had seen Yang Jian's brutally severed head.

Xu Yi couldn't forget that terrifying scene, and couldn't help turning his eyes away when he saw Yang Jian this morning and now.

"You were also hunted down by those villagers?"

Qin Ziwei's eyes fell on Lan Qin's beautiful and delicate face that was not real. He felt that it was most likely to be sacrificed as the bride of ghosts and gods, but when he thought of Lan Qin's previous life Maybe he was killed directly, and the current situation is not surprising.

Yang Jian and Lan Qin looked at each other, then nodded.

"Those villagers are simply crazy. They chase people with hammers and machetes, as if they are not people, but the fattest prey."

Yang Jian stood up, very excited, and gestured with both hands, at the same time He also told them about the killing of Chen Tiao and Jiang Yang.

"My condolences..."

Yang Jian said, not knowing what to say. Strangers may be afraid when they see someone being brutally killed, but if they are acquaintances who see their friends being brutally killed To kill is absolutely to have sorrow and heartache in the midst of fear.

Lan Qin didn't communicate with these two protagonists too much, after all, how can there be any reason why passerby A and the protagonists have a good conversation? !

Fortunately, Yang Jian talked a lot, whether it was Qin Ziwei or Xu Yi, he could talk to each other, and even because there were two more people in the escape team, his sense of security increased a lot.

Qin Ziwei didn't tell Yang Jian that Qin Shiling couldn't go out with them alone, but Xu Yi didn't have any idea, and directly said that Qin Shiling had a problem, and if they wanted to go out, they had to find someone else The villagers of Shiling Village lead the way.

Hearing this situation, Yang Jian immediately acted as a mask of pain, "Those lunatics just want to kill us and eat them, how could they lead us the way?"

And it's too dangerous to go back at this time! Maybe it's just going back to deliver food.

Xu Yi was also aware of this matter, they couldn't go out if they left, and they couldn't go back when they went back, so the four of them fell into a stalemate.


A slight meow broke the stalemate, and the eyes of the four people followed the sound, and then saw a black cat with shiny and smooth hair walking gracefully from one place to another. Come out of the bushes.


the appearance of the black cat, Qin Ziwei frowned on the spot. He didn't like hairy animals like cats, cats and dogs the most, especially what appeared to be black cats, which looked very unlucky.

Xu Yi is allergic to cat fur, but this does not prevent him from liking these cute animals, so he has no idea that his boyfriend doesn't like cute cats and dogs.

Yang Jian's originally negative emotions became happy the moment this beautiful and elegant black cat appeared. Even his eyes lit up suddenly, and he even squatted down and approached the cat slowly, mouthing The slimy 'little cat, come here' shouted.

Lan Qin felt that Yang Jian really looked like a greasy cat dealer now.

How could an elegant and cute cat pay attention to such a person?

Lan Qin's idea was obviously correct. The black cat didn't care about Yang Jian, who was sticky, and walked confidently, skipping Yang Jian, avoiding Qin Ziwei and Xu Yi, who he didn't like, and walking directly to Lan Qin. Leaning his little head on Lanqin's calf, he kept yelling 'meow meow'.

Yang Jian looked at this black cat, who was obviously arrogant, indifferent and elegant, but was so close to Lan Qin, and the voice that he barked was even more sticky and obedient, and his eyes were extremely envious.

"Lan Qin has always been loved by small animals, even my pigs like him very much, but, why do wild kittens like him so much..." Yang Jian said

enviously , while stretching out his hands to stroke the kitten's hair that looks very tactile, but the kitten leaped over with a quick jump.


Yang Jian felt that his fragile little heart was about to be shattered by the little cat's jump!

"Why? Why..."

Lan Qin felt helpless when he saw Yang Jian, a big man, making a gesture of Xizi holding his heart, but he still couldn't help reaching out with the black cat that jumped up in his arms Picked up a few cats.

I have to say, the feel is still very good.

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