- Desolate Star Observation Diary - 9.1: Extra 1

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God brought his lover back to the center of the universe system, and at this time all The systems in the world already know that they have a queen.

Except for the system 1122, which knows the inside story, crying to death, it is impossible to believe that the great god is really out of order. There are many other systems that are also crying ghosts and howling, and even high-level systems need to come forward to solve this matter.

God doesn't care what the system thinks. After all, when God created the center of the universe system, it was actually just a whim. He didn't have anything to do, so he played such a game when he was bored.

Moreover, God occasionally goes to some small worlds to play the villain role. Compared with the protagonist, God is still more enthusiastic about being a villain, which can create a sense of pleasure for God.

But such a sense of pleasure seems insignificant after meeting the destined lover.

Generally speaking, even a god who has lost his memory will be very dedicated when playing the villain, and will try to use only one point of strength to deal with the protagonist.

But no one thought that in a certain small world, the god would go crazy because of the loss of an ordinary human being, and even beat the protagonist like a ball.

The small world collapsed due to the death of the protagonist, and the dereliction of distraction quickly returned to the main body, and then the god fell silent after checking the memory of distraction.

Originally, a distracted memory was not enough to shake the body, but after a steady stream of distractions came back, they all fell in love with the same human being.

This made the ontology have to pay attention, and then the ontology who was curious about the past soon fell.

In this regard, God just wants to say that love really is unreasonable.

Also, when did his love brain grow out? Why was he not aware of it at all!


After Lan Qin followed his partner back to the center of the universe system, he fell into an embarrassing state of having no goals in life and doing nothing in his daily life, and his partner was in sharp contrast to him.

Because as soon as the news that God had a partner spread, countless systems in the main hub were burned out due to over-excitement, which directly caused the work of God to increase rapidly.

This indirectly leads to God not being able to accompany His lover all the time.

Feeling very bored, Lan Qin took out the last mission world that originally belonged to him after thinking for a while - "Desolate Star Observation Diary". Lan Qin knew that it was very likely that he would not meet him this time in the past Mate, but he was originally there to do the task.

He can't make too many contributions to the peace of the universe, but he can't always eat God's soft food. As long as he can make a contribution, it won't be so abrupt for him to stay in the center of the universe system.

In fact, it is because he is the only human being in the center of the universe system, although according to his partner, he has broken away from the identity of a human being and has become an immortal existence like a god.

He just wants to get more abilities, he can only rely on his own efforts.

Lanchin also abducted System 1122 before leaving the Cosmic System Center.

System 1122 only feels complicated about this. After all, as the most common system, it is just because of luck that it has a bonded relationship with God's partner, and then it no longer has to work hard, and it can be directly upgraded to an advanced system without going to the small ones. The world does tasks.

But the system 1122 feels very strange about such a life of lying and winning. After all, its previous tasks are not too hard, and it has always been lazy and fishy. Of course, such things must be done secretly.

When I used to work, I always thought about upgrading and retiring, but now that I have really retired, the system 1122 feels that it is not very good, and it is not because of other things, but because I am bored.

It was because of such boredom that System 1122, facing Lan Qin's invitation, immediately agreed after hesitating for a while, and secretly chose the fastest and most suitable route for Lan Qin to leave the center of the universe system.

By the time God sensed that something was wrong and hurried back, His partner had already been taken away by System 1122 and disappeared without a trace.

After confirming that Lan Qin has entered the small world with System 1122, God only felt helpless, but the matter had come to this point, so he could only choose to agree with Lan Qin to enter the mission mode.

Just entering the small world rashly like this, His partner will definitely lose his memory. God will not rest assured that his partner will do the task like this, because the failure rate will definitely be higher than 50%, and the risks encountered at the same time will increase without limit .

How can God not worry about this?

Had I known that this kind of thing would happen, God would not have given System 1122 as a toy to His lover...


Chin and System 1122 have never encountered such a task, so when Lan Chin entered When he passed out immediately after the task world, the system 1122 immediately panicked.

This is the companion of the gods. If something goes wrong in the mission world, the entire system can be dismantled and sent to the recycling place. As for the upgraded and reorganized ones, even if the number is still 1122, it will never be the current system. 1122.

This is what System 1122 is most afraid of. It is not easy for it to achieve its current achievements-although this difficulty is reflected in its binding with Lan Chin, the host, System 1122 firmly believes that this is still not easy.

Unable to contact the host Lanqin, the system 1122 immediately sent a message to the Universe System Center for help after panicking for a while, but it took a while to wait for the rescue. The system 1122 calmed down a little and began to receive the mission details.

This task was originally prepared by the system 1122 for the almost new host, so the difficulty is not particularly difficult, but this is when the host has memory. Now that the host has no memory, it is difficult to handle.

Not to mention that its host, Lan Qin, still got the passer-by script, so the risk is even greater!

Just when System 1122 was jumping up and down in a hurry, he suddenly sensed the aura of God, which meant that God had also entered the mission world.

This discovery immediately made System 1122 heave a sigh of relief. Anyway, as long as there is God, there is no need to panic when encountering anything.

Lan Qin only remembered that he was an 18th-line starlet who had been hidden for a long time, and the reason for being hidden was because he refused to be hidden by unspoken rules.

After he refused to sell himself, his resources were immediately cut off.

After eating instant noodles for several months and almost getting kicked out by the landlord, Lan Chin finally decided to take a gamble and participate in the shooting of the alien documentary that has been called "Death Expedition".

Lanchin felt that with so many shots of alien planets, maybe he would have luck picking one that wasn't particularly dangerous.

But after the registration was successful, Lan Chin found that he was unlucky enough to draw the most dangerous Desolate Star.

That is the planet where the mechanical clan who defected from the human planet gathered. After the human race passed, even if those robots would not kill other humans because of the cosmic peace agreement, the torture and cold treatment that they should have is absolutely indispensable.

Moreover, there is absolutely no chance for humans to win against robots of the mechanical family!

How could he draw such an alien planet? Isn't it true that someone is deliberately targeting him? !

Lan Qin couldn't figure it out, he really wanted to refuse to go to the deserted star as a spaceship, but he could only choose to give in when he thought of the almost sky-high liquidated damages.

What a damn capitalist!

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